
Chapter 57: Wife

"I do not have a soul," she whispered.

He stared down at her, obviously confused. Balthazar said they never worried about a lack of a soul because they were born with it. She leaned closer again. "Without a soul, I can't promise to love you," she said urgently.

"Why don't you promise, and I will understand that it means you will love me when you gain your soul."

"All right." It still didn't feel right, but if he was satisfied with it, she'd do it. While she promised to do things she doubted someone without a soul was capable of, her organic heart beat erratically. Did his words mean that he planned to give her a soul eventually? There had been a calculating look on his face she didn't trust. Maybe he'd refuse to give her a soul until she provided him with information about her fellow cyborgs.