
Tsukune the sun breather

Tsukune aono by most peoples standards he’s average but the thing is he’s not he was born with the power of sun breathing a power that allows him to use the energy of the sun to give him the power to defeat any being even if the sun isn’t there. But when he meets Moka a vampire he descovers he is meant for a great destiny.

ian_brooks · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

the school delima ( this marks the end of part one.)

after training moka in the martial arts he planned on teaching her the two were currently resting whenever inner moka told him she wanted to come out.

after releasing her she smiled at him.

" tsukune I want to make you mine." she said.

" but I thought I was already yours moka in more ways than one?" he said.

she shook her head.

" I want to make you my Familiar so please let me give you my blood." she said.

it was two nights before the school festival and Tsukuné was aware that moka was feeling a bit frisky so this was why.

" moka are you sure I mean this is more than just you're body heart or soul this is the very thing that you are proud of." he said.

moka nodded flashing him her sweetest of smiles.

tsukune removed his shirt and exposed his neck and moka bit his neck injecting her blood into him while making it as painless as possible his grandpa told him that even though sun breathing was a martial art meant for humanity to battle vampires it can be used by those who are monsters with pure hearts

(A\N I know it's not Canon but I wanted to form an inseparable bond between the two and also I wanted to give him more protection than being the king and queens son in law and the grandson of the man all vampires fear.)

Tsukune felt a power rushing through his vains he also felt a thirst for blood but not just anyone's blood for moka's blood and he felt his teeth grow sharper so he did what came natural he bit her neck as a power rush overcame them like the thrill of a rollercoaster drop and like all thrills the exhilaration hit both of them once the surge ceased.

" *pant pant* WOW." he said.

" Hmm wow indeed." she said and she kissed his neck running her hot Tongue over his wound sealing it up.

" here let me seal yours too." he offered before he planted a hamön infused kiss to her neck healing her.

moka smiled she wondered what she did to deserve this sweet yet powerful halfling.

"awright let's get back to training your other self." tsukune said.

after sealing inner moka and outer recovered from vertigo they began training for the past two days tsukune had made it very important for moka to build up her strength mainly in her arms and legs but also in her hips although the later was more about flexibility.

moka was actually very sturdy and thanks to being a vampire she had loads of stamina.

tsukune began by teaching her Bajiquan since it was the most difficult style to use but when properly done could be very deadly then Tsukuné began teaching moka the art of Tai chi boxing the reason was because the two shared similar movements and strengths although while Bajiquan was mostly linear and Ancient Tai chi boxing was a Stark contrast while Bajiquan was linear and rigged tai chi was circular and fluid while Bajiquan used mostly the tiger tai chi used mostly the crane he spent the first day teaching her the internal arts which for moka she managed to understand the application of each technique especially in tai chi which took a genius or a well taught disciple to master meanwhile in the second day tsukune taught her the styles of long fist and Jeet-kune-Dō which were two styles that put emphasis on leg moves and speed unlike the former who put emphasis on hand moves and power Tsukuné also taught moka a few moves involving Fa-jing such as the Bajiquan move Moukoh-kouhazan the tai chi move called the brush and Blow ( a corkscrew blow like palm.) the Long fist move of the tiger claw, and the Jeet-kune-Dō move of the sūnken or one inch Punch which tsukune taught each application of.after training he sparred with her and after they ate dinner he made love with both inner and outer moka's.

it was the day of the festival and the group had been proud to show their parents well except tsukune whose mom and dad were dead but they were yet to realize a threat that would change the groups life would come on this day tsukune was currently enjoying the view of the academy roof when he spotted a large tattooed man comeing towards him.

" can I help you sir?" he asked.

" yes you can, die tsukune Aono!" he shouted and pulled a gun.

tsukune however already saw it and moved fast faster than even possible he moved so fast that time itself slowed down and Tsukuné delivered a powerful cat hand strike to the man's stomach punching straight through him.

Tsukuné whistled that's the power of a vampire using hamön well then guess I better learn to control my strength however someone came running out bomb there's a bomb in the school Tsukuné yelped and jumped from the roof in time to avoid the explosion.

tsukune found his friends amongst the rubble of the school fortunately the girls were fine then Tsukuné ran to find Akasha fighting another vampire tsukune managed to save her and punch the girl out.

" that was unexpected." said Akasha.

" well I guess we have no choice school will have to be suspended until we can fix this mess." said the vampire queen.

" well I guess it can't be helped but I should get some training during the leave." said tsukune.lthe group finally would have some time to grow stronger.