
Trying To Take My Mask Off

My dream came true but I'm not happy. I became a legend in the entertainment world, and everybody knows me. But I sacrificed too much to stand here. I don't even know myself anymore. If you ask me what my biggest regrets are. It is that I don't know myself anymore, that I don't feel what I used to feel, that I don't know what makes me happy, that I'm now almost like a robot. It would be nice if I could change myself. If I could just turn back the time or go to another world, it doesn't matter what, if I could do it I would. And then I would change myself and search for what I want and become a person again. The girl smiled and said: "I'll give you a change." [Will you take this change and change yourself or will you stay the same? I really hope you'll change and be happy this time.] ---------------------------------------------- A boy who achieved his dream but felt alone met a girl who gave him a second chance. Will he be happy this life? ____________________________________________ THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW: English is not the language that I speak normally. So, my novel will have a lot of mistakes here and there so be prepared if you are going to read this. But it will be an honor if you will be reading my first novel. You can contact me by my e-mail MightyMiruLin@gmail.com or on instagram MightyMiruLin. Updates on days when I have time. Disclaimer: _Cover art belongs to the rightful owner_ Started: somewhere around April 2021 Ended:

MightyMiruLin · LGBT+
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83 Chs

Extra 4.7_POV Melissa

A/N: This time the chapter is thrice as long or even longer than normal so be prepared! This is actually my second draft. My first version wasn't really to my liking, so I'm happy that I didn't post it because this one was more in the line to what I was seeing in my head.

I have a feeling there will be a lot of mistakes but please don't mind it too much. I hope it would be at least readable.

The school part is done! Now only a part of her home, that's only if you don't mind though. If you don't want that part I won't write it. It's not that important to begain with. So, do tell me if you don't want me to write that part!

Thank you for the power stones, WeirdPandaPerson and Corninha_69_106_!

I wish you all a happy reading time!


[When will the bell ring?]

I was sitting impatiently on my chair waiting for the bell that seemed to never come. My knees began to shake to show how bored I felt at that moment.

"If you have three red coins, two blue coins and five yellow coins in a box where you pick three random coins. What is the chance that you'll get three different colors when you take a coin out without putting it back?"

[I don't care!]

I was taking notes while trying to not go to my own world, to my imaginations. It was hard but I did succeed, half. My mind was on what our teacher said, but at the same time it didn't want to register anything. You can say it came in one ear and went out in the other.

But math is a subject that I really need to be focused on because it's something I'm not the best at. If I miss one word, it feels as if I missed a whole year of explanation why it is what it is.

I tried and tried to get my head in the lesson, but it didn't work. That made me so mad!

[It's all Lenora her fault! She better explains this!]

I'm still thinking about what Lenora was going to say. It just won't get out of my head! First, I wanted to run to their class in our five minutes break, but the teacher was oh so kind to let us stay longer in class because our last test was fabulous.

That's why I missed my chance to end this curiosity, and now it's killing me!


After what seemed to feel like years, the bell rung and ended this absolutely amazing class.

I put my books and exercise book from math away in my schoolbag and called out to my friends who were sitting a bit further from me.

"Fast! Fast! We need to go quickly!"

Most of the time we don't meet up with our friends from other classes in the breaks. Even more when our classrooms are so far away from each other. We walk to each other's classroom, but we never arrive on the other's class. When we meet each other in the corridor, we just stand there talking, waiting for the bell to ring once again to announce the beginning of another amazing class.

But right now, I won't care to walk or even run to their classroom! I'm not lying when I say I hate running. You can see how much the curiosity in me is killing me.

"Okay, okay, calm down.", my friend, Alice, said to me while putting her books away on her own pace. And her pace was everything BUT fast.

"Yeah, what's the hurry?", my other friend, Celine, asked me while she too put her books away EXTREMELY slowly.

I couldn't help but think that they were putting their non existing books away so slowly to irritate me, and they succeeded: "Of course, it's because I am still so curious about what Lenora wanted to tell us. So, hurry up a bit!"

"Please!", I quickly added to not sound bossy if I did, and I'm just too used to add it that it became a habit.

But even when I added please and looked at them with almost crying eyes, they didn't even glance at me and still cleaned up their already neat desk meticulously. So, I could only stand on the side while watching them doing their own thing while I was being completely ignored.

"I'm done.", Celine said after a while.

"Yeah, me too.", Alice told us when she was finally satisfied with her desk that still looks totally the same as she started cleaning it.

I easily forgot that I was ignored for a while, and happily took the lead to our friend's classroom.

"Go! Let's go fast!"

When we walking, I noticed that we almost reached their class but we still haven't met up with them. It was extremely weird because we were quite long in our classroom that I thought we would see each other fast, but we couldn't even see a trace of them.

Of course, there was always a possibility that hey were on the toilet, but I doubt it.

Before we could reach our end destination, I no we realized that something was different from normal. It is quite normal for the door to be opened so that others could easily come in and out of the class, but the door was closed, and nobody seemed to plan to open it.

There were even some people who were standing outside the room, and I could remember that they sometimes hanged out with people of Lily's class. They seemed to hesitate to go in, but at the end they turned back and walked away.

"Why wouldn't they go in?", Celine asked us.

"I've got no idea.", I answered back.

"Maybe something happened?", Alice added not sure of herself.

"Only one way to know! Let's go take a look!"

I took the lead and went slowly but steadily closer and closer till we reached the part where we could look inside the windows.

I could barely reach the window, but it didn't stop me from looking inside.

I whispered to my friends: "Bend down people."

"Why?", Alice asked while she went through her knees.

"Of course, it's because we are secretly observing them. They would be able to see you guys through the class because you are so tall."

"I don't get why we should secretly observe them?", Celine said while she too bends down beside me.

"Just let me be. I'll solve the mystery."

My friends just sighed when they saw me getting up and secretly looked inside the room. At first, I didn't see anything wrong beside that everyone was quiet.

"Something did happen.", Alice confirmed when she looked inside while she bend down till only her eyes could be seen through the window.

"Why do you think so?", Celine asked while looking at the class.

"Don't you see how quiet everybody is. It's just not normal."

"Now you mention it.", Celine said as if she understood what Alice said.

"I didn't see it, okay? So, tell me!", I told them when they were getting all mysterious on their own.

Celine only sighed, but finally decided to tell me what they found weird: "Don't you think that a class would be absolutely silent when there are students in who are called Lenora and Lilyann?"

"It would never be quite when they are together. They could be so loud that you could hear them till our own classroom. I wouldn't be surprised if we came and saw them jumping on their desk while singing children song.", Alice added to Celine's explanation.

I knew that what they told me was true, but I couldn't help but chuckle when I hear Alice saying how they would jump and sing. I could actually totally see it before me. So, it is quite suspicious that they were so quiet, they didn't even sit beside each other but on their own desk.

We once again bend down while whispering to each other.

"What are we going to do?", Alice asked us.

"I don't know?"

"Let me take another look.", I planned to just take a look to see if there were any other abnormality, but I instantly regretted it.

My eyes went to each student one by one looking for any clue that may explain what could happened in this class. When my eyes reached at the back of the class. My eyes couldn't help but stay a second longer on the boy who was sleeping most of the time.

He was just too handsome for JUST a look, but that was the thing I most regretted.

I was planning to take just another look for a second or two maybe even three, but I quickly dismissed it when they boy I was secretly staring at suddenly turned to me.

His cold eyes could be felt even through the window even when I couldn't see his eyes because they were hidden, I still felt a shiver going through my whole body.


Like an animal sensing danger, I bend down without even progressing what I was doing.

"What's wrong?", Celine asked me when the conversation between them were interrupted by my sudden movement.

I didn't pay them any mind and tried to calm my poor heart that was scared by the situation. After when I was finally calm again, I looked once again in the room and noticed that he didn't look at this direction anymore.

A sigh escaped my mouth. I would really be scared out of my mind if he was still looking here. I'm not lying when I say I saw my short life flashing by.

"Haha…", I don't know why, but I couldn't help but laugh dryly.

"Why are you laughing so weirdly?", Alice asked me curious.

"You wouldn't want to know.", I told them: "But I'll call you guys at night because I'm almost 100% sure I'll be having a nightmare tonight."

"What?", they both looked confused, but I wasn't planning to explain further.

"Nothing", I replied after taking a breath once again while trying to erase something from my mind: "I think I found one of the reasons why they are so quiet."

"Really!", Alice said while looking through the window again: "Why then?"

I didn't dare to look at his direction again and only explained what I saw while they looked. Not my problem if they too were caught by him, right?

"Didn't you guys notice that the boy, at the back of the class, is the boy who is known for being asleep most of the time. But he is clearly awake, and he seems to be in a bad mood, in a very VERY bad mood."

"Now you mention it.", they both looked at the boy who sat in the corner: "He really is awake."

"And his mood doesn't seem to be all the best as you said."

"Not to mention that he already scary guy became even scarier and more intimidating than before."

[That scary and intimidating guy just looked right in my eyes! He looked even more intimidating and scarier than he does right now!]

I complained in myself. I regretted it so much that I stared so long at him. I really needed to do something to my unhealthy obsession of handsome boys.

When I saw they were still looking inside, I knew it meant that he didn't stare at them. And that meant that it was safe to look inside again.

I once again looked inside, but it didn't take long when I thought I was really going crazy.

"Huh?", I said dumbly.

"What's wrong?"

"That- ", I replied while I took my glassed of to rub my eyes to once again to put my glasses on. But the sight didn't change, so what I was currently seeing was true, and wasn't my imagination.

"Ouch!", I cried out when I was suddenly hit by my friend, Alice. "Why did you hit me!", I questioned her angrily while caressing my head where she hit me.

"It's because you didn't finish your sentence and only looked dumbly at the window. I was afraid you'll become even dumber than you already were if you continued to have that look on you face."

"You- You are so mean!"

She once again hit me on my poor head: "Don't be such a baby"

"Stop hitting her.", Celine said.

"Celine…", I looked at her without hiding my appreciation that at least one of my friends cared about me enough to stop this woman's violence, but my appreciation didn't last for long.

"You don't want her braincells to die because of you hitting her head. With how weak she is, I won't be surprised that he braincells would be as weak as her body itself."

Alice really looked extremely convinced with what Celine said, she even nodded with how much she agreed: "You're right. I overlooked it because I forgot she had things called braincells in her head."

Listening to them talking about how they best could manage me without damaging my few surviving braincells, made me speechless. I couldn't interfere with their 'serious' conversation at all, and at the same time I felt extremely insulted!

Why does it feel like a déjà vu?

[In the first place I'm not that dumb!]

"You guys are so mean!", I once again whined after being teased over and over these past few days.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry.", Alice said when she was finally done playing around.

"Yeah, me too", Celine continued after Alice apologized: "I didn't mean everything I said."

Somehow the way Celine said the last part bothered me a bit too much, but I can't point out what. Before I could think further about it, I was questioned by Alice.

"So, why did you suddenly look so dumb?"

I couldn't react for a while, the topic changed too fast for me to progress to add that I didn't even understand what she wanted me to answer.

[When did I look dumb?]

In hope of helping me Celine added some things that could refresh my memories: "You know, when you looked inside and out of nowhere you were rubbing your eyes."

"Ah, that's right!", I quickly looked inside the room to see that it still was the same when I last looked.

"Look!", I loud whispered.

"At what?", Alice asked while looking in the room without knowing where she needed to look at.

I really wanted to point where I was seeing something unbelievable, but in the end I didn't for fear of the boy beside: "Look beside Narcys! At Lucius's seat."

"It better won't be anything like you thought he looked very handsome today.", Celine complained, but she, together with Alice, turned to the place I just talked about.

"It's not I promise!"

I waited impatiently to see their reaction to the unbelievable thing that is happening inside. But sadly, for me they didn't react as much as me.

"Aren't you surprised?", I asked still not ready to admit defeat.

"No, I ain't.", Alice said while continuing: "I would be if I saw it before you, but your reaction made me think that it was something even more unbelievable."

"That- ", right now I really hated my reactions. If I didn't react so hard, she would be shocked out of her wits. If only I could react as calmly as her.

"Totally the same.", Celine answered: "But who would she be?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen her the past month."

"Maybe they are family? They do have the same kind of hair color and seem to be comfortable enough to share skin ship."

"I'm not sure, if she is in their class, doesn't it mean they are in the same class? But in the past few days she wasn't even seen here.", Alice refuted Celine her reasoning with some words: "Not to mention that the girl would be the same age as the rest, and I didn't hear anything about Lucius being a twin. I mean she could have skipped a grade, but I doubt it."

"You're right, but I can't come up with another reason."

"Maybe they are a couple?", I said confidently after they were done guessing.

Both of them only rolled their eyes: "You can clearly see that they are anything but a couple. The way they act is more like siblings spoiling each other."

Alice and Celine refuted everything I said in a sentence or two, I could almost spat blood with how much they refuted me without giving me any care.

I knew that they weren't a couple the first time I saw them. They just didn't have that feeling, you can say. It's hard to explain, but I just felt it.

The only reason why I ever said that was because I hoped that they would have a shocked expression but in the end I suffered.

[I regret it!]

"I'm sorry okay, I was just joking.", I told them while holding my hands up as a sign of surrender.

They began to talk about something, but I didn't care anymore. I wanted to do something, just something, although I don't have any idea what I wanted to do.

I randomly looked through the window. I wasn't planning to look or anything, but somehow my eyes met another pair of eyes. The eyes I met was the second most beautiful eyes I ever met. The holder had ocean blue eyes and it seemed to hide a mischievous side. It felt like I could drown in her eyes.

The girl who I held eye contact with smiled at me. Even her smile seemed to hide a mischievous side, a daredevil side. A side that could infuriate the people around her.

It was also the girl who sat on the lap of the handsome boy, Lucius.

She looked away from me and picked something up from Lucius's desk. They were too far away for me to exactly know what she picked up, but I didn't need to wait for long to know what she was planning to do.

The girl graciously threw it to the boy left. The boy, Narcys, seemed to expect it and easily caught the throwed object. Before a sound could go out of his mouth, she turned around and ignored him bluntly. She even looked back at me with a victorious smile. Just like she did something amazing. Narcys beside him looked so frustrated that I was afraid he would just explode on that moment.

I suddenly have a feeling that I know why the class was so silent.

"Let's go inside.", Celine concluded after they were done analyzing the pro and cons.

"Huh?", I was so confused. The scene I just saw couldn't get out of my head as much as I tried.

"Let's open the door.", Alice answered my confused self.

"You can go if you guys want to, but I'm not opening that door even if it will cost my life.", I told them because I had a feeling my life would end the moment I step inside.

"Why?", Alice asked disappointed.

"Yeah, why? Didn't you want to know what Lenora wanted to say to us?"

"I'll ask on a later time. Just open the door if you want to know, but I'm not going."

In the end we were still trying to convince each other to open the door, but Celine and Alice were too scared to open it, and I didn't want to risk my life. So, we decided to give up and go back to our own classroom.

On the way Alice asked a question to nobody especially: "Why would they now be so silent?"

I think I know the reason, but I wasn't planning to say anything. The biggest reason would be that other people in the hallway would overhear me, and rumors would be spread because of me. When those rumors reach him, I'm not sure how I'll live.

That's why I decided to take this secret in me till I lay safely in my grave.