
Tryan Magical Palace

In the enchanting realm of Ethinora, Tryan, a formidable and mystical being, wielded unparalleled power that rendered him invisible to any would-be conqueror. Yet, in his relentless pursuit of greater invisibility, he finds himself inexplicably transported to an unfamiliar world, stripped of his identity and purpose. Embarking on a quest to rediscover himself in this new reality, Tryan becomes ensnared in a tapestry woven with threads of love, hatred, unwavering loyalty, and an insatiable thirst for both magic and redemption. In a world where the boundaries between enchantment and reality blur, only the potent forces of love, magic, and the elusive whispers in the silence hold the key to his rescue. Join Tryan on a journey where the boundaries of the seen and unseen converge, and where the echoes of his destiny are whispered in the wind, waiting to be unraveled. In this spellbinding tale, the power of the invisible and the might of the intangible collide in a symphony of emotions, beckoning readers into a world where the heart's desires dance with the unknown...

Nikkybrien270 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Episode 36: Nightmare

Elena was sitting in her room alone, with worries written all over her face, and at the same time, she was deep in thought.

'I think things are about to get out of hand, and I will need to talk to Mom about this before I lose my grip on the situation before me!' Elena thought to herself, as she continued to look at her phone that was on the bed she was sitting, on before she finally picked the phone up, to put a call through to her mom.

"Hello Mom, good afternoon" Elena greeted without a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Good afternoon my baby, why are you sounding this dull?" Her mom questioned her immediately she noticed she sounded dull and unhappy, on the other end of the phone.

"Mom I'm not happy, you remember what made me come over to this place right?" Elena said as she continued sounding unhappy.

"Sure I do my baby, have you not been able to settle down, to get the man of your dreams?" Her mom asked her, as she sounded concerned.