
Try not to throw the table (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Just writing something to clear my mind. Lil' poems, thoughts, anything. :3 (I don't know why is there no option for writing for anybody, for some reason you have to choose between male and female targeted)

DaoistEsQYVm · Realistic
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11 Chs

One week gift

The worst gift anyone can choose for me is a flower. Not beacuse of some teenage need to not be girly. I think flowers are beatiful.

I'll say thank you, smile. But I will know that at least for a week, I'll be watching something die infront of me.

And it will die, because of me.

Am i too sensitive? I don't know.

We take flowers from their place, where they could live much longer. Just to watch them die. Such a masochists, without even realising it. Funny