
truth and lies create lives

It's a story about how a guy get's bullied by a few people in his class. He thought he was being bullied because he was a loser, but that wasn't why.

Vyas_Kota · Realistic
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2 Chs


She finally shows up, this is where everything begins, everyone related to the incident 7 months ago is present here, and someone in these very people is the real perpetrator of what happened 5 months ago. So why did that seem so deliberate, why did they suddenly come and ask for money, it doesn't add up, and ths smirk the 3 had when I told them I didn't have that much money, was there an ulterior motive behind why they asked for money. Here I thought I didn't have to worry about the money part of the bullying.

Mansi approached me, and said "Are you ok? looks like he smacked you really hard on the ground", I said "I'm alive atleast". she said "Now don't worry the brigade will look after you from now on so there's no need to worry about anything, you are safe in our hands". I said "thank you, I appreciate it" she delightfully replied "no worries" damn she's so cute.

So let's have a brief introduction of Mansi,

she's a formar victim of bullying that was done by Sanjana who was recently expelled 5 months ago. Mansi is the richest person in the college, and because of that very reason Sanjana was jealous of her and started bullying her, I'm more surprised that people didn't report the incident about her, it was because of what happened 7 months ago, someone who reported Sanjana was expelled in a matter of 5 days.

After Sanjana was expelled, Mansi worked really hard to fend off the bullies from the college and make a peaceful environment, by doing that she has a lot of followers, she even held campaigns and donations that went off very well, which isn't surprising since she has become the college's idol of sorts and is also the head of the disciplinary committee and the health department head. Her father is a very influential doctor who is the head of a really big hospital which has 7 branches worldwide makes me wonder why she's studying here, she's the richest in the college.

She held an anti bullying campaign abt 3 months ago and had cctv cameras installed in the college to stop bullying from happening, but I have seen many blind spots in many areas, which makes me question the management. she also held a donations for physically handicapped people which was also a huge success since neighborhood colleges and schools also participated in it.

She held many events to help the college and happened to be successful in most of them. That very person is now very close to me for whatever reason, why is she so close. she asked "how many months has it been since you were being bullied?", I replied, "about 5 months". she seemed shocked "5 months, I'm sorry we couldn't come earlier", I replied "it's alright what matters is that you people showed up, thank you" she blushed and replied "it's no problem, it's our job afterall" well I seemed happy that she was happy.

I was really having a good time with Mansi, seemed to be too quick for this to happen, but it's probably obligation, we went to movies with the brigade and went shopping and did lots of other things with the brigade, she was awfully close to me for some reason, and I am not complaining. So she probably wants

something, but what would that be.

I went and asked her, "do you want something", she replied "what? no I don't, why do you ask". I replied nervously, "ooh it's nothing", I'm probably being paranoid since it's been a long time since I talked to women I can't differentiate between friends and lovers.

We were having a nice coffee near the cafeteria in the college while talking, and she slipped in some words saying " How nice would it be if I could meet the person who expelled Sanjana" I said " Ooh yaa you were bullied by Sanjana right, I totally forgot" Mansi seemed frightened " Yaa I still remember those days as clear as day, they still haunt me" I apologized"ooh sorry I didn't know you were that traumatized by it since you seem all right, it's alright since she got expelled already, so don't be afraid" Mansi replied " thanks Jiv" I was startled and a Lil embarrassed to hear her say my name, since it was the first time she said it, "haha, no problem, you also helped me so we are even" than she smiled delightfully, what a nice girl

I heard her say something and asked her again "do you really want to meet the guy who expelled Sanjana", Mansi replied while blushing "yes I want to meet him and I'd go out with him", I was a little sad but I had an idea a real evil one and said " so I will be honest than, I am the one who expelled Sanjana and that's why they have been bullying me" I said it, looks like the plan's finally about to get to it's final stage.

she was shocked "what?" I said "I am the one who helped you. Well you don't have to date me, but I have a favour to ask. Mansi said "what is it", I replied "I'll tell you when I need it" she said "ok than, but are you really the one who expelled Sanjana" I said "yaa it's true, it was in the spur of the moment I found evidence and I showed it to the college principal who seems to be the only one who has a grasp on what's going on, so he expelled her on my behalf" yaa it's true technically I was the one who expelled her, and the story I told her is a little different from the one that happened. she said "is that soo, well I need to thank you properly now don't I"

I said "well I might need your help already, the thing is I want to expose those bastards for bullying me for 5 straight months, I will get my revenge and here's my plan"

I went back home and the day passes and another day starts, this is where I give those bastards a beating, all my 8 months of grief and anguish, I'll really put them in their place.

The day started with one of the bullies showing up beside me and telling me to come with them, I went with them, and than started running away into a building which was a storage room I was really scared so I hid there, how did this happen I thought they would leave me alone after that, that definately wasn't their plan and how did they know I was there, that isn't my usual spot.

So they found me in the storage room after 10 mins of hiding and started beating me up, they started stripping me and beating me with different types of leather objects and and started picking me with needles, how could this be why did I come here of all places there isn't a cctv camera so why did I come here.

after a while of torture I snapped and started laughing like a lunatic, they angrily asked " tf are you crying about, do we look like jokers to you damn it" said Nitin than manav replied " now tell us who expelled Sanjana and why did they do it, we need answers damn it"

I replied "I was the one who did it fuckers, so what if I did it, do you have a problem, that girl deserved it, she had it coming to her. how dare she bully my nice little Mansi, how could she, she is so gentle and fragile she would just shatter if I touched her and you dared to make her go through such heinous experience" all according to plan.

Manav said " Just because that bitch helped you doesn't mean that you can keep rambling shitface, you really think you can get away from us in this small room keep dreaming boy", I said with full confidence " come out mansi" and mansi came out with a recorder in hand and had a smirk up her face. "this is the end for you".

They saw her and started laughing and said "this was your final plan how pathetic, I thought you were better than this because we couldn't catch you for the past 5 months dumbass" I thought what do they mean and said " so you think she can't get out of here neither can I do you, really now are you people dumb, she already has it stored in her cloud" and Nitin said in response " Look at the recorder shit face, do you not see that the recorder isn't on" when I looked I realised the recorder wasn't on.

Mansi started laughing "Never thought it'd take us 5 months to catch this shit face" everyone started laughing with her. I was shocked what is going on here, how can this go so perfectly, it's so perfect that it's like they are dancing in the palm of my hands, are they that dumb, I didn't think she'd reveal herself after so much work did she think I trusted her so much, I had a smirk at my face and started laughing with amusement. I thought a perfect example of stupid humans.

"I really wanted to see the despair in your eyes

after realising how fucked you were but boy u have gone insane and started laughing like an idiot" said Mansi.

Let's go back to the past, about an year ago months ago

"Hey bro what are you doing get up we need to go to college it's already late",

I saaw her and replied "good morning what's the time" she replied "it's 8:00am" I replied "WHAT" and started getting dressed up quickly, and said "let's go", she replied "don't talk to me so casually broo, and don't act like you know me at college. It was the start of the new college year and this girl was my sister Sanjana. This is where it all started.