

A strange world. Alone and no one in sight. What could go wrong?

Galaxy127 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The New World

I was walking down a road. It was night and I had to get back to the dorms. I had just finished my night shift and I needed to study. I had a huge test the next day. Before I could get to my dorm, something was glowing in one of the alleyways. I didn't notice it at first, until it started saying my name. "Alexia," it whispered in my ear. "Alexia." I couldn't stand the sudden shock through my body, so I headed to the light.

It was so bright. It was a beautiful pastel blue and purple. A few other colors that I had never seen before, enlightened through the shadows. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I took a few steps closer, then it sucked me right in! A sudden rush went through my body, as I tried to grab on to something. It was too late! The vortex sucked me into a strange world.

I landed into a beautiful flower field full with all different colored flowers. They were soft to the touch, as I plucked one from the ground. I breathed in to the smell of all different aroma's. It was a beautiful smell. They all smelled like candy. As I laid down in the flower field, I heard a shuffling in the trees that surrounded the field. I immediately got up and looked around. No one was there. I shuddered and continued looking around. Then, I saw a shadow run right behind a tree. I yelped a little and started shaking. Then something tapped my shoulder!

I turned around and looked at this persons shoes. They were brown and worn down. I looked at his torso. He was muscular and strong. He had tan skin and looked beautiful. I then looked at his face. His stern look made me jump a little. He was holding his bow and arrow at my head. I froze and looked at him with fear.