
Chapter 20

When I got to work I was greeted by all my executives and a low positioned employee with a cup of caramel coffee in his hand. I grabbed the coffee and walked to my office. My office is placed on the fifth floor with a terrific view of the city. Many of the executes had told me they thought my office was way too small for me, but I loved the view more than the space. Plus, my house was already spacious. The three that I have given the special award to were waiting with their 3 chosen people. They followed me to my office and offered to complete some of my tasks. "Can I get you anything." A small skinny red haired gentlemen stood in front of me. "And you are?" I asked unaware of why he had to stand right there. "David, David Chaze. My grandfather works for you." He spoke with a happy tune in his voice. He then smiled and waited right where he stood. "Mr. Chaze, great. Take a seat. Matter of fact," I looked around the room to see the other two just staring at me and standing at attention. "All of you take a seat. I'm not gonna have work for you to do instantly." I cleared the room of any thoughts of work. The three men sat down in the nearest seat they could find. "Alright, David here has already introduced himself. Let's keep the wheel rolling, shall we?" I looked at the other man who was sitting closest to me. He had long legs that stretched across the floor. And jet black neatly cut hair that screamed business. "Harold Choi." He spoke, I looked at the last one and carefully examined. He wasn't the tallest one in here nor was he the shortest. But his features reminded me of Adam. His hazel eyes stared me down while his demeanor screamed at me. I knew who he was, and he knew who I was. "Long time no see, Lizzy." He spoke and smirked thinking he was being slick. "Manny, who would've known we'd….reunite, like this." Manny, was the first boy I went to to try to forget Anthony. Although I chicken out at the last second such a thing was embarrassing to me. The other two looked at Manny then back to me. They're expressions now carried slight dejectives in them. "It's not everyday, I get the pleasure of seeing your beautiful face. Why don't we catch up over coffee after work." Manny offered. "Manny, need I remind you, that you are not only representing yourself but the one who gave you such an opportunity." I stood up angrily. Manny didn't back down. He stood up as well. "Of course, which is why I respectively said after work. Or would you like us to discuss this now and here?" With each word he mutters I grow increasingly impatient. It's going to be a long day. "Ahem." The atmosphere was cut down when none other than Mr. Henry walked in. "I came to remind my grandson not to try anything foolish." He said as he looked straight at Manny. "Mr. Henry, why is it that he is your grandson. I already don't like him. I just hope he can measure up to the tasks at hand." I smiled knowing Mr. Henry would give him an earful when he gets home. "Already?" Mr. Henry looked bewildered as if he didn't expect it to be so quick. "He just woke up on-" "I don't care." I interrupted. Mr. Henry knows my attitude best when it comes to working so why would he send someone who doesn't at least hide his attentions. Mr. Henry now looked at Manny angrily. Manny sat down. "I didn't do nothing, I swear." He sulked. The other two men laughed as they witnessed the whole thing. Mr. Henry walked out and closed the door behind him. "Now, as you all can see I have no problem reporting your behavior to your grandfathers. What I want from all of you is professionalism. Which means, no sly comments during work hours, no playing around either, this is a company not a playground. And last but not least, remember this is a competition. Don't take it lightly." I sat back down and started playing on my phone. The three looked at me a bit surprised. What they didn't know was that I was already testing them. Although, I do hate when someone opposes me, sometimes it's good. Never fearing your superior is one trait they must have. It would prove good when you see someone do wrong. You would need to correct it even if they have a higher position than you. "Excuse me before you start playing games, can you give me my tasks?" David spoke sheepishly. I glared up at David only to scare him. He had the right idea but does he have the courage? "I-I don't want to sit here doing nothing." David finally spoke after a few minutes of just me staring at him. I put my phone down. "Who else wants their tasks to be handed now?" I asked as I crossed my arms. Intimidation was what I was best at, and frankly speaking I usually work with it. I am now studying them. Harold and Manny raised their hands as if I was their teacher asking who could answer my question. "Ok, the first task is a hands on assignment. What I need from you three is to identify and find me one person from both the fashion department and customer service department. There will be a green tag with only 12 employees. Your job is to find out who has it and bring me 2 green tags. Fail to do so and a day gets taken from you." I had sent files and the 12 green tags to random employees yesterday so they knew what was going on. Grace was a bit mad that she didn't get chosen to be part of it. However, I think she was also grateful. The three looked at me, dazed and not really sure how to respond to this. My guess is; they were hoping I would give them a bunch of paperwork. Instead I sent them on a social experiment with a penalty. "Well, are you gonna sit there and stare at me all day or are you gonna move your feet?" I barked, I have to admit….I was having fun. The three all ran out of my office finally giving me space to breathe. I sat back down and took a twirl in my seat. Little did they know I instructed the 12 to not give the green tags so easily. It's up to their communication skills to get them through this first task. The first one would have an advantage and actually work with me till others arrive. I like the tasks I set for them. Each of them gives me time to myself. ~Ping~ My phone goes off. I look down to see who just texted me. It was Adam. "I'm coming in today. I wanted to surprise you but, I heard you got busy with finding a new executive treasure. So I guess you can also see the new recruits while you're at it." Adam knows how much I like to work, but this time I just wanted to relax. Should I respond? Should I just leave him on read? I place my head on my desk and give a long over exaggerated sigh. "For once in my life I don't want to be here." I say out loud to clear my train of thought. "I'm sorry to hear that." A man's voice shot through the room. I picked my head up to see Harold's tall self hunched over with two green tags stretched out in his hand. Damn those female employees. I bet they saw his face and just handed it to him. I sat up correctly. "That didn't take long." I glared at Harold. He showed no signs of intimidation and put the green tags down on my desk. I stood up "Okay, Come with me. Since you're the first to finish you will get a sneak peek at what it is I do." I walked over to the door and waited for him to follow. "What about the other two? What if they come in when we're out?" He asked as he tagged along. "Then they're just gonna have to wait here." I answered as I walked out and started making my way towards the break room. I raised my phone to my face to answer Adam. "Bring them to the break room, I'll be there shortly." I texted. "Excuse me, but I was wondering if I could also text a friend?" Harold leaned in closer. "Go ahead, I don't really care as long as it doesn't distract you from work." I gave him the pass. We walked over to the elevators and kept a quiet atmosphere. ~Ping~ my phone goes off. I checked the contexts of the message to discover it was Janice saying hi. I text back quickly. Once we reach the first floor we step out. I felt like a mother goose leading her baby chic to safety. To the break room we go. I reached the break room to see all my friends there. Even Julie who no longer works here. I looked around the break room to see birthday decorations set up. "Happy Birthday Lizzy!" They all shouted. I was pleased and disappointed at the same time. If they wanted to throw a birthday party, they could've done so at my house. Not at my place of work. "Wow, your employees must care a great deal for you." Harold remarked as he walked in further. Adam stepped up to me and gave me a hug and tried to kiss me. I moved away a little uneasy with the situation. Adam looked at me confused before clearing his throat. "Ahem, so what's up?" Adam asked nonchalantly. Harold was looking at us intensely. "Where's the new recruits?" I asked trying to switch the subject back to work. "I knew you would say that." Adam lifted his hand and motioned for people to come over. 5 people walked over to him with smiles on their face. Each of them is different but has some similar features. This was what I wanted to see when I walked in here. Julie then walked up to me and hugged me. "Why so tense? It's your birthday, celebrate with your friends first." She said loudly so the whole room could hear. Harold started laughing. This was not what I wanted to show him. "Julie, 5 seconds." I said withholding my anger. Julie let go of me then walked over to Grace. After exchanging a few words with Grace the celebration dwindled. "I came here to see the new recruits and get back to work. Why did you guys think I would be pleased with this at my company." I was giving my friends evil eyes to let them know I was truly angry. "Okay, just a minute." Adam picked me up and walked us both out the room. "Put me down or I swear you're fired. This is not how an employee of my company should act!" I fussed about as he carried me out the room. This is all happening in front of Harold, one of the participants for the executive treasure spot. Adam finally put me down in a secluded stairwell. "Babe, I know this is your place of work, but come on. I almost died and I just want to celebrate your birthday." Adam pinned me against the wall. This was definitely a moment. I just didn't want to have it here. "Adam, what did I tell you about calling me babe at work. And how did you guys know it was my birthday, even though I had forgotten." I pushed him away to catch some space between us. I was still angry that Harold was left in such an unprofessional way. "There's this little person, called Julie, who put this together. And told us all about how you would most likely forget your birthday and spend the day at work. So we brought the party to you." Adam backed up and gave me space. "So can I finally get the kiss I longed for or do I have to wait till when we get home?" Adam finished his sentence. I looked at Adam stunned, that's right I did forget my birthday and was going to spend the whole day at work. Julie knows me too well. I let go of my anger and started laughing. "That's right, this is for me to have a memorable birthday. Okay I'm going to call the executive to enjoy the moment too. That way I won't be the only one enjoying the day. And the other two grandsons can join in as well. If they do not have the green-" Adam stopped me talking by kissing me on the lips. Gentle and firm I melted right in his arms. I missed him. I really missed him. "I missed you too." He said as he let the both of us breathe. This was a moment and it was beautiful. Adam and I walked back to the break room. When we got there I saw my executives there already helping themselves to the cake. "I was just about to call you guys." I said in the happiest mood I could. "I called them over." Harold said as he walked over to me. "Harold, you took initiative to call them over, did you call the other two competitors to come over here too." "They're on their way." Harold smiled waiting for a compliment or words of approval. " Good job, I'm impressed. You might have a future here yet." I said as I tapped his shoulder letting him know that he will be rewarded for simple tasks like that. Harold seemed to turn into a puppy before my eyes as he smiled even more brightly and said thank you. It was cute. I wanted to keep him. I stopped patting him and walked further in to roam about my friends. I haven't seen Jake in a while. I'm happy to see that he still looks fine. "Oh hey look it's the workaholic. Miss chairwoman." Jake called me out. I knew he would still be salty about his demotion. "Hahaha, at least I know how to work instead of pretending to." I joked back letting everyone know I have calmed down. "Oh she got you." Grace laughed as she pulled Julie closer to me. I turned to see Julie keeping her space from me. She must be fed up and tired with me right now. "Julie, I'm sorry. I" I paused to catch my breath. "I didn't know you put this together. Thank you and I love you." I apologized sincerely. "I wasn't the only one." Julie pouted as she crossed her arms. I looked at Julie then to Grace who nodded, then to Sarah who gestured over to Jake, then to Janice and Janice nodded her head. I felt warm arms hug me from behind. It was Adam. "You told me Julie put this together, but all of you were involved. Even Jake." I laughed a bit, touched and overwhelmed with the love they were showing me. "Hehe, he was actually the first one to say yes." Adam informed me. I had thought that Jake and I weren't so close anymore after his demotion. "Adam do you mind if I take her for a minute?" Jake asked as he smiled gently. "Sure just don't try anything." Adam moved away to mingle with other people. "What is it?" I asked as we went to sit down. "I wanted to say thank you." Jake looked seriously at me. Which was rare for the main goof ball of the group to do. "For what?" I was confused. "Lizzy, when my fiance left I wanted to leave and even stop working altogether. Everyone started treating me like a pity case. Grace started taking my work from me secretly." Jake and I chuckled, that seemed like something Grace would do. "I felt like a helpless case. Then came my chairwoman boss. I was sure you were gonna treat me the same, but instead you punished me for being on my ass. You made me feel like the world won't stop even if my love life has." This all seemed a little too negative on my part. Was I too harsh with him? "It reminded me, it's okay to fall, as long as I get back up I'll be fine. And for that, Elizabeth Dane….I, from the bottom of my heart thank you. You treated me just like you would treat anyone else." I saw the tears well up in Jake's eyes. Was I really this kind hearted boss he was talking about. I only did it to teach him a lesson and not have my reputation damaged. I didn't even know what was going on with him. I place my hand on his shoulder and the other on his hand. "If it makes you feel any better, I couldn't care enough to pity you." I smiled at him gently. Jake laughed then hugged me. "You're like the mother I never had." He said softly enough so that no one else but myself can hear it. This was something that was worth more than the surprise party and gifts they probably got me. I chuckled a bit, "you're gonna make me cry too." I'm happy that our friendship wasn't ruined when I demoted him. It was one of the things I worried about. Now I can rest easier knowing that everything is okay. We stopped hugging and rejoined the party, which only made me feel loved and happy as I always did when I was with my friends. I looked at the room filled with happy faces and knew right away I had been cured. I was ready to let Anthony go and spend the rest of my life with my hot ass boyfriend and my lovely friends. Plus my company continues to grow. I am truly happy. I haven't felt this way in a long time. But now that I am I can honestly say. It's okay to trust the people who just want to help you, otherwise you would be damning yourself from the very beginning. THE END.

Can you think of anyone you're greatful for just to be their friend or lover. I'm greatful for my mother and my sister. They always have my back, even though they could stab me whenever they want to, they don't ^.^ It's the end of this book but it isn't the end of me. I hope to see all of you guys soon.

Kittylittle_22creators' thoughts