
Chapter 18

Adam and Janice were sent over to Spain as my representative. Their job was simple, promote the company and its products as much as possible to whoever you can. Anything else is up to you to do. I knew my fashion dep would get angry with them saying it was because they were my friends that I am sending them. Truth be told, I couldn't care less about who went. It was the prize for their results in last month's monthly check up. Each department has a monthly check up where every employee's work is put together in one long summarized paragraph. This monthly check up is written by a team of two girls and two boys. These 4 people have had the best grades in their respective schools and have the privilege only executives, the CEO, and I should have. To leave the job early. They aren't there to monitor my deps, they are there to take results. And for that they also get paid 2 dollars below a regular employee. At the end of the month I check the progress reports and sign my name at the bottom to let the records show that I had looked over it. Any report without my signature on it should be an unfinished report. It was Adam and Janice who had fixed the minor problem the fashion dep was going through. Due to their breakthrough, the fashion dep was able to move to a next project to attract more customers. That is why they were sent to a vacation under the guise of company business. The fact that they are my friends was of course beneficial to me. I could just call them up out of the blue, ask about their day….then ask if they promoted the company at all. They found that fact the new normal for time being. After all, I was and will forever be a workaholic. My plan for them was simple. I was going to use the new information they had experienced and bring some new people on board. A life out of Spain, is the promise I am going to make to the newest recruits. I know of just how shady some places in Spain can be, thanks to Julie. That means there's a chance skilled background searchers are using their talents on keeping everything they can in check for their criminal boss. I wondered if any of those skilled people wanted to live a different life. I wondered what would happen if they were given the chance, would they take it? I let Adam and Janice know that I wasn't looking for just one person to fill this roll, but a team of 5. That way there would be less people willing to kill for a chance like that. Especially in their line of work. Adam understood what that meant, but Janice was a little thrown off. "Honestly Lizzy, I gotta say….this is too much for me. I have a family I still need to raise. I can't just go out to a country across the world from them and meddle in things that can get me killed. I would love to go on this danger seeking adventure. Unfortunately, I have two little boys and a husband waiting for me back home. I'm sorry." Janice said over the phone. I had called Janice first to ask her to recruit. It was then she told me that she was with Adam at the moment, she then put me on speaker. "Janice that's understandable. What about you baby? Do you feel like you can't do it for your safety or will you be able to?" I held my breath as I waited for Adam to say something. A moment of silence goes by before he talks. "Lizzy, by now I'm sure you know just how dangerous of a task this is. Putting my life on the line for a company I recently started working for is a lot to ask of me. I want you to understand that." Adam stopped talking creating suspense which made me want to hang up. I began thinking of what it was that I had just asked them. That's right, they're not Julie. They won't act impulsively just to take a picture. In other words, they probably processed my words as a go get yourself killed message. "Great, now that you know. I would be happy to go on this adventure and meet 5 new friends. But, I wanna be paid for this." Adam's voice carried a light calm tone. "I am paying for the hotel you guys are staying in, and the food and clothes you guys buy." I say baffled that he agreed. "And now you will be paying for the risk factor in this hiring process." Adam didn't miss a beat when coming back with a secure tight reason as to why I should pay. I had no other reasons to back me up enough to knock his reason down. "Good point." I said grumpy as if I was the Christmas scrooge. "Ok, thank you for doing this." I finally said after taking what I can get. "No thank you, not only do I get to have fun, I am getting paid to make new friends. Cool right?" Adam laughed sarcastically as if to say he didn't want to think of the dangers I just told him to rush into. Janice ended the call after a few more minutes of talking about our day and catching up with each other. I finally went back home to work in peace on all the finalization of products and files. During that time I decided that I need to take a walk and think about how to treat people's lives with better care. I didn't realize it at the time, but I seemed to have some sort of lack of empathy for people's lives. I tend to play with it when I want to. This was not okay, nor was it considered to be okay for a normal functioning member of society. I need to fix this before it becomes a problem. As I walk alongside the sidewalk just taking in the view, I spot a young boy stuck in a book while walking alongside a female companion. The female looked like that of the young age of 17 at most and had long dark brown hair, which draped down her head swaying back and forth with each step she took. I stopped walking to study the boy who was stuck in the book. The boy also had long dark brown hair, just tied up in a ponytail. That just has to be Adam's little brother Tommy. Once I recognized him I hid myself so as to not let him see me. I wanted to see where he was going and who the young girl was to him. "She's my girlfriend, Katie. And no I haven't seen Adam today. I'm pretty sure he's still in Spain where his rich girlfriend sent him with another chick" Tommy said aloud letting me know he knew I was there. I try to play it cool as I walk out of my hiding spot. "Oh hey Tommy, didn't see you there. Your girlfriend you say. She's really pretty." I said awkwardly trying to avoid the fact that I basically stalked him. "Wow, you were right. Ella es loca." The young girl said not knowing that I could understand. "She understands spanish. Apologize, that was rude." Tommy finally looked out from his book. "Oh! Lo siento. No sabía que hablas español." She said with a worried look on her face. "No, she doesn't speak it. Just understands." Tommy corrected her. "Does that make sense?" The two of them had completely forgotten my presence and made a new conversation. "Ahem," I cleared my throat to let them both know I was still there. "I do understand, and apology accepted. Besides it wasn't you who had thought up that idea." I said as I waited for another apology that never came. "What you want me to be sorry for is the fact of your character. But what I'm actually sorry for is the fact that you don't know it." Tommy remarked as he tried to walk past me. "Tommy, you're as rude as ever I see." I remind him. "Yeah babe, what gives?" The girl asked, a bit annoyed. "I'm walking you home because you finished late and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Don't turn on me." Tommy put his head back into his book. I understand now how he was able to get a girlfriend. Being the bookworm that he is, I was a bit surprised to learn he had a girlfriend. But now I see the reason is because he knows how to communicate his feelings. "Yeah, well you didn't have to embarrass me in front of your older brother's girl like that, but did I say anything? No, I kept my mouth shut and-" "Kisses and cuddle time." Tommy interrupted her. I watched as my presence became more and more unknown to the two. "4 hours" "2 and I'll throw in some food." The girl paused to think a bit. "Not snacks but actual food." She demanded "deal." Tommy said, I was once again put into a state of shock. Not only do they communicate properly but they also wager their time and money on each other like a healthy relationship should. How is it that they know how to do all of that? Was this their first relationship or did they have practice? "Um…." I say sheepishly feeling out of place. "Right, you didn't walk away like other people." Tommy said as he sighed and closed his book. "So, how can I help you?" Tommy asked. I lost my cool composure as I rushed Tommy into a headlock. "Listen here you little shit, I'm your elder! YOUR ELDER! Ugh, I'll take the both of you home, follow me." I demanded as I let Tommy go. "Hahahaha, babe she sure got you." Katie laughed as she tagged along. I don't know when, but somehow I regarded Tommy as my little brother too. "Why does everyone like to put me in a headlock?" Tommy complained. "Cuz you're annoying!" Both Katie and I mocked. The 3 of us walked to my house where I fed them and kept them out of my liquor. I watched as Tommy and Katie laughed and talked their way to my heart. These kids, I would like to see them succeed. I can't remember the last time I felt family love surging through me. Was it always this strong? "Ahem, it's time to take you guys home, are you ready?" I asked stopping their conversation. Katie picked up her phone and turned the screen on. "Oh! You're right. Tommy tomorrow I have work so don't bother me." Katie said, turning off her phone. "Sure I'll just hang with the guys." Tommy stood up taking Katie's things for her. "Your relationship is….different." I said trying to understand more of my new found little siblings. "Eh, more like we both came to an agreement." Tommy answered. Before I could ask what it was about Katie spoke. "We know we have lives and friends of our own. So we give each other the space we need." "Of course, when we do get to chill together it makes it more worth the while." Tommy took Katie's hand and tugged her closer. I stared at them, thinking how they were way too mature for their age. "When did you guys realize that, steps like that help?" I asked, still amazed at how they handled themselves. "What are you talking about? I just applied what you do with Adam to see if it works." Tommy looked at me with oblivious eyes. "Yeah, it was last month when we started doing this. Honestly it's better." Katie smiled. I smiled unknowingly. I took the kids home and went straight back home myself. "So I was an influence for such a good relationship." I couldn't help but feel accomplished at this simple achievement. I guess you don't need to do much to make a big impact. I went to sleep feeling happy that I could be part of Tommy's life even if it was just a little. The next day I woke up to see Anthony knocking at the front of my door. "Go away," I yelled so he can hear me. "No, we need to talk mi amore." Anthony just wouldn't give up. I could picture him standing there all day just waiting for me to open the door. Should I just call the cops to get him to leave? "Please, I'm dying." Once I heard this I felt compelled to open the door and hear him out. I did as I felt. Anthony Came in and sat down on the couch. "Little bunny, I have cancer." Anthony put his head in his hands as he began sobbing. This man came to me in his time of need. "What do you want from me?" I asked cold-heartedly. "Well, you see….it can be treated….with treatment." I held up my hand to stop him from talking. "Anthony, you came to me for money? Who do you think you are? Because I'm having trouble finding that out." I was angry, he only came to me to beg for money. His life must be hitting rock bottom. This time I can get my revenge, or I can forgive him and get him out of my life forever. But that option includes giving him money. My money. "I, It's too early in the morning for this. I need time to think. In the meantime go home." I looked at him disappointed that he even turned to me. Anthony got up and left. It had been years that we had been connected in some way. Am I ready to drop him completely? I started reminiscing about the days of our past. I was finally back home from that party where I spent most of my time talking to Anthony. It seemed like I was there forever. "Mom, I'm going to school now, I won't be back early." I said loudly enough to reach my mother who was sleeping in her room. Although, my mother often fakes her sleep in order not to talk to me. That was something I knew she did and she knew, that I knew. I walked out and shut the door. It's always like this. My mother had never liked me ever since my father walked out. Maybe she sees him in me. "Hello, I'm Julie." A small voice introduced herself. I turned to see who was introducing them-self. It was a girl around my age, she had short brown hair and dressed lightly. Her beautiful brown eyes looked as though she saw through my flesh and into my soul. This beautiful girl was walking by my side. "You were at the party last night right?' She spoke again. Someone is actually speaking to me. I nodded my head. "Oh great that was you! Man you were so awesome. I saw how you chugged the keg stand down and knocked the older kids records out of the ballpark. That was just wow!" She kept a happy and excited tone in her voice as she stuck close by me. "Um…." I mustered out. "Not much of a talker huh? That's okay. Wanna eat lunch together later?" Julie asked as she took my hand. "Sure." I said blushing at her sheer beauty. Julie and I spent the whole day together. At school I became a legend and a lot of people wanted to hang with me. "Look there she is. The party queen!" One kid called out as he pointed. "And this is the party king!" Another kid shouted as he pulled Anthony closer to the middle of the crowd. "Wait,-" Anthony said as he tried to explain something. "This is the guy that ended up on the other side of the door." Another kid talks loudly. I look at Anthony confused as to what was going on. "Now guys, let me-" "You managed to get in bed with the Party Queen, Two legends in one night!!!!" The crowd laughed. Oh so this is what they are talking about. I stood up on the table and yelled. "SHUT UP!!! All you people know to do is talk and spread rumors. I'm tired of it. No wonder all of you guys are light weights. Just a bunch of whiny bitches trying to look big." Mad would be an understatement if you were going to describe my rage. I was tired of either not standing out or standing out too much. I just wanted to be left alone. The crowd stayed silent as they stared at me blowing a fuse. Julie stood up on the table next to me. "All of you should be ashamed of yourselves, just look at you. Grow up a bit." Julie laughed as she took my hand, jumped off the table and dragged Anthony with us too. We ran to an empty classroom and laughed our butts off. "Hi, I'm Julie." She introduced herself to Anthony. "Julie, you are my new favorite person." I hugged her from behind. "Hey, that hurt." Anthony joked around as he caught his breath. Every time I got a happy moment Anthony was involved. Maybe he's my good luck charm. I feel like I just got a big break from life with these two.

There is only so much this poor girl can do. T^T I'm glad she found her bestfriend >~< The tears won't stop coming. TvT

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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