
Chapter 10

It's been several weeks since I spoke to Jake. I've kept in contact with Julie and even invited the mayor of a small town from Spain over to enjoy the simplicity of life. "Yeah, he's coming next week." I informed Julie over the phone. "Do you want me to come and be your translator?" She asked. I took a minute to think about it before answering her. "I'll get one myself." I didn't want to pull her away from her job. Before the drop off we had made the decision to not invite the mayor until she gets back from France. Yet, Julie told me that she'd rather the plan be set in action asap. "Oh….ok." Julie sounded a bit dissatisfied with my answer. "It's nothing personal, it's just, well….your job. You're in France. I can't ask you to just leave it. You know." A long minute went by before Julie spoke. "Yeah I get it. Just keep me updated." "Will do." I said a little too fast. "Um….I gotta go. Talk to you later?" Julie finally said what we were both thinking. "Yeah later." I hung up the phone thinking that my friendship with Julie was getting distant. But what can I do? It's not like I can tell her to stop working and spend her life with me. I haven't been in contact with the group either. I feel like they will start slacking off and I'd have to find out by catching them red handed. I guess nothing can be done about it. I get out of my house and go to a local caffe called Swirls. It's famous for its coffee but also has really good food and other beverage options. Not many people know about this caffe shop so it's not very crowded. I like that. Less people means less talking. Swirls is the place I go to straighten out my thoughts. Bonus is that it's only 10 minutes away. I reached my destination shortly. I walked into the shop and began to think about what I wanted to order. Hmm, do I want coffee or am I in the mood for something else? I take a seat to sort out my thoughts on the matter. I sit by the window so I can gaze anywhere and everywhere. "You know what would be good right now, coffee." I said out loud as I got up to order. I walked over to the marbled counter and cleared my throat. "Hey, you're back." The gentleman behind the counter said. He stands a proud 6 foot 1, with dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. His name is Dusten. Dusten and I have a platonic customer-server relationship. When I first found this place I was having a tough time wrapping my head around my bad luck. "Hey Dusten, can I get the usual?" I looked at him pointing to the type of coffee I wanted. I pointed to the pike, it's not too strong but not too soft. Great for a midday sip. "That's all?" Dusten asked as he started pouring cream in a medium sized cup. "For now. So what's the 4.1.O?" I started taking out my credit card to not slow down the process. Dusten turned his back to me and laughed. "You know, there is actually something new here." He started pouring my coffee in. After he finished he charged me for a small black coffee. "Do tell, you know I love gossip." I smirked a bit without knowing. "First go take a seat. I'll meet you there." Dusten shooed me off. I hurriedly went back to my seat and waited. 30 minutes pass by before Dusten comes to sit with me. "Finally, do you know how hard it is to entertain myself." I was giddy, just waiting for the news put me on the edge of my seat. "Okay, you gossip hawk. There's a new rich person in the area. It's a girl, but the thing is no one knows who she is. The pictures of her first appearance was blurred so that no one could tell who she is. And that's not even the juicy part." Dusten paused as he looked around suspiciously. "She's a total badass. She found some problems within her company and cleaned it all up. She even sent one of her executives to jail." Dusten stops talking to wait for my response. I was shocked, I knew the news of the company party would definitely blow up, but my face was blurred! Why? "Dusten I-" "Ehem! I am the CEO of All, I am here to test out some coffee and see if I like it!" A loud female came in and interrupted me. I looked at her to see if her claims were true. She wore a floral dress and had her hair down. She also had sunglasses on and minimum makeup. At least try to look like me. I do have a CEO but, unfortunately for her….it's a guy. He is to parade as the man in charge when I'm not around. He is also the man my late father wanted me to marry. I look at her confused as to why she would make such accusations. Dusten gets up. "We do have some sample coffee here, if you'd like you can try all the types of coffee. However, I can't add anything to it. Is that okay with you?" He was polite as he walked her over to the counter. I watched as I sipped my coffee. "Hmmhf, fine." The lady said. Dusten handed her a small sample cup. "This here is blond coffee, it's popular with the ladies. You might like it." The lady takes the cup and sips the coffee. "How come the cup is so small?" She asked with an attitude. "Miss, this is our sample cup. If you want a bigger cup, you're gonna have to pay." Dusten smiles at her as he puts another sample cup in front of her. "Do you think I'm a regular person! I didn't want to say this….but I'm actually the chairwoman of the famous company All. NOW GIVE ME SOMETHING WORTH DRINKING!" The lady knocked over the sample cup filled with coffee. I choked on my own coffee when I heard that. She was up there causing a commotion in my name. This wouldn't have happened if my picture wasn't blurred. "Ma'am, even if you are the chairwoman that doesn't matter here. Plus, it doesn't cost much so just buy the coffee." Dusten kept it polite as he grabbed a wipe. I could tell Dusten wanted to yell at her. I got up, put my coffee down and walked over to the counter. I tapped on the lady's shoulder. "How come I've never seen you?" I asked and smiled. "What are you talking about.?" the lady turned to me with angry eyes. "I didn't see you at the company party either….tell me who did you say you were again?" I pulled out my phone and texted the first person that popped up. Without paying attention I told that person to come over to the Swirls coffee cafe. When I looked at who it was I was a little happy. I texted Adam hopefully he brings someone important. He texted me back quite quickly. It read "I'll bring the gang." Okay the more the merrier. "Hello, peasant, are you listening to me. Hmmhf, how rude." The lady turned back to Dusten and continued talking. "Anyway, give me something that I could sample. And not something I would have to sip." She demanded. I tapped on her shoulder once more. "Excuse me, but I don't think you are who you say you are." I looked at her through her shades. "Would you stop pestering me already. I have a busy schedule and don't need the likes of you messing it up." The lady took off her sunglasses to get a better look at me. "Listen I don't know who you think you are, but-" "She's the chairman of All." Another feminon voice popped from the entrance. All three of us turned our attention there. There I saw Adam and the gang. They were dressed in casual clothing. It looked like they were hanging out. It was Sarah who spoke out. "And who are you to claim that this rude little thing is me?" The lady asked, a bit skeptical. I looked around the shop to see some people video recording this. I smiled knowing that this will be my official debut. "I am the finance department's very own assistant treasurer. Here's my card. I also brought with me Jake, the fashion department's long term member, Janice and Grace, yet 2 more long term members from the fashion department, and one of our newest employees Adam. We have been working directly under the chairwoman and even planned to have brunch with her today. Miss word of advice, our chairwoman doesn't like wearing dresses." Sarah handed her official card which led the others to do that too. One by one with the exception of Adam they handed their official business cards. I reached into my purse and handed Dusten my official business card. "My god, you're really the chairwoman!" He said to me, shocked. I nodded my head yes. The lady turned to me then snatched the card out of Dusten's hand. "Is everyone getting this?" Janice spoke up. "This lady here in the dress committed a crime called identity theft." Grace continued. "But, wait there's more. Last week she did the same thing at the pub down the street for free drinks. Isn't that considered fraud?" Jake smiled as he shook his head. "Wait, and you didn't tell me someone was using my name?" I looked sternly at Jake. "I wanted to do some research on her first, pardon the rudeness boss." He clapped back. I could tell he was feeling a little salty about how I put him in check before. "Ahem, the important thing is now that you caught this, what will you do?" Adam changed the subject. I looked to the group, then to Dusten, then to the lady. "If this lady is willing to pay one thousand dollars for the damages my reputation took then I am willing to forget her face." The lady looked at me and began to cry. "Please, I don't have that kind of money on me right now. How about we work something out okay. I'm sorry I didn't know you were the real deal." She begged, I turned to Dusten "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about me." Then my attention went back to the lady who was now at my mercy. "No, I'm already being nice with letting you off, with a mere sum of money. If you don't want to pay then I'd be happy to take this matter to court. However, I can't promise the price would be the same." I looked to Sarah and she nodded her head. "I already took a picture, and have a couple witnesses ready to testify. Jake being one of them." I looked back to the lady who was now scared to even speak. "I'll do you one last favor, you have one week to come up with the money. If not good luck finding a lawyer in such a short amount of time and for so little money. Well you have my card. So I expect you to keep in touch." I motioned the group to move out the way so the lady could leave. They escorted her out of the coffee shop. People around us got up and started clapping. I'm sure I'm going to go viral now. I take my seat by the window. The gang sat down with me. "So you guys got here awfully quick." I said as I grabbed my coffee. "We were going to your house to invite you out. Who would've thought the workaholic like you would've been out enjoying a cup of coffee." Adam smiled and laughed. Dusten came over to us and pulled up a chair next to me. "Hi, I'm Dusten. I've known Lizzy for quite a while now." Dusten stretched his hand out to the closest person to him. Adam shook his hand. "I need some popcorn." Sarah spoke softly. The gang looked at Adam and Dusten intensely. "I'm Adam, Lizzy's boyfriend." I choked on my coffee when I heard that. The group started laughing. "Really, I never heard of you. You must not be very impressionable." Dusten clapped back. What's going on? "Hey real quick, Adam….when did we become….an item?" I was getting nervous as I spoke. The last time I spoke to Adam outside of work is when we kissed. Just remembering it made me blush. "I know we've been so busy that we haven't had alone time in a while. Don't be mad anymore." Adam smiled and winked at me. The group put their hands over their mouths to prevent any laughter from escaping. "I-I-I, wha-no, you." I put my coffee down while I tried to figure out how to not get flustered. "If you were her boyfriend, I would've heard about you. Actually….Lizzy and I are really close. And today I was planning on asking her out myself. Please don't get in the way." Dusten smiled at Adam very cold like. "You're right, we need some popcorn." Janice whispered to Sarah. I looked to the group for help to dissolve this situation. "That's not right, Adam and Lizzy even kissed." Jake called out, Dusten looked at Jake then to me. "Is that true?" He asked, I looked at Dusten. "Yes." I said softly a little embarrassed that my love life was out in the open. Adam crossed his arms and smiled wide. "I guess you really don't know Lizzy." He laughed a bit. Dusten looked at Adam, then to the group, then to me. "I'm sorry in advance." Dusten said as he leaned in and stole an unexpected kiss. I was too shocked to think. The problem is, I didn't have that disgusting feeling I get. It felt like a normal kiss. Does this mean I'm attracted to Dusten? Adam yanked Dusten away from me. I covered my mouth as a response to the kiss. I looked down not knowing what to think. "We should go" Janice stood up and walked over to me. She then tapped me on my shoulder. I was able to come back to reality because of that. "Yeah, we should go. Before we end up breaking someone, I mean something." Adam stood up never breaking eye contact with Dusten. The group got up and helped Adam to leave the coffee shop. Janice walked with me out the coffee shop. "Lizzy, I'm sorry." Dusten called out. Instantly a memory of my ex flooded in. We were watching a movie and out of nowhere he started chuckling. I asked him what was funny, because the movie was not a comedy. And all he said was sorry and nothing. I felt the rage build up within me. That bastard at that time he was probably talking to some other bitch. I don't want to have this feeling ever again. I turned back and walked into the coffee shop. Only to slap Dusten across the face and to tell him to never speak to me again. I walked out of that coffee shop for the last time. "Whao." Janice looked at me as she smiled. The group smiled as they clapped. Adam walked up to me, kissed me, then hugged me. My anger left. I felt safety in Adam's arms. Maybe it takes more than just a kiss for me to be attracted to the person. If so, what is it? Why does Adam have it? I let go of Adam only to take his hand. Maybe, just maybe I could trust him.

Oh my gosh I can't believe it took her 10 chapters to even think about trusting him....Alright, I can but a comment or 2 wont hurt to let me know what yall are thinking. (^.^)/

Kittylittle_22creators' thoughts