

[MATURE CONTENTS, NO RAPE, VIOLENCE, DARK] She didn't realize she was slowly falling deeply for the handsome billionaire who always hid in the shadows, shrouded in darkness and mystery. Despite the blaring alarm in her head screaming 'danger alert,' she just had to trust him. But he wasn’t just a wealthy heartthrob; he was a bad boy with sinister intentions. He became her weapon for revenge, an addiction that transformed her into a villain. (EXTRACT) "What are you doing here?" he countered. "That doesn't answer my question," Heather shot back, her eyes narrowing. Eamon's demeanor darkened, his voice taking on a demonic edge. "What do you take me for, Heather Daniels?" Heather swallowed hard, her courage faltering. "I... I..." Eamon's gaze flicked to the name tag on her uniform, which read "Mia." He smirked, clearly aware of the deception. "Heather, do you think you can save your life from me in a hospital?" he teased. "Well, if... if you're a disease," Heather retorted, trying to regain some semblance of control. Eamon chuckled softly, a chilling sound. "Sure I am. A terminal one." Heather took a deep breath, hardening her resolve. "Anyway, Mr. Eamon, sorry for taking things the wrong way this morning. Perhaps you thought I was mocking your blindness by saying you changed my clothes," she said sincerely. "Oh?" Eamon's eyebrows arched in mild surprise. "Sorry, again," Heather added, her voice softer now. "It's alright," Eamon replied, a hint of amusement in his tone. "I saw everything though." Heather blinked in confusion. "Huh? But... you're blind. How can you see everything like you claimed?" Eamon's smile widened, and he leaned in slightly. "Let me tell you a secret then, Ms Heather," he said, removing his dark lenses to reveal a set of emerald green eyes. Heather's breath hitched as she saw what seemed to be living yellow cells moving within those eyes. It was both mesmerizing and terrifying. "You have a fading tattoo 'A & H' on your left waist and a tiny black dotty mole underneath your right breast," Eamon said, his voice low and intimate. Heather: "...." Eamon's eyes bore into hers, a predatory glint in them. "You can't hide from me, Heather. Not in a hospital, not anywhere." Heather felt a shiver run down her spine. She was caught in a dangerous game with a man who seemed to know everything about her. She took a step back, her mind racing. "What do you want from me?" she repeated, her voice barely a whisper. Eamon's smile softened, but his eyes remained cold and calculating. "For now, just your cooperation," he said, his tone deceptively gentle. "There are things you need to understand, Heather. I own your life now, that was the deal. And don't you dare think of running away." ---------- #r18 #darkromance #billionaire #revenge #betrayal #villain #badboy #powerfulcouple #hiddenmarriage A/N: 8 CHS Per Week PS: Book cover is not mine and would be changed anytime.

LindaLight · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

0005 - Eamon Rodge

Heather's eyes fluttered open, the morning sunlight filtering through the curtains and casting a warm glow across the room.

Confusion clouded her mind as she tried to piece together the events of the previous night. The last thing she remembered was pouring her heart out to a stranger, the weight of her troubles heavy on her shoulders.

As she sat up in bed, her gaze swept across the room, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw Eamon sitting calmly in the armchair.

Panic surged through her veins as she realized she was not alone.

"What are you doing here?" Heather demanded, her voice laced with anger and fear.

Eamon regarded her coolly, his dark lenses masking his eyes. "I believe I have my freedom to be where I want," he replied calmly. "And the bed included."

Heather's confusion turned to alarm when she realized that her clothes had been changed. "You! Did you... change my clothes?" she asked, her voice trembling with anger.

Eamon's response was a curt and bold "Yes."

Heather's fury boiled over as she yelled at him, demanding an explanation. "How dare you? What gives you the right to touch me without my consent?"

Eamon remained unperturbed by her outburst, his expression stoic. "It was necessary. You were wasted," he stated simply.

"And so what?! Mr. Eamon we don't even know each other yet you… have you no shame?!"

Heather continued to rant, her anger fueling her words until Eamon interrupted her with a chilling revelation. "Your life. That's what I want for the favor you promised me. I want your life," he said bluntly.

Heather's anger turned to shock as she processed his words. "My life?" she exclaimed, disbelief evident in her voice. "For just a signature?"

Eamon's gaze hardened as he reiterated his demand. "You owe me, Heather. And I intend to collect."

Fear gripped Heather's heart as she realized the gravity of the situation. She had made a deal with a man whose intentions were now becoming terrifyingly clear.

"You.. you w-want to kill m..me?" She stammered asking while trying to avoid his gaze which was sharply on her that she could feel it even though it was hidden behind the dark lens he wore.



Heather walked briskly through the sterile corridors of the hospital, her face obscured by a surgical mask and her form hidden beneath a nurse's uniform.

The name tag read "Mia," and she felt a pang of unease every time she glanced at it. She was here, filling in for Mia, as a favor to her friend who had urgently pleaded for her help this morning.

After attending to a patient and making sure everything was in order, Heather found a quiet corner and pulled out her phone. She dialed Mia's number, needing to understand the truth behind her abrupt departure from the hotel.

The phone rang twice before Mia picked up, her voice cheerful and unbothered. "Heather! How's it going? Everything okay at the hospital?"

Heather took a deep breath, trying to keep her voice steady. "Mia, why did you leave the hotel so suddenly? You said you had a night shift, but now I'm here, filling in for you. What's going on?"

There was a brief pause before Mia responded, her tone a mix of feigned concern and fabricated explanation.

"Oh, Heather, I'm so sorry about that. It was a last-minute emergency. My boss called me in for an important meeting, and I had no choice but to leave. I knew I could count on you to help me out."

Heather's grip tightened on her phone, her instincts telling her there was more to the story if it wasn't a total lie. "But why did you need me to cover for you this morning? You could have just told your boss you weren't available."

Mia laughed nervously, trying to sound convincing. "I know it sounds odd, but it was a really urgent situation. Plus, I didn't want to lose my job over it. You're a lifesaver, Heather. Thank you so much for stepping in."

Heather sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation. "Alright, Mia. But you owe me an explanation when this is over. I feel like there's more you're not telling me."

"Of course, Heather," Mia said smoothly. "We'll talk about everything later. Just focus on the patients for now, okay? And thanks again."

Heather ended the call, her mind still swirling with doubts and suspicions. Mia's story didn't add up, and combined with the unsettling events of the previous night, Heather felt like she was trapped in a web of deceit.

She took a moment to collect herself, then continued with the duties, she'd just find out the truth later.

As Heather walked through the hospital hallway, her mind still clouded with confusion and distress from the previous night, she couldn't help but overhear a group of nurses gossiping nearby. The mention of a familiar name made her body freeze in response.

"Did you hear the news about Eamon Rodge?" one nurse whispered, her voice tinged with excitement and curiosity. "I heard he's visiting the hospital today."

Another nurse nodded, her eyes wide. "Yeah, apparently he's incredibly handsome but also disabled. They say he's blind, but that just adds to his mysterious charm, doesn't it?!"

Heather's heart pounded in her chest, and she instinctively slowed her pace, straining to catch every word. The events of the previous night replayed in her mind—Eamon's cold, commanding presence, his unsettling demand, and the eerie feeling she couldn't shake.

"I've never seen him," the first nurse continued. "But everyone says he's really generous. He's donated to almost every hospital in the city. We're lucky to have someone like him supporting us."

Another nurse chimed in, her voice filled with admiration. "I heard he's coming here today to check on some of the projects he funded. Can you imagine meeting him in person?"

Heather's mind raced. The man they were talking about was the same Eamon Rodge she had encountered last night. The realization hit her like a punch to the gut, and she struggled to maintain her composure.

Her footsteps echoed in the hallway as she hurried to the nearest restroom, needing a moment to collect herself.

Once inside, she locked the door and leaned against the sink, taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart. She splashed cold water on her face, staring at her reflection in the mirror.

The woman looking back at her was a mix of exhaustion, fear, uncertainty and resolve. She couldn't think of anything any longer. Eamon Rodge was a powerful man with unknown intentions, and just because of that foolish Marcus, she had become a part of his world.

Heather straightened up, her mind made up. She would run away. She'd go back to City M.