
chapter -1

*in the school cafeteria*

I was sitting there with Ari munching on my sandwhich. Then we saw jennie and Olivia entering with a bunch of guys. Then they spotted us in our usual table, at the very right corner. Then them and the guys seperated their ways and the girls came and sat with us.

We all said our hellos.

Olivia : guess what!

Jennie : just shut up now you're telling me the same thing for an hour!

kate : what is it?

Olivia : Bryce talked to ME !!

she was smiling like an idiot

Ari : you are so happy about THAT?!

kate : hey! let her be. You know your brother is crush 😉

Jennie : hey kate why don't you like anybody. You are no fun! * she pouted*

??? : yeah just remove your specs and get a better dressing sense and I am sure you can get any guy in the school

We all turned our heads towards the owner of the voice and saw Bryce sitting himself on OUR table without OUR permission

Ari : get out of here

Bryce : I am asking for your permission to sit here 😛

Ari : YOU!

Olivia : just let him sit if he want !

Kate + Jennie : oh lord ....OLIVIA!