
True Love: Two Souls, One Heart Only

A rich young lady counting her days passed as she lived for another day. She wanted to continue to live. She don't want to die she wanted to be reborn. A man counting the days until he finally proposed to the love of his life. This time he will keep her and he will take care of her. A lady who's afraid to live and rather wanted to die, her life was a mess and she would rather end her miserable love and life and lose everything. The hospital light is so bright but Jay France is like a dark shadow in the middle of the emergency room, he saw her red-covered body lifeless and was being rolled in the hospital bed for an immediate surgical procedure. He was supposed to surprise her, after all, it's been 3 years. He was planning to tell her his feeling about her. All these years he waited and this time, he also knew she loves him too and when he sees her his going proposed to her as well... will be together forever? Lou Lin has started to clenched her chest as she tried to hurry to her room. She slowly strode holding the stairs handrail but her steps slowly stiffens, awhile ago she had an emotional stimulation that made her vulnerable to her sickness. While trying to reach her room on the 2nd floor, she lost her balance fell down the stairs. She felt pain all over and she fell unconscious. The ambulance came, and the paramedics have revived Lou Lin, but her heart is still slowly beating, and her oxygen level continues to go down. She is needed to be taken to the hospital as soon as possible... maybe an immediate heart transplant? Zhou Mei, she is still breathing but she lost so much blood and she needs to get operated in her head was badly injured during a car accident. The ambulance from 911 have arrived!, The paramedics are trying to keep her conscious and she was aware that someone was talking to her. But her head hurts and she is starting to fell asleep. These two but young ladies who lived 10,000 miles apart, living their lives differently but in a twist of fate can they both survive. The young man behind the operating room what fate unfolds for the three. Theirs live crossed paths and they will love only one man in their lives. Or will they will all experience a miracle? Nobody knows what lies ahead. Can fate/destiny be changed? Be the judge!.

Cutebunnyxi · General
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12 Chs

I will not be your brother!

Jay France just arrived in New York to check on Mei Zhou.He haven't seen her for almost 5 years.

He graduated in his Aeronautics course and he is just finished his flying hours to be a candidate for a Co-pilot position in a Cargo Airlines. He missed her so much and he tried to pursue his long-time dream after his dad Captain James Richmond. He loved Mei since the first time he met her and now he can. And though he's still young and inexperience he wants to be there for her. To give her a place where she can call home.

When Mei turned 16. She went to Beijing China for 3 whole years but move back to the US to continue her studies at Harvard University. Mei had become more prettier than before, she didn't talk to her dad Shaun France for almost 3 years until she began to communicate with him once again when she was applying back for college in the United States of America (USA). Lots of things have changed and Mei had become an almost completely different person. She was preparing to meet her stepbrother Jay as she was getting dressed a sound rang in the silence of her room and she reached out to answer the call on the telephone.

"Hello". Mei Zhou lift the telephone to her right ear to answer the call.

"So you're back? Are you meeting him today?. Behind the line, a husky voice of an arrogant man can be heard.

Mei was a little surprised and cleared her throat while answering the person on the phone. "Hmm, I'm seeing my brother". Though her mood became sour from knowing the person on the other line. She answered and showed her irritation and rudeness to him.

The guy laughs on the other side and he spoke with a threatening voice. "My dear! Your mine, only mine. "Even if it's your family, I don't share my possession". "Don't compromise I have no patience! life is short".

Silence fills the air in Mei Zhou's room. She knows that the guy is a spun of evil so she reminded herself of what the guys saying is not just a warning but he was watching her, her dad, her stepmom even her stepbrother. Her life was like hell itself after she followed her mother back to Beijing. In this past 3 years was like a curse on her. She was robbed of her innocence and pure human heart. As if she turned from angel only realizing that she's a devil in disguise.

"My dear! you know what ticks me off and you can't disappoint me, understand?". The man in the other line smiled like the devil his handsome face gives off a shivers to the spine.

"I'm the devil myself and of course devil's should be with one of their kind".

"Your pure evil?. I will do what I want and Don't dare to step on my line. I'm not your pet it's the other way around!". A loud laugh can be heard in the other line and Zhou Mei's eyes are burning with hatred as she hang up the phone on her side.

Time passes and Zhou Mei is in deep thoughts when her phone rang once again. She was frozen for a few seconds when she saw the name of the caller. Her heart was beating like a drum and she felt a sharp pain in her heart. When her cell phone stopped ringing she was holding it but reluctant to answer. When it rings again for the 3rd time she picked it up and answer in her sweet voice "Hello!".

"It's me, Jay!".have you finally settled in the dorm, I thought you might want some help with the luggage and stuff, Shaun said that you're staying with a friend before moving to school?.

"I heard from your Dad that you got into Harvard University. I wanted to personally congratulate you. Are you okay for dinner tomorrow Friday night or anytime this weekend?. Jay tried to be as natural as he can, though he missed her so much but he knows that things might have changed between them. His thoughts wander during the time she was leaving home.


A few years back...

Zhou Mei was packing all her stuff in her luggage she argued with her dad Shaun France with her following her mom Zhou Hannah to Beijing. It's been years since she heard from her mom and she is worried about hearing her sick all this time not letting her know that and Shaun have kept quiet about his ex-wife.

A knocked on the door in front of her room with a soothing voice asking "Mei are you in your room?, Can I talk to you just for a little bit?". Jay has heard from his mom that Mei and Shaun had a huge fight and she's worrying that Mei would do a rash decision leaving in the middle of the night telling she's going to see her mom, Zhou Hannah.

Mei slightly open the door and when she saw him she wasn't able to hold her tears. She held on the corner of his clothes like a little girl and he pat her hair tracing his fingers in her silky and slightly curled hair. She finally cried her heart out while Jay console her and tried to wipe her tears with his long slender fingers.

Mei, you know that your dad loves you! He might be around the ages but he done a good job. Right now I know your hurting and I would do the same if it was my mom".

"Hmm I know he mentioned good and I'm thankful for my dad. Right now all I can think of is that if my mom is ok!."

" I understand, we understand!. Jay France looked at Mei and reached out to give her a hug

As he hugs her he felt a small prick inside his heart but decided to ignore it. As time passes and Mei had calmed down and she fall asleep still clinging on the edge of his shirt. Jay reaches a hair misplaced in front of her face and a sad smile traced his lips and whispered softly today is the last day I'm your older brother but in the future... I will not be your brother!" In the future, I will be there for you, I.. Mei.. I...

The door behind Jay France opened it was Shaun France, he smiled at the young man and said "how is she?...


At present Jay sighed as he remembers the said event in the past. He wanted to be independent as soon as possible and be good for her. Did his chance finally came?

Hello everyone hope all is well with you. It's been awhile since I moved house and getting a new job it's been chaotic. Anyway I hope your all still anticipating the new chapters that will be posted this coming week.

Feel free to make comments and suggestions.

Ciao! Till next time

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