

In 2018 :

Her name is princess. I'm loving with her in 2018. If they are loving me too confirm News to I don't know. Me and she will going to school by Auto. The auto driver Name is Mrs. PON RAJ. They are very Carry with their auto students in every day.

I'm loving with the princess in 2 years. I don't know about she will love with me. But I will deeply loved. After a long day she will age attend. After few days going to school every day. She will give me one note with drawing R and P. The drawing is very beautiful. She is very well to drawing. The beautiful drawing of R and P inside of Heart and sky of background. The drawing have two persons one is me and another one is she is the princess. The princess name is Starting with P... I'm don't like to say her Name. So if I'm calling P for princess.

After few weeks to go..... Her chithapa name vengat raman. Her chithapa name starting with V.... for vengat raman. The vengat raman has fixed a marriage. Correctly that marriage day he is giving one letter to that princess. The princess will see the letter and cry it. Then only I know the princess is loving their chithapa of vengat raman. I don't know about her love. Then only I know she is time pass of loving with me. Princess friend will help to I'm loving with that princess. But that time Me , princess and her friend will go in school time in that PON RAJ auto. That time I'm sigiting that princess friend.....❤️ Now a days she's friend will one of my crush.

The vengat raman marriage after few days to go.... The princess and the vengat raman will Gone. Last the case will going to her friend. Because they two are same auto members. The princess and the vengat raman is going for thiruchendur for related Habbits.....

After few days to go..... I'm and the princess friend loving with me. After I'm also love in one week know about her character. After she is try to leave. After I'm leaving her.... Few days ago they will request to love me. And my answer is No no no. After few days ago.... How to I'm loving with her to I don't know. I'm loving her name. But, she is my life partner💖. She is my happiness💖. She is my world💖. She is my everything💖. I'm loving with her in 2 years ago. But, this love is very strong to life. Her name is Sneka. She is my Chella kutty🥰. I'm her papa😍

Me have few years to Marriage. But, my Wife is Sneka💖 She is my Chithi Ponnu. But I'm already Loving her. So, I will marriage Sneka💝 She is also truly like to married me.

This is my real love story



By : Chella kutty, Tirunelveli- 627011

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