

It was a quiet path that led to a beautiful rose garden.

At the end of the garden was a green meadow on which stood dark brown stones, as if they had grown out of the ground, with no trace of carving, forming a wall of stones and blocks. Near the wall, various sculptures are clearly carved in various shapes, such as cherubs, the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.

The craftsmanship is so meticulous that one wonders by whose hand this was carved. Or is it simply a masterpiece of the heavens?

The building is about two storeys high, not too high, like a normal flat, but not quite the same as one. At the top of the roof of the building is a crucifix, no doubt a monastery. At the dawn of the day, it is quiet around the monastery. Only a few small birds squeak and chirp their clear voices in the large trees beside the church. The chirping of the birds made the area even quieter.

"The silence was broken by the sound of a baby crying at the door of the abbey, who had left such a small basket here, or had left it here on purpose?

The door of the convent was opened at some point, and a woman dressed as a nun found the basket and the baby crying desperately, the sound of the cries striking the nun's eardrums as if telling a sad and poignant story.

Sister Mary was captivated by the loud cries of this little thing and approached the basket to take a closer look.

There was a small, wrinkled human being lying in the basket. It was wrapped in cotton, and on the top of the cloth was a note, scrawled in what appeared to be a hasty handwriting: "Please, take my poor daughter Anna.

Sister Mary looked at the basket and at the note, and shook her head helplessly.

She approached the little one in the basket, whose cries had stopped some time ago, and saw on the little pink face a pair of big eyes looking at her.

Those eyes seemed to shine with a lake-blue light, with a touch of green in them.

The hair on her forehead was so thick that one could not believe it was a newborn baby. There is a golden glow in that thick hair.

There is no doubt that this is a very cute little person. I wonder why the mother chose to leave a child so lovely that she could have been a little angel? It is a mystery, perhaps forever.

Sister Mary sighed as she lifted the basket, went to her room, prepared milk for the child and then went to Mother Superior Delan's office.

"Mother Superior, another baby girl has been abandoned ...", Sister Mary reported to Mother Superior.

Mother Teresa sighed at this report, looked at the little one in the basket and said to Sister Mary, "Poor child. ... Does the child have a name?"

Sister Mary handed over the note in the basket, "This note says the baby girl's name is Anna."

Mother Teresa looked at the note and then at the baby, "Anna, a nice name. ... Put her with the other abandoned children and take good care of her."

Sister Mary smiled and said, "I think so too, she is the loveliest child I have ever met. So I will certainly take the trouble to bring her up ..."

Mother Teresa looked at Sister Mary and said, "Just treat them like normal children, don't be too partial, these children, if you put too much thought and hope into them, you may be very disappointed one day ..."

At half past five in the morning, the nun's voice broke the eerie silence of dawn.

"Wake up, everyone, wake up ..." Sister Mary shouted from where the nuns lived, before making a point of walking into a room and shaking the shoulder of a young girl still slumbering in bed. "Anna, Anna, get up, if you don't get up and you're late for morning prayers later, you'll really have to go to the Mother Superior's office by yourself ..."

Anna rubbed her sleepy eyes and her lazy voice trailed off, "Yes - I'll get up and make sure I'm not late today ..."