
The Underworld Walkers (4)

"I just didn't think that you would believe my prophecies when no one has ever believed them, not even my father." A hint of joy radiated from the corners of Cassandra's eyes.

"Yes, we believe in you and only want to hear your prophecy so that we may be warned and avoid future bad luck." Alexandre said sincerely.

"Fate is too deep, and there is no escape from past lives. In your past life you had an incestuous relationship with your biological father, and your next life is not promising either." Cassandra hit the nail on the head, pointing to Anna's pain.

"That's why I left this world, I can't face this stupid relationship that is so unbearable ... Is there anything I can do to avoid this fate?" Anna said bitterly, her voice so low that she could barely hear herself.

"There is a way, but you will have to suffer a certain amount of pain ..." Cassandra said, pinching her fingers in thought.

"I can bear whatever pain ... Please tell me what I can do to escape my fate?" Anna asked cautiously.

"You must forget the past. By drinking this water of forgetfulness, you will forget the past, including the destiny that influenced you and brought you bad luck, so you will not have to suffer bad luck again." Cassandra said as she got up and went to the cupboard in the room and took a vial with a clear white liquid from among the large and small bottles of different colours and handed it to her.

"Water of forgetfulness? Am I going to forget about Alexandria too?" Anna asked after a moment's hesitation as she took the bottle and looked at it.

"That is natural. Forget all your past lives and your heart will be free of sorrow. Naturally you will escape from the shadow of bad luck. In this way you will also have the chance to be united with another who is pure and noble." Cassandra said with a light smile on her lips.

"No, I do not want to be united with anyone other than Alexander, I want to love him alone in this life. Is there another way?" Anna asked boldly.

"Another way? That's the next best thing. ..." Cassandra looked at Anna and shook her head helplessly.

"What's the alternative? I'll do anything to be with Aleksandr. ..." said Anna, looking at Aleksandr with love.

"You will be born in different countries and let fate and honesty decide if you can meet, know and love each other. ..." said Cassandra.

"And what are the chances of that working out ..." asked Anna.

"I don't have an answer to that question, so I'd say it's the next best thing. ..." Cassandra said calmly, with a look of helplessness in her eyes.

"And what about me? What can I do to ensure I meet Anna ..." interjected Alexandra, who had been silent for a long time.

"If you choose to let fate take its course, you have a lot to live up to. ..." Cassandra looked at Alexandra and said.

"I will suffer any pain for Anna ..." said Alexandra, taking Anna's hand tightly as if in a vow.

"You are a rare true love partner, it's a shame you're not together, but let's hope that fate will take care of you. ... If you choose to take care of fate, then Anna will have to drink the time shift water, and she will not only lose all her memories of the past, but she will also lose her beautiful blonde curls and She will lose not only her memories, but also her beautiful golden curls and her lake-blue eyes, and she will be reborn in a different land to start a new life. If you have an affair with another woman before you meet Anna, then your bond of true love will be broken and you will miss each other forever. ..." Cassandra said as she took Anna's hand from her. The vial with the clear liquid was taken from Anna's hand and replaced by a more elaborate vial with a blue crystalline liquid and handed to Anna.