
The Mysterious Foreign Professor (2)

After the first encounter, Anna seemed a bit bolder in the second lesson. When the professor sat at the piano and accompanied her song, she asked him directly, "Professor ..., can I sing with other instruments besides the piano? "

"Why? The piano is the king of instruments, it can be played up or down, it can be mellow or thin, it can be played with pop songs or gorgeous operas, isn't it great?" The professor asked, puzzled.

"I don't know why, just hearing the piano makes me nervous ..." Anna said uneasily about her feelings.

"It seems you have a lot to overcome, the piano is like any other instrument, it adds colour to a singer's singing day, you should like it why do you feel afraid of it?" The professor enlightened her.

"..." Anna hesitated in silence, but for some reason she finally plucked up the courage to say, "Because I always have a dream in which a man in a black suit forces me to play the piano with his fingers, and every time I have to Every time I have this dream I get scared, and it makes me feel worse than any other nightmare I've had, so it's gradually turned into getting nervous when I see a piano ..."

"Well ..." Alexandre suddenly remembered something: in his previous life he had watched Count Antonio teach Anna to play the piano with his hand in the monastery because of special circumstances, and the look on Anna's face at that time was one of immense fear and nervousness. Was it because of that incident? But after all this time, was it possible that the effects of her past life were still so deeply imprinted on her heart?

"Well, let's switch to another instrument ...," said Alexandra, walking into the other room and fetching an acoustic guitar. "Today we don't think about anything, just try to relax, we'll sing some simple pop songs, when you find a feeling of absolute relaxation when you sing, you won't care if it's a piano or another instrument that accompanies you ... Pick a song by your favourite singer and I'll help you with the guitar Accompaniment ..."

Anna was silent for a while and thought about singing Liu Ruying's 'A Lifetime of Loneliness', and within seconds, Alexandra was singing along with her -

I think I will always be alone

I've been alone all my life

I think I'll always be alone

I'll be alone all my life

The bluer the sky, the more I'm afraid to look up.

The fuller the movie, the sadder I feel

The more time I have, the more uneasy I feel.

Because I'll always be alone and live a lonely life

The people I like don't show up

The ones who show up don't like me

Some love is indecisive

I'm still thinking about him and then I leave

I've thought about settling for less

But I find it's even harder to settle

So I learned to be optimistic

Living a lonely life

When loneliness has become a habit

So much so that I no longer think about what to do

Even if I'm upset, even if there's no one to keep me company

How do you translate freedom and loneliness?

I walk alone in the street and look at the sky

I can't find an answer I don't have one

The sky is blue I'll look up

The fuller the movie, the more I cherish the sadness

The more time I have, the more I get used to being uncomfortable

Because I'll always be alone and spend my days alone

I think I'll always be alone

"You did a good job with this song, you have a good control of the flow, the rhythm and the emotion. ... Is this your favourite song?" Alexandra looked at Anna with an approving look as she commented on what she had just sung.

"Yeah, I sang it a lot, first when I heard my mum sing it, and then I listened to it a lot, and I grew to love it. ..." Anna recalled.

"It's just that it's a bit sad, do you feel lonely? ..." said Alexandre, looking at Anna after a moment of silence.

Anna was surprised that he was asking about this. No one but her mother had ever been so concerned about her feelings and thoughts, and Anna couldn't help but think about it. "Yes, I guess everyone in this world feels a bit lonely at one time or another. ..." Anna replied intelligently.

"Why do you think so ..." said Alexandra, who seemed interested in the subject.

"Because I always feel as if nothing in this world is certain, including feelings ... My mother loved a man and gave everything for him, thinking she had found true love, but for some reason it ended up breaking up and she has been alone ever since ... No matter how deep the love once was, it seems to have the potential to change ..." Anna wondered what had happened to her and told her professor the story of her mother that had been buried in her heart for so long. After all these years, Anna's heart still hated the man who had hurt her mother so deeply, and it was because of this hatred that she felt even more alone in her heart.

Alexander put down his guitar and gently walked over to Anna, took her into his arms and comforted her, "Anna, I'm sorry to hear your story about your feelings ... In fact, you don't have to be too sad, there are many lonely souls in this world, but you are not alone because you are always in my heart. I will be with you as long as you want me to, so we can grow old together ..."

"Professor Brüno ... Well, Alexandre, do you know what you're talking about?" Jokes are not for the faint of heart, let alone such an ambiguous one.

"I'm not joking, it's been buried in my heart for years, I'm just looking for the right opportunity to say it?" Alexander said seriously, gently releasing his hold on Anna, picking up his guitar, bending his legs naturally and sitting down on the carpet to sing -

Sitting back to back on the carpet

Listen to the music and talk about wishes

You want me to be more and more tender

I want you to keep me in your heart

You said you wanted to send me a romantic dream

Thank you for leading you to heaven

Even if it takes a lifetime to complete

If I tell you, you'll never forget

The most romantic thing I can think of

Is to grow old with you

Collecting all the laughs along the way

To sit in a rocking chair and talk about it later

The most romantic thing I can think of

Is to grow old with you

Until we're too old to go anywhere

You'll still treat me like a treasure in your hand

Sitting back to back on the carpet

Listening to music and talking about our wishes

You want me to be more and more tender

I want you to keep me in your heart

You said you wanted to give me a romantic dream

Thank you for leading you to heaven

Even if it takes a lifetime to complete

If I tell you, you'll never forget

The most romantic thing I can think of

Is to grow old with you

Collecting all the laughs along the way

To sit in a rocking chair and talk about it later

The most romantic thing I can think of

Is to grow old with you

Until we're too old to go anywhere

You'll still treat me like a treasure in your hand

The most romantic thing I can think of

Is to grow old with you

Collecting all the laughs along the way

To sit in a rocking chair and talk about it later

The most romantic thing I can think of

Is to grow old with you

Until we're too old to go anywhere

You still treat me like a treasure in your hand


His voice is so low and soft, so magnetic, that Anna can't help but listen to it carefully.