
The Countess's Secret Diary (3)

At the fourth second, when I decided to take you home, a nun opened the door of the convent and she found you and took you in.

That's how I lost you. It was all my fault.

Maybe it was God's plan, maybe being a nun was the best thing you could have done.

But, my dear daughter, I just want you to know that I love you. I have repeated these words in my heart thousands of times.

I want you to know that I am your mother, and that your mother's name is Ada. Everyone calls me Countess Ada, but what does that mean? I don't even have the right to give birth to my firstborn daughter.

As for your father, the man whose name I love even though he has grown indifferent to me, his name is embedded in my heart, mind and soul, and he is the love of my life, Count Antonio.

Alas, there is no need for you to know our surname. I am writing this diary at random when I think of you, and perhaps you will never know about it in this life, so it will remain a secret, a secret forever.


Anna read through the dense diary in one breath until a blank page appeared. Anna's eyes stared at the scribbles and hesitated to leave them. Why did this handwriting feel so familiar to Anna?

Anna searched her mind for it.

The handwriting on the diary appeared in Anna's mind along with the handwriting on a note she had seen before. Until the two handwritings were completely reunited into one font.

Anna went under the bed and took the note out of the small basket and compared it with the handwriting on the diary.

The more she compared them, the more panicked she became.

The handwriting, the texture and the colour of the paper looked like they came from the same place.

Anna held the note in one hand, and with the other she searched the front and back of the diary for something.

After a few moments, Anna was frozen. Her eyes stared blankly at a corner of a blank page in the diary.

Trembling, she pieced the paper in her hand over the broken piece. It was a complete page, not even a corner was missing.


Anna screamed. She repeatedly compared it, checked it. She read the diary and the note over and over again.

There was no mistake. The truth was in front of her.

Could it be, could it be that her own mother was the person in this diary? And his own father - the Count Antonio!

Oh my God! What is this? Is God playing a big joke? Or is it a deliberate trick of fate?

And it was April Fool's Day. What an irony!

Anna felt like a complete fool, fooled by her parents, tricked by fate!

Anna couldn't believe that her father was this man, this man who had become her husband, with whom Anna had kissed and embraced intimately, and who had transformed her from a young girl to a woman overnight, and who was - in fact - her biological father!

Anna is dumbfounded, dumbfounded, staring at the secret diary that reveals her origins.

From this moment on, the secret diary was no longer a secret, and Anna would rather she never knew it!

Anna felt that she could not say anything, that her mouth was dry, that the corners of her eyes were dry and that there were no tears!

Her heart was in turmoil, her mind was in turmoil at the moment.

What is this?


Oh my God!