
The Countess's Secret Diary (1)

Too tired. Anna woke up with a start, thinking about last night's dream-like scene and wondering if it was a dream or reality. When she got up, she found her naked body and the red flowers on her sheets and realised that she had changed from a girl to a woman overnight.

Thinking about last night, Antonio's usual integrity and consideration disappeared in front of Anna's face. He was sometimes serious, sometimes playful, sometimes indifferent, sometimes gentle, sometimes domineering ...

He was as unpredictable as the weather. What kind of man was he? The first time I saw him, I thought he was a man.

Fate had tied Anna to him, and even after becoming a real countess, his wife in the true sense of the word, Anna did not know him. It seemed that the closer she got to him, the further away she felt from him.

A sigh of helplessness escaped Anna's throat, and she was dazed for a moment. Then she got out of bed, found a casual dress and put it on, and wandered around the room like a ghost.

Next to the wardrobe, in the most obscure corner of the room, she found a few books. Anna, who loved books, picked them out of the corner. She flipped through them one by one.

Suddenly, a beige hardback diary caught her eye. She opened it and read it with great interest.

I was at the market today and I came across this book inadvertently. It was like some kind of magic, and I couldn't get enough of it. So I decided to buy it.

When I got home, I opened the book and tried to write something, but I didn't know where to start.

I don't like to write, but I bought myself a little diary. But when I bought it, I was very happy.

Maybe I'll just record some random moments and let it keep me company when I'm lonely.


I became a countess, his manliness attracted me and I fell in love with him. I never thought he would marry me, but it has come to pass. I hope that I have a good time in the future and cherish every moment with him ...

I wish we had more time alone because I want to get to know him well and be a good wife.

I don't know what it is that keeps him so busy, he doesn't come home often. It wasn't long after the wedding that I was left alone in the empty villa ...

He always gave me so much money that I could buy myself any expensive clothes and jewellery. Sometimes I don't know if I married a man or his money.

I always pretended to be happy when he gave me money, when in fact I would rather have his company than this cold money.


I often dream that he is as protective of me as he was when I first got married. When I think too much, I dream too much.

Even though he doesn't come home, he is the only one in my heart.

I wish he could sleep with me in his arms every day, I wish I could hear his breathing, even if it was a loud snore. I wished I could see his face every morning when I woke up, and I wished he had a smile on his face.

But it seems that the gods of love have not been kind to me.

Was I getting ugly? Or am I not lucky enough?

I don't know if he's really out on the road at the moment, or if he's lying in bed with some beautiful woman, laughing?



I dreamt again of a huge garden of roses. I stood in the midst of the roses and wandered through them. I was looking for him, but there was no one in the huge rose garden. No! There were two people - me and my shadow.


These days I find myself particularly tired and full of food. Could it be that I'm pregnant?