
The Cliffs of Death (1)

The wind blew quickly past my ears. The weight of the body is such that one gust is more violent than another.

How deep it was, no one knew.

Anna remembers looking down at it before she jumped. The sheer cliffs were covered in a hazy fog. With the mountainous terrain, it gave the illusion of a peek into fairyland. So I thought that maybe if I jumped off this cliff, life would be different.

Before, I didn't feel any fear. But as her body continued to descend, with no sign of the fall ending, Anna's heart began to panic.

Was this what this legendary abyss was all about, this place where no body could be seen? As she fell endlessly, her body gradually turned into air and disappeared without a trace.

The objects in front of me bounced like rabbits, appearing, disappearing, appearing, disappearing. My eyes were blurred. I didn't know what it was, my body was in the clouds and fog. I don't know where I am. Only my hand was still in Alexandra's grip. Anna could feel the pain in her hand because it was so tightly squeezed. It was this pain that made Anna believe that she was only falling and that she was not dead yet.

I don't know how much time had passed. A deep green pool suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. It was clear in its turquoise colour, and a mist of smoke surrounded the water in the pool, which looked like a clear spring.

"What should I do? I can't swim!" Anna shouted nervously as she looked at the blue water in front of her. Before she knew it, she was being carried by Alexandre into the water with him. The water, which was supposed to be cold and biting, was now warming their bodies.

"I didn't know this was a hot spring!" They sighed as their voices joined together.

"No wonder there are clouds and mist in this deep mountain valley, it's like a fairyland. Anna sighed as she picked up the spring water with her hands and sprinkled it on her face.

"I heard from my father that if there are hot springs, there are probably big snakes in the area where they come out!" Alexandra joked to Anna.

"What? Snakes? Don't scare me, I'm scared of snakes!" Anna shrank back, uncomfortable at the sound of his words. Now the nervousness was getting stronger and she leaned towards the shore of the pool. If she didn't, she found a problem. There seemed to be a large hole behind her. She exclaimed nervously, "Oh, what's this?" As she said this, she flung herself into Alexandra's arms.


Alexandre opened his arms and tried to hold her tight. But he found that he could not touch Anna's body. He looked closely and saw that he was holding Anna, but he could not feel her in his arms. Anna was also stunned, she could not feel the warmth of Alexander's arms either. Their bodies were like shadows to each other, only visible, but they could not feel anything, whether they were grabbing, holding or touching.

"Oh my God! Are we dead?" They shouted in unison, their voices becoming louder.

"That's right, you're dead!" A voice emerged from under the water, from the exact spot where Anna had felt the hole earlier.

The voice was eerie and creepy. Both Alexander and Anna froze for a moment. For a moment they didn't realise what was going on. Only the tension in the air was rising and falling.

The water was crystal clear and the two men stared motionlessly into the dark underwater cavern. It was as deep as an unfathomable abyss.

The two men were in a daze when the weather suddenly changed. The sky was blue, even though it was foggy. Now it was getting darker. When Anna looked up at the sky, she saw dark clouds moving rapidly, and the whole sky was covered with thick, moving clouds.

A snake's head, about the size of a bowl, emerged from the water. The snake's body was about as thick as its head, and even though the snake's entire body could not be seen, it was a large python, its black eyes slithering out of the water as it stared at the two of them. The worst part was that Anna remembered the sound that had come from somewhere.