

Time flies, it's almost a year ago.

Senior students are preparing for their departure from campus. The preparations before leaving campus vary from person to person.

Some of them pack up their old books, DVDs and other gadgets and sell them on the campus stalls. For the seller, it's not only a great way to make a few bucks, but it's also a chance to chat with other people and easily pass the time before graduation. For buyers, it's not only a great bargain, but if you're lucky, you can find books that are out of stock in the bookstore or have not been published for a long time. This year's pop-up stalls on campus were crowded with people picking up their favourite gadgets or good books.

Some are facing a break-up before graduation. Not many people knew about the breakup, but Qiu Yuanlin, the most handsome senior, was dumped by his girlfriend and became the headline news on campus.

Qiu Yuanlin is from the sports department. He is also the famous Beckham of the school's football team, a nickname that comes from the fact that he is not only a good footballer but also a good-looking one. He is 5'8" tall, has wheat skin and looks like Beckham. His girlfriend, a foreign language student, dumped him because she was studying abroad.

He was happy with the situation and broke up with her calmly without any fuss. He just asked some of his buddies to go out for a hot pot and a drink.

I just came back from eating hot pot, and I was chatting with my buddies on the side of the stall in the campus.

"You're really open-minded, a four-year relationship just ends?"

"What else can I do? I can't just cry, make a fuss or hang myself!"

"You've got two months to go before you leave school, you're breaking up so early, our PE classes aren't too busy, and you're not under pressure to find a job, you're going to be bored!"

"No, no, we get together all the time, we eat and drink together when we can, and we live our senior year in style!"

"Don't you feel lonely when you don't have a beautiful woman with you?"

"I'm not used to it, why don't you introduce me to one?"

"Hey, you're a good-looking guy, there's a long queue of girls after you from the east entrance to the west entrance of the campus, do I need to introduce you?"

"It's because there are so many girls after me, I seem to have lost interest in all of them."

"I guess too many choices are a problem. Let's play a bet. Since you can't see the girls you're after, you'll go after the hardest girl on campus. If you win, I'll treat you to a hot pot, and if you lose, we'll go to the best five-star hotel in the city and have a good time in a presidential suite."

"Wow, you're so good at counting, you lose and I lose with different chips."

"We come from different backgrounds, I'm a commoner and you're a billionaire's son."

"Forget it, forget it, I don't care what the chips are. It's the betting that's interesting. Who was the hardest girl on campus you said you had to chase? What's so hard about it?"