
A Coincidence in the Rose Garden (2)

"I'm the son of the old gardener who manages the rose garden here, my name is Alexandre, I've often heard my father talk about one of you ..." Alexandre looked at her with a smile.

It was only then that Anna noticed the man called Alexandra, his thick brown hair radiated a chestnut glow, probably because of his long, thick eyelashes, as if his brown eyes radiated warmth and affection, his nose was high and straight, and his lips, not too thick, not too thin, were seductive when he smiled. "Do you mean the old gardener? What did he say about me?"

Alexander looked into Anna's lake-clear eyes and said, "He said you were a lovely, angelic girl, clever and happy as an elf. Today I see that you are true to your reputation."

Anna looked into his eyes and seemed mesmerised by the light in them. She felt embarrassed by what he said.

She was about to say something when she heard Sister Mary, who had arrived at some point, say, "Anna, you mustn't talk and laugh loudly at work. Have you forgotten who you are as a nun?"

Anna gave Alexandre a quiet look and hurried away.


When Sister Mary saw that Anna had left the man and was no longer talking to him, she smiled with satisfaction. It seemed that she had not loved Anna in vain, and that she had listened to her only if she had spoken.

Over the years, Sister Mary's love for Anna had made her feel as if she were her own daughter, and it had been a joy to see her emerge from a newborn baby into the generous girl she was now.

Sister Mary thought to herself: "Now that Anna is sixteen years old, the mind of a young girl can change at will.

With her mind made up, Sister Mary came to Anna and said, "Anna, you have been a novice for quite some time now, how do you feel about it and have you considered becoming a nun for life?"

Anna didn't know what to say when she heard what Sister Mary said, because she had grown up here and didn't think much of it. But I had never really thought about being a nun for the rest of my life, or living in a convent for the rest of my life. Thinking this, Anna didn't really know what to say, so she stammered, "I ... don't know ..."

Sister Mary thought Anna would be happy to become a full nun as soon as possible, but she was so indecisive that her answer came out as "I don't know". She was about to give Anna a good lecture when she heard another nun call her name.

Sister Mary answered and looked in the direction of the nun who had called her name to see a man in a black dress with a white bow tie walking towards her. Wasn't that the Count Antoninho?

I'm going to visit a friend today and I'm going to bring some roses with me, so I'm going to check out this year's rose harvest. He looked around at the roses and the nuns who were picking them.

When his eyes finally fell on Anna, Antonio's eyes lit up for a moment. He looked Anna up and down and said, "Who is this ...?"

Sister Mary hastily replied, "This is Sister Anna, who grew up in our convent ..." and then poked Anna's hand and said, "Anna, greet the Count... ..."

Anna heard Sister Mary mention her name and was reminded to say hello, so she said, "Hello Count, nice to meet you ..." Anna took the opportunity to take a good look at the man, his angular face with eagle-like eyes that shone with a sharp light. He had a stern expression and no smile at the corners of his mouth, making people feel cold when they looked at him.

His eyes were staring into Anna's eyes right now. Anna almost shivered at the sight of him. Anna settled down and forced out a smile.