
Chapter 10

The weekend dragged on and Dad never made it home. Monday morning means school which means seeing people I don't want to see. As I left the empty house seemed scared. I had cleaned up the bottles and spills. The empty drug containers pile in the trash, and my prescriptions lay on the side of my bed. I haven't been taking them, I know I should but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it, so I just shoved them in my bag.

I walk with my head down into the school hoping to avoid everyone, so far so good. First period drags on and so does the second. No one comes up during break. Third and forth go by, but the whole time I feel eyes on my back.

At lunch I hurry out and scout for an empty classroom, but before I reach the door my body slams against the wall.

"So runt, you wanna tell me your place? Or did you forget already?"


"GO ON! Where do you belong" his hands run through my hair pushing my head into the wall.

"N-no whe-ere" he grins. His face twisting forcing my eyes to flutter.

"Then why are you still breathing?!" His arm pulls back ready to strike, I shut my eyes waiting for the impact.

"Josh! Haven't you done enough!? Why can't you leave him alone?" my eyes open at the sound of his voice

"Why can't YOU get on board Alec? Hasn't Kathy told you what this little slut and his god forsaken father did to my dad? You don't understand what he is! Did you ever consider me and this douche bag were friend's. We were so close- i-" Josh's voice cracked as he shoved me deeper into the wall.

"You k-kno-ow the t-truth of wh-what happened," I choked out. He shook his head at me angrily.

"I told you I don't believe your fake ass excuse, I trusted you!" He pushed down on my shoulders, my knees giving out. The words shook me to my core. He glared at Alexander,

"Don't turn your back on me like this worthless piece of trash did."

"How can you say you care about someone if you can't trust them and what they say? How can you care for someone and hurt them? Please tell me i'd love to know" Josh just looked at him. My body fills with anger. Alec is making it seem as if he cares. He has shown me that already. Josh steps closer to Alec. I got up slowly, not wanting to be here, and took off. Neither of them noticed as I dashed behind classrooms and made my way towards a back entrance of the school. The gates were locked with a chain and padlock. If you pushed it, it opened about 5 inches. I threw my bag over the fence and pushed the french open shoving my body between the small openings. Soon I was on the other side. I was a bit cut up from the fence but I did this all the time. I grabbed my bag and started walking down the street. There wasn't much I could do outside, I can't go home because just my luck dad will be there. So I walked down different streets, my mind wandering as houses passed by me.

Alec helped me!?

He's trying to 'earn my trust'

Is that a bad thing?

I cant trust him, hell just hurt me

Maybe he means it?

Did he mean it last time when he acted nice!?

I- i don't kn-

NO he didn't! He lied! He played me!

He's scared!

Hes pathetic

So am I

I stopped, running my hands along my face. I looked around me, the street signs seemed unfamiliar to me, the houses seemed bigger, cars looked expensive and everything looked new. Where was I? Crap did I get lost again?! Sometimes I just get stuck in my head. I continued walking down the street admiring the houses and fancy cars. I turned a couple more streets hoping to see something familiar but nothing. I turned another corner and came across more houses. I walked down the street then decided to turn back, once I reached the other end of the street I felt shivers run up my spine. I turned around hoping to see something. The street was still empty and most of the houses seemed to be either empty or with one or two people inside. It was still early and most kids should be in school. I walked back up the street and I still felt that weird feeling. I looked around once more and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I turned back around feeling frustrated.

"Hey kid!"

The voice behind me made me turn. My blood ran cold and my body stiffened. There he was. My father. My breath caught in my throat as I tried to speak. He looked healthier, his face was a clean shave, his dark hair was combed and his beep blue eyes seemed clear. This man wasn't my father but he looked so much like him it scared me. He took a step towards me. Goosebumps covered my skin as I backed away slowly crouching close to the ground. He stopped and looked at me. His blue eyes searching for something in my face. He took another step closer, and I spun around ready to run, but as I tried turning I tripped over my own feet. My body moved backwards and I tried catching myself, but ended up scrapping my palms on the pavement. The man looked shocked as my body hit the ground, his feet moving him closer trying to catch me. I scooted back not wanting him anywhere near me. His arm moved outward and fear overtook me completely. My eyes shut as my arm moved to shield my face, not wanting to be hit.

"I'm not gonna hurt you kid"

My eyes fluttered open and I dropped my hand slightly looking at him. His arm was stretched out palm facing up. He wiggled his fingers wanting me to take his hand. Slowly I slipped my hand in his. He helped me to my feet, chuckling lightly. His face was soft and friendly, something that was hard for me to digest.

"You alright?" I nodded slowly. He looked at me still searching me. He turned my hand over looking at my palm. It was scraped and blood was slowly seeping from the wounds. "Come on you need to clean this'' he said grabbing my shoulder stirring me towards a light blue house. He opened the dark oak door and ushered me inside. I didn't know what to do. Was he going to kill me here? Should I run? Is he gunna rape me? He's not my father! He looks so much like him. He's a stranger, I should still be careful. The inside of his house was really nice. Everything was nice, shiny and looked well kept. Really different from what i'm used to. The floors were spotless and the house smelled of lavender. He brought me into his kitchen leading me to the little island with the sink. He softly grabbed my hands putting them under the faucet. The cool water soothed my burning skin. He rubbed soap on it washing it clean. "So what are you doing here? Looking for someone?" my face flushed with embarrassment.

"N-no I- i was trying to find my way back" he studied me some more.

" back to where?" home? School? I don't know where I was going really.

"The house I guess," I said lightly. He gave me a question look.

"Do you fall a lot?" my cheeks got warmer as I nodded slightly. "I thought so, you have bruises," he pointed out. I looked down at my now wrapped hands, not wanting to make eye contact. He can't know the bruises aren't from falling. "What's your name kid?"

"J-jason" his face shifted into something I couldn't understand, then quickly faded.

"Well i'm Raymond, it's nice to meet you" he smiled at me. I nodded my head at him just as the front door opened.

"Ray! Are you ready?" a tall sandy haired man walked into the kitchen taking off his sunglasses. Raymond got up to greet him. After their embrace he turned towards me . I looked at the man who just walked in, without his sunglasses he sent another wave of panic though me.

"O-officer Tanner?!"

"Well, if it isn't Mr. Summers!" I backed up slowly, not wanting to be there, as I felt the blood drain from my face.

"You two know each other?" Raymond's shock was plain on his face. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah hes-"

"I'm his probation officer!"

oh my its been forever! ;-; hope it was good.