
True Gem a Pirates Tale

J_Greene · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Captain Jordon

My feet automatically move towards him. The arms around me tighten again. Still I try to turn towards my fathers booming voice. I tried to obey his orders for me to come out, to show myself.

"Reeyana! This is your last warning." I can just see him as he turned scanning the trees and pools of water. As if he simply had yet to see me. "Come out now or you will never be allowed here again." his turned towards the willow tree. I instinctively stepped deeper into the brush and closer to the pirate. Am i nuts? I'm standing beside a thieving, murderous, probable rapest; and I am more scared of my own father?

"Looks like its time to go." the pirate whisperes taking my wrist in his hand. "No matter what, do what I say." He finishes speaking just as my father steps towards the tree


Three of my fathers personal Guard charge into the garden, trampling flowers and sending chunks of dirt flying into the ponds, swords drawn. The hand around my wrist tightens.

"Shit, fuck" suddenly im on the ground with a cursing pirate on top on me, and a clear view of the now facless servant. His blood a pool around his head, his brain blasters the tray of food and bench where I had been sitting. This is my fault. A boy, younger then me lay dead a mere five meters away. My stomach wrenches as a hand suddenly cover my eyes.

"I told you not to fucking look!" his harsh whisper is warm against my ear. "Also don't even fucking think of moving!" As he finishes talking he slowly moves off of me, slipping to my right. I turn my face towards away and lay perfectly still. Quite as a cat he moves into a crouch, slipping the dagger back into his boot, his finger brush his sword. As he moves forwards I can hear my father explaining the "Unfortunate events" that lead to the boys death.

"If your daughter is missing My Lord shall we form a search?" The largest guard asked. The pirate pauses, glancing my way.

"Yes, AFTER you escort me back to the Keep" My father was already walking away as he responded, I stareat his back. His guards are left stumbling after him. One pauses and looks to the servent before shaking his head and following ny father. I glanced back over to where the pirate was crouched, only to see him standing. He carfully watched my father and the Guards leave, then turned and pointed the sword at me.

"Uh, no need for that."

"You really are a fucking nobles daughter." He steps towards me

"As I said before I am willing to give you whatever you want." I paused, realizing that I can no longer return to the Keep. If I did and told my father what had happened, he would never believe me and then beat me. Or He would believe me and he would have me hung for association with pirates. I cleared my throat and stood.

"Only I'm changing the second part of the deal."

"En' what does that mean?" His voice carried a clear warning."

"It means instead of letting me go, you will take me with you. You won't harm me in anyway, and the next time you reach land you will drop me off there!" I look him in the eye as I speak. With each word a smirk spreads across his face.

"Well, ain't you a demanding little thing." He let out a low chuckle that had me second guessing myself. "Fine, ya have a fucking deal ya noble whore" He starts walking towards me. I know I have to leave before my father's men find me, but is this the really my best option? A shout from the front of the garden makes my decision for me.

"Follow me." he says as he walks towards the iron fence. As I step up to the fence he suddenly throws me over his shoulder and starts running down the fence.

"What the hell? Put Me DOWN!" I snap well trying to break free.

"No now, Shut up!" He snaps back at me, suddenly the world shifts around me the grass is replaced by trees and the fence. Just as fast as it changed it snapped back. Did he just jump the fence well carrying me?!

"ho-" I tried to ask but i was suddenly infront of him with his hand firmly on my mouth.

"What the fuck do you not get about shut up!" he hissed at me. He then threw me back over his shoulder and started running again. With a few minutes we are at the Keeps wall near the cliff. The massive drop off is one of many reason my father decided to build the Keep here. With two sides cut off by wall and the other two a sheer impossible climb the Keep was more secure then any other, except the royal castle. Wait how did this damn pirate get in!? I was about to ask when he set me down. I expected him to tell me to shut up but he just guestures for me to follow. as we near the cliff I see a narrow path leading down, around the wall.

Carfully we decend the path. Every so often he would stop his eyes darting above us.

By the time we made it to the end of the path it was late morning. I glanced around not seeig any clear way to go.

"What's wrong, Your' ladyness?" I flinched and then turned to glare at him.

"Where do we go now dumbass?!" once again he let out a soft whistle as I cursed.

"Well Your' Ladyness," he pauses as he points down "It just looks like a long way down." My jaw dropped was this fucking pirate joking. That has to be at least twenty feet and I don't know how to swim.

"Wai-" I felt his hand on my back as ge pushed me over the ledge.

"Bitches, first" He laughed. Horror filled me as I plummet towards the water. I am going to die!

The moment I enter the salty water I start to panic. Sea water fills my lungs as i desperately claw at the water around me. My eyes burn from the salt and I am unable to see which way is up. My lungs burn as my brain screams for air. My limbs start to grow heavy. As the world starts to dim I feel something grab my arm. No, please just let me die in peace. The world goes black for a moment, then im staring at the sky, with a pirate kissing me. I push him off me with as much for as possible. The ground begins to rock as I start coughing up sea water. I gasp for air, the realize its not the ground rocking its a boat. I am in a small row boat.

"Bitch! Is that how you treat the person who saved your life!"


"For Gods sake stop fucking screaming! Are you trying to bring the freaking guards!?" He snapped.

"Almost drowns but still has enough energy to scream at me. Why am I doing this?" he groans as he drops his hand. Rage is coursing through my vains.

"What are you talking about" I growl through clenched teeth. For a moment he stares at me like I'm retarded, which is not helping me control myself.

"Sound travels easy on water so keep your voice low" he whispers. Oh, I guess that a normal thing to know. Not that I am educated in anything more then taking abuse and acting like a lady. The rage diapears as fast as it came.

"And who the hell does not know how to swim!?" he suddenly demands. I can feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment.

"Well this is my first time even being near this much water. I was never shown or taught." my words are barely a whisper. I hear him sigh then a hear a strange clunk. I glance towards him in tome to see him position himself with the ores and begin navigating the small boat through the water.

"Just don't fall out, Your' ladyness." He sighed

"I have a fucking name, Asshole!"I hiss at him

"So do I!" he snapped back. Thats when I noticed I have only called him fowl names or pirate. I search my brai trying to remember his name to no avail.

"Uh, what is it again?" I look at the water instead of him, but i can still feel his eyes burning i to my soul.

"Are you fucking serious? Just how much of a stuck up noble bitch are you!" he snapped, I flinched, why did he feel the need to bring up my 'noble' status. Though I had no right to be hurt. I had forgotten his name and insulted him just as much.

"I am sorry." I slowly look at him "I am Reeyana, please call me by my name or what ever just not anything with noble in it." I look him in the eye, and sigh.

"I forgot your name could you tell me again?"

"Jordon, Captain Jordon" as the words leave his mouth a shadow covers the boat. I turn to see a ship, on its deck a large grouping of men.

"CAP'S BACK!" one of the men shout and the rest of the pirates roar. I look back to Jordon, who is sitting there with a giant grin. What the hell am I doing?