

"Huh, it looks like I died."

"Dang it, all the hard work I did was wasted just because of a mere cancer."

"What is this place, and why is it so dark here?"

"Is this some kind of hell or heaven? No, hell and heaven don't exist; they are just tales used by the strong to bind the weak with morals."

"Whatever this place is, it still doesn't change the fact of my death due to a mere cancer."

"I can't move, huh?"

He thought helplessly and remained still for an unknown amount of time.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally saw a light, which instinctively compelled him to move towards it as if his sole purpose was to reach the source of light.

What greeted his eyes was a vast room with an ancient vibe, exuding an aura of luxury and power.

"Huh, where am I?"

He thought as he tried to move around. However, his movements were limited, and he could barely shift. As he caught sight of his tiny hand from the corner of his eyes, he knew with certainty that he had been reincarnated into a baby.

Even after attaining wealth in his previous life, he remained an avid reader of novels. It had always been one of his preferred forms of entertainment, and he continued to indulge in them despite his prosperity.

"Hahahaha, it seems that even the entire universe doesn't want me to perish. I shall achieve immortality in this new life!"

With a sadistic and resolute mindset, he contemplated his newfound situation.

Suddenly, his gaze fell upon a woman with blond hair, radiating beauty beyond compare. It was possible his mother, and her face had a joyous expression.

"Hmm, it appears that she is my mother in this life," he mused. "From the looks of it, my background in this world seems promising. However, I wonder what kind of world this is?"

As he was calculating his current situation, he suddenly heard a commotion at the door. As he turned his attention towards it, a muscular man with an aura befitting an emperor entered the room.

Although his body didn't display signs of excitement, the gleam in his eyes revealed a deep sense of joy.

He knew that he was probably his father in this new life.

As he focused his attention he found that the man was talking with his mother.

Gradually, the man approached and gently patted his head with a mixture of happiness and tenderness displayed on his face.

If the cultivation world were to witness the tender expression on the face of the tyrant emperor, it would undoubtedly send shockwaves through their very cores.

As our protagonist felt content with his fortunate background, his mother, the woman with blond hair, delicately revealed her breast, offering her nourishing milk to gently place it in his mouth.

When he instinctively began to suck on the nourishing milk, he experienced a sense of bliss that made him feel as if he were in heaven. His body gradually absorbed the sustenance, providing him with a profound sense of nourishment and satisfaction.

Suppressing his bliss, he attentively observed his surroundings, reminding himself that he had yet to gather knowledge about the world he now inhabited. He knew he had much to learn and understand in order to attain immortality if it was possible.

As he concentrated on his observations, he noticed that the man, whom he suspected to be his father, had a golden script materialize out of thin air and say something in an unknown language.

"Hmm from the looks of it I have reincarnated into a Cultivation world..."

However, judging from my background, it seems that I am born as a typical villain, often assuming the role of the final boss.

Based on the novels I have read, I have a gut feeling about it.

However, he did not feel scared because he was not oblivious to the clichéd scenes of so-called hypocritical heroes. He possessed knowledge and understanding of them and he could benefit from their cheat they possess.

He relished challenges because he knew that a boring journey would lengthen the time it took to achieve immortality. To fasten his progress, he understood the importance of using stepping stones to benefit his journey.

As he contemplated his current situation, exhaustion gradually seeped through his body, making him feel tired and sleepy. Slowly, he closed his eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

While he peacefully slept, a test was conducted on his bloodline, causing a commotion within the palace.

As it was discovered that his bloodline was even purer than that of the emperor and the queen, it caused an ancestor to emerge from seclusion to personally inspect and verify his purity of bloodline.

Upon discovering that his bloodline was comparable to their own, the ancestor swiftly declared him as the crown prince, on the condition that he could defeat all cultivators of the same rank within the Lu bloodline.

The ancestor knew that to announce without any test will be inappropriate, as it concerned the future of the lu dynasty as after all, if he only had talent and he didn't put any hardwork it will be useless.

The news left the entire palace in a state of profound disbelief. They realized that the ascend of an even more formidable emperor was now inevitable.

The ancestors, being cultivators who had surpassed the Dao Creation realm, were the progenitors of the ancient Lu lineage. They understood that if Lu Shen's bloodline purity could be compared to ancestors even at such a young age, once he refined his bloodline and embarked on cultivation, he would become an unparalleled monster who could never be surpassed. He will have boundless future and can dominate an era with the back of his hand.

Although some young people were a little unconvinced but they accepted it as the ancestor announced it.

Besides they can challenge him in the crown prince coronation and see if he is really a master with their own eyes.

Authors note:

Please support me for faster chapters and comment down below to give me some advice as I am still a noob in the author world.

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