
True evil in the cultivation novel

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Aurelius_Imperator · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Emergence of sacred realm

Lower realm pov:

In an unassuming vast forest, where every corner is teemed with vibrant vitality and the harmonious symphony of nature, life thrives in abundance.

A random bear-like beast was enjoying his grapes when suddenly he felt a ripple of unease wash over him. His instincts heightened, and a primal fear surged from the depths of his soul. Something was approaching—a great danger that stirred a sense of foreboding within him.

Fear gripped the boar's being, urging him to flee, to find a place of refuge from the encroaching darkness. Every instinct screamed at him to escape the clutches of the unknown danger he was facing.

As he fled, the lush greenery of the surroundings started converging towards the center, pulled by an unseen and inexplicable force.

A powerful wind swept through the area, whipping up leaves and causing the atmosphere itself to twist and contort. It was as if a monstrous mouth of insatiable hunger had materialized, relentlessly pulling everything in its vicinity the bear and all the beast widened their eyes with terror as they slowly were pulled towards the centre.

The force at the epicenter of this phenomena seemed to possess an insatiable appetite, devouring everything in its path with a ravenous fervor. The once-thriving ecosystem was thrown into disarray as nature itself succumbed to the irresistible pull.

The expanding darkness formed an impenetrable dome, stretching to the limits of perception. Within this mysterious boundary, the air crackled with potent energy, and an otherworldly aura permeated the surroundings. The once-familiar forest had been transformed into a realm veiled in uncertainty and danger.

The commotion instantly caught the attention of the top cultivators who had already reached the pinnacle of the golden core realm. Without hesitation, they swiftly departed from their locations, driven by curiosity and a sense of urgency to uncover the source of such disruption.

As they arrived at the scene and witnessed the imposing black dome, a wave of shock washed over them. The sheer intensity of the terrifying aura emanating from the domain caused their hearts to race uncontrollably.

The experienced cultivators, accustomed to facing challenges without fear, were shaken to their core by the overwhelming presence of the domain.

Astonishment filled their faces as they exchanged perplexed glances, realizing that this phenomenon surpassed anything they had encountered before. Their understanding was shaken, and their certainty in their own cultivation wavered momentarily.

Among the cultivators gathered, most wore golden robes with a dragon symbol, denoting their affiliation with the powerful Dragon Sect. Their arrogance was palpable, a testament to their unrivaled status. Others donned green robes with a sword symbol, representing the esteemed Sword Sect. Two elegant female cultivators stood out in dark robes, members of the revered Fairy Sect. Lastly, a lone cultivator in a distinctive blue robe represented the Blue Wave Sect.

Although there were some conflicts among their sect but not to the extent of enmity so the peak cultivator cooperated with some reluctance.

Despite their fear, the cultivators gathered their resolve and ventured forth to explore the mysterious domain. As peak cultivators, they possessed remarkable resilience and unwavering willpower. However, to their astonishment, they discovered that no matter how hard they tried, they were unable to enter the domain. This revelation left them dumbfounded, their confusion deepening.

With a collective effort, they conducted thorough research on the peculiar phenomenon. It soon became clear that only cultivators below the foundation realm were able to enter this enigmatic realm.

As the golden-robed cultivator delved into the depths of his memory, a flicker of recognition crossed his face. Recalling the contents of an ancient book he had studied within the Dragon Sect, a surge of joy coursed through him. Realizing the potential significance of the current discovery, he wasted no time in summoning his fellow sect cultivators to discuss his findings.

"Brothers, I have stumbled upon a remarkable revelation," he began, his voice filled with excitement. "As you all know, we are but a subsidiary sect of the ancient Lu Dynasty, which resides in the upper realm. In the records I have studied, it is mentioned that if we were to uncover a secret realm matching the description of this place, it could serve as a pathway for us to ascend to the upper realm and partake in countless benefits and opportunities."

The atmosphere was charged with excitement as the words settled among the Dragon Sect cultivators. The notion of ascending to greater heights and expanding their cultivation prowess was nothing short of a dream come true.

They didn't dare delay and quickly returned back to their sect which caused other peak golden cultivators to be doubtful but they couldn't stop them as they were not qualified.

As for the dragon sect they didn't care about the other cultivation sect as they will return to the upper realm.

They immediately lit a signal which they had to contact the upper realm and send the message through it.

As the emperor and queen received the message, they were initially taken aback by the mention of a secret realm in the lower realm. However, their interest waned when they learned that only cultivators below the foundation realm were allowed entry. Such a secret realm held little significance in their eyes as they both have already reached the dao creation realm.

Just as they were thinking about the matter, Lu Shen entered the throne room.

"Greetings father and mother"

Lu shen said respectfully while cupping his hands.

The couple's surprise was evident when they felt the aura emanating from Lu Shen. It was comparable to that of top-tier cultivators in the foundation realm, despite his cultivation being only at the peak of the qi refinement realm.

Authors note:

As your boy is still a new author I am lacking in many things comment down below and support me if u like the novel. I am planning to make this novel at least 300 ch I hope you follow along my journey of the dao of writing. hope you like the ch.

End of ch 😄