
true conquer -Classroom of the elite ,oc

Akira Fukuhara is a cold-hearted boy who has little concern for others and crushes those who will stand in his way mercilessly. He won't care about the fact that the opponent is a boy or a girl or a child. He will not spare anyone who threatens him He always loved the Anime and LN Classroom of the Elite. He always came out victorious in many things but is also uninterested in those victories as it doesn't matter. He wasn't a fan of how class B turned out to be pathetic in ANHS.So he wanted to change class B, so he will try to control and be the new conquer and leader of class B. He respected Ayanokouji the most out of everyone because they were somewhat similar however he knew ayanokouji was far more superior. The mc is someone who will not back down for moral reasons and simple sympathy. He won't be a mindless villain either, expect an mc to control others and become the king of ANHS

latheef_shaik · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Side chapter-1 Whole some shit

A/n : I literally took get some help into a chapter..enjoy the therapy and a date

3 rd pov


"hello " Akira replied with energy

" It seems you are ready to end it all " Akira said

"Good thing I came in the last second "

" I am glad you are with me today "Akira replied

"Why did you save me " Replied a teenage girl

she is in the 14 age group and looked really pretty with blue hair with pigtails with glasses and a large size chest which is unnatural for her age group. she also possesses many factors in her body that several women could only dream of and many men want in a woman.

"Trust me. I would have left you alone and never interfered "Akira replied truthfully.

"But"Akira replied

"someone, who has been watching you for a small bit sensed that deep down you didn't wish to end your life that way "Akira replied

"It was faint but your soul was begging for your life .praying that some prince comes to rescue a princess such as you "Akira replied

"so naturally I volunteered to help "Akira replied

"regardless!I am here to help "Akira replied

"What do you want from me " The girl questioned him not believing someone cares for her.

"I only want one thing "Akira replied

"for you to get better "Akira replied

" You look like someone who could use some sleep. so sleep while you can "Akira replied

" I can't sleep " The girl looked tired

"Hmm" Akira replied

"I know how hard is to get some sleep"Akira replied

"I just want you to know one thing "Akira replied

"Whatever happened in the past doesn't matter right now. Whatever happens in the future doesn't matter right now. nothing matters anymore. the only thing matters now Is you getting proper sleep "Akira replied

"So sleep, while you are sleeping, you can look at me if you want "Akira replied

"One shouldn't try sleeping. it should work as naturally as work. once you let all the thinking in your brain go and close your eyes. you will go the deep slumber"Akira replied

"Now close your eyes, I will be with you "Akira replied

They both slept holding each other peacefully and for a long time.

<time skip >

"Cooome Heeerre ~ I need you "Akira replied teasingly

"How did you sleep last night "Akira replied

"You slept like a log! You looked like a dead looking pale girl yesterday "Akira replied

"THank you " The girl replied

" Well no problem"Akira replied

"Now moving on! I am able to finish off my chores for today. so I can spend my time with you "Akira replied

"so it's your third day in this mansion! Why yes, this is my room "Akira replied

"You are an interesting girl! Everyone, even the servants in this mansion is looking at you like eye candy. Therefore as the owner of the mansion, it's my duty to satisfy the needs of a guest "Akira replied

"I hope you don't mind. I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable ."Akira replied

"I am a little nervous !" the girl replied

" Now come here. Lay down on my lap "

Akira pulled the girl down on his lap

"I hope there is enough cushioning to your liking. "Akira replied

"It's simple. Answer these questions for me and I will give you the extensive profile of who you are " Akira replied

"It may help yourself better "Akira replied

"Just be honest as much you can"Akira replied

"There is no wrong answer" Akira replied

"Now let's begin "Akira replied

"question no 1: why do you hate living "Akira asked

"It hurts to be alive " the girl replied

"I see ... next question "Akira replied

"what do you think about most? "Akira asked

"I keep thinking about an uncertain future "

"I see ... a few more questions "Akira replied

"Why did you do it "Akira replied

"I didn't belong anywhere else "the girl replied

"We are almost there! next question" Akira replied

"Who do you blame for all of it" Akira replied

"Myself"The girl replied

"Very good! last question " Akira replied

"where you would like to rot "Akira replied

" I want to rot in the ground," the girl said in despair

"well thank you! I have enough information right now "Akira replied

"Here is what I think. you are naturally an anxious person" Akira replied

"You have hopes and dreams but you need a little push in the right direction in order to achieve them,"Akira replied

"You have a lot of sadness in you. you need someone or something to help you from building the sorrow on you "Akira replied

"You often burn a lot of bridges. but only out of necessity "Akira replied

"You need to forgive yourself You are a lot of harsh on yourself sometimes "Akira replied

"what do you think? Pretty accurate right " Akira replied

"it's a-accurate " The girl replied amazed

"Well funny you say that Actually I made it all up "Akira replied in a sly remark

" I will give you the same response no matter what you answered "Akira replied

" I think in order to know more about you, I should hang with you more and get to know you more "Akira replied

"Which I am more than happy to oblige "Akira replied

"What was the point"the girl replied in despair

" well to be honest I just wanted you to rest on my lap "Akira replied

"Heheehe! not everyone gets the privileges of sitting in my lap you know"Akira replied

"That aside I have told you these questions to prove to you that no matter who you are it didn't matter, how I perceive you, how others perceive you "Akira replied

" and that you are free to change your will and your fate and destiny"Akira replied

"Only those who accept you and stay with you for who you actually matter "Akira replied

"No one accepts me "the girl replied in despair again

"..... B-Believe it or not, I can relate "Akira replied breaking once

"I wasn't the same person I was before you "Akira replied

"I felt lonely and isolated from other people "Akira replied

"Even when I am playing around the mansion. I was cruel to a lot of people even to those around me "Akira replied

"I thought, as long as I have a bed to sleep, i didn't need anything else" Akira replied

"At the end of the day, I only thought of myself. But you know I am out solving the incident"Akira replied

"There was a huge pandemic of the rising rate of suicides among young people "Akira replied

"Well long story short, after the incident I realized that you and I actually matter to society. Afterall young people are the stepping stones for tomorrow's society "Akira replied

"Even the small, little miracles and even minor actions matter the most. Even a little victory such as this. needs a celebration "Akira replied

"I have an impact on people big or small, that will eventually come to have an impact on me wherever I realize it or not "Akira replied

"From then on, I wanted to be with the kind of people closest to me "Akira replied

"For the most part"Akira replied

" some people really need good 'scolding' before you can knock some sense in the "Akira replied

"Be nice until it's time to be 'not nice'. That's my motto and a fine motto to live by "Akira replied

"I want you to understand it. Just like it was never too late to change my views, it was never late to change yourself"Akira replied

"That's for the stuff you want to change. There is some stuff we wouldn't change ourselves to the world "Akira replied

"and that's completely fine. We need to surround ourselves with people who love for what we are "Akira replied

"But of course, If you have no one then that's fine too. Being able to walk yourself on your own path is quite a virtue ."Akira replied

"And along the way you may find what or whom you will be looking for "Akira replied

"Just for the record, I will accept you, for who you are, and who you wanted to be"Akira replied

"I am always here for you "Akira replied

"That's all i wanted to say "Akira replied

"you can keep laying in my lap as long as you want. Whenever you are ready we are moving to the lake "Akira replied


"This mansion has quite a large lake surrounding it "Akira replied

"And who knows what creatures lurk in it "Akira replied

"It's perfect time to go fishing I say "Akira replied

"YES " Replied the girl energetically

"OF course. I wouldn't bring you just to watch ."Akira replied

" Fishing is a lot like in real life. when you caught a tide, you will receive some resistance. "Akira replied

"You should fight back by using your power, otherwise you will lose what you worked for "Akira replied

"Of course, sometimes it's too hard for us to hang on, so we must get up and try again " Akira replied

"There is no shame in trying "Akira replied

"Think back on something you wanted to or achieve in life" Akira replied

"Did you encounter some hardships while trying to achieve it? I bet you did ?"Akira replied

"Almost everything in life worth doing is going to hard one way or another "Akira replied

"do you fight back or let it go "Akira replied

" Did you catch the same one or caught another "Akira replied

"There is no wrong decision anyone is fine, the wrong decision isn't doing anything at all "Akira replied

suddenly the hook in Akira's fishing rod is pulled by the fish.

"Oh mY we got something in the hook "Akira replied

"Hnnng this thing is tough i am not sure i can pull it "Akira replied

" You can do it " The girl replied cheerfully

"Haha thanks for your support "Akira replied

"Oooh ! I can feel something coming "Akira replied

"HAAAAAAHHHah " Akira pulled the fishing rod to reveal a big fish

"oh what's the thing .well we caught it on a special occasion "Akira replied

"let's name it jack "Akira replied

"that's a nice name don't you think "Akira replied

"Yes "the girl replied nodding furiously

" let's give it to my servants to prepare it for the dinner, let's head to the pool for now "Akira replied

<Timeskip to the pool >

Akira is wearing normal pool clothes. with the girl is in a special swimsuit

"Ah! it's been quite a while since I have last appeared here.I can't remember when I was last down here " Akira replied

"You know, this place has quite a history behind it. Even though it's really not that old, it still feels nostalgic " Akira replied

"I guess, we can't help but remember about the past sometimes "Akira replied

"What do you think? do you want to know more about this area ?"Akira replied

"Sure " the girl replied with joy

"Great I am happy to explain. It's been a while since the suicide incident began "Akira replied

"My father is convinced to take part in an outlandish plan "Akira replied

"the plan? IS to appoint a self-help commute to help them ."Akira replied

"So never hesitate to contact them whenever you need, okay "Akira replied

"We have our fair share of solving incidents together so it was natural for us to have no problem obliging it. we had some fun "Akira replied

"it's was tricky handling a website and posters on the internet. but we purchased and successfully started a self-help and awareness for suicide " Akira replied

"Thankfully I was able to procure the perfect references thanks to a magazine I have obtained from a most curious shop "Akira replied

"You should've looked at the look on my mother's face. she was ecstatic !"Akira replied

"Eventually thanks to everyone's help the campaign was a success. it was hyped in public newspapers" Akira replied

"A pool has been set up as a celebration by my mother, so that we can join it whenever we come from back from the work "Akira replied

"But you know "Akira replied

"We purchase and make things sometimes which we never actually use. so try to live a minimalized life. it helps in the long run "Akira replied

"I never actually had the chance to join in the pool "Akira replied

"so enough talk, Let's hope in " Akira replied

"so do you enjoy swimming ?"Akira replied

"I know the pool is small but ....."Akira replied

"Only because you are here " She replied in a joyful tone

she looked an angel who got god's blessings.

Akira removed his shirt to reveal his non-6 pack yet strong and cute body, he looked like a child of a devil and an angel . Strong, intimidating yet cute and elegant.Also not to mention his good arms which the girl was drooling

"Haha! Glad to hear it "Akira replied

"Well either way "Akira replied

"it's important to try and discover new things and to discover yourselves through these activities "Akira replied

"For example, look at what we just did, swimming"Akira replied

"Did you enjoy it? Was it fun? Were you good at it? What aspects of it do you like and dislike ?"Akira replied

"Obviously. you don't have to write an essay every time you try something new "Akira replied

"But simply reflecting something new. especially it's out of your comfort zone and reflecting it on it can help yourself in the long run "Akira replied

"you may find yourself some hobbies or passions which help you in the long run "Akira replied

"some people classify that I was a casanova in my last life, which wasn't necessarily bad "Akira replied

"......."Akira became silent

"......."Akira became silent

"......."Akira took a gap

"........"Akira signed

"Come closer" Akira replied

Akira pulled her closer to his face

"Kiss me now "Akira replied

The girl kissed Akira passionately and they exchanged a long kiss which broke out in 1 min for air. Their mouths are connected by a layer of saliva. Akira spoke first

"Oh wait "Akira replied

"speaking about swimming "Akira replied



" Did you know that apparently drowning is one of the worst ways to die ?"Akira replied with a sadistic smile

The peaceful scenario is replaced by a dark and bittersweet air of reality. exactly that moment a bittersweet type of music is being played in the mansion

"I am not sure myself, I would say there are worse ways to die "Akira replied

" Looks like you are going to find out for me "Akira replied

"I don't want to die anymore !" The girl protested shocked

"sorry, but like I said, I'd imagine it would be quite agonizing on your end "Akira replied

"That's okay though..."Akira replied

"The way I see it, you are a goner anyways "Akira replied

"Now that I had fun with you while it lasted. I might fill your insides, not in a way you want but in a way you wanted initially. "Akira replied

"It's been a while since a person has been interesting to me for a while. but sadly all good things must come to an end "Akira replied

"DIE "Akira replied

With that said Akira forcefully shoves the girl's head in water completely forcefully chocking her with water with a twisted smile on his face


.it was all as Akira planned



Enjoy the therapy while expecting the twist .

Nay Akira's not the bad guy.HE is the evil guy, a perfect villain who lacks empathy for any being.

it will reveal Akira's personality

Pls. it's a side chapter

Did you like the despair of the bad ending ?

this is what a bad end and true villain look like .I don't why you people think as gay /bi . he fawns over the person and he kills them in day 2.what made you think he likes them romantically

unlike the others people he wasn't a virgin so he is not sex crazy as other people

akira knows that fact that girls arent everything .

there are much intresting and useful people compared to them

he rates interesting people over good looking people any day .

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts