
A typical isekai?

"My god when is this cliche gonna end? When those damn authors pick a reincarnation novel why does the protagonist always die from a truck?" George shouted from his room his anger being thrown to the roof.

George was your typical Otaku though he was sick of the typical cliche where the protagonist would just die from a truck. His fury for the author that chose such a typical death infuriated him. Such anger stemmed from him not finding anything new or exciting. the latest chapters of his favourite mangas were on hiatus.

He was a half American half Japanese immigrant. He moved to Japanese to try and emprace his mother's side though the struggle was real as the customs of both countries were very different. One embraced comfort and progress while the other embraced strictness and kindness.

Sighing in defeat George decided to surrender to the fridge in search for something delicious but what greeted him was a can of diet soda and a half-opened can of spam. Picking the two up he decided to devour it down his trachea.

Finishing his meal he decided to lay on his couch and watch some TV something he hadn't done in years. The things on tv just didn't excite him anymore the constant ads and boring programs just weren't up to his standards.

Skimming through the programs he fell onto channel ten the program was a Korean drama featuring a famous k-pop group though he decided to change the channel again as its drama was the typical love triangle which he hated why could you not just pick one and leave it at that why struggle for both when you'll end up with nothing he thought.

Saying this though he hadn't gained a single ounce of experience with Dating so what was he to judge? Our protagonist was indeed a virgin just like those many before him. George tired continued to skim until he reached a channel with nothing but a blank screen. That was until a white text popped onto the screen.

[Greeting mortal are you bored with your life? Seeking adventure with a little twist? Well, we have a job for you. If your interested dial this number on the screen right now don't worry the pays good]

George seeing this laughed he had never seen such an interesting program in his life. Thinking this was a joke he dialled the number and rang it up.

"Ah yes hello is this the adventure job thing?" George asked seeing if it were a joke his grin was bigger then ever.

"Ah yes, your calling heaven right now yes would you like to enter our program trust me you won't regret it," A woman spoke over the phone her voice is so angelic that our protagonist felt enchanted by it.

"Hello, you still there mortal?" The lady asked her voice booming in his ear as if she was directly in front of him though her voice was tinted with annoyance.

"Uh yeah, so how do I sign up for this program," He asked his voice being filled with confidence.

"You just have to say 'yes I consent to the job'," The woman stated before waiting for Georges response.

"That's it?" George remarked he truely was smiling now these people truly are crazy he thought.

"That it." She replied as if she knew she was being taunted by George.

"Well Yes I consent to the job," George replied as it this whole experience joked before he felt something in his chest stop.

"Enjoy your new life George Remington," The woman taunted before he slowly lost his sight his life was fading.

George felt his life fade slowly fell into an eternal sleep. Such was the start of his adventure. Just how was he going to manage.