
Troublesome Life Of David

David was a man that worked for a god otherwise known as a creator. He and his friends were tasked with a mission to destroy monsters on an island but the mission goes wrong leaving only him alive. David sets his heart on destroying the person or creature that killed his comrades all the while making friends on the way.

InTrouble · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Run Away!

'Oh shoot, I was exploring the forest and happened to run into a secret gathering of some zombies and commoners from the Culet race. Don't zombies prefer Culet meat? what is the meaning of this meeting? are zombies even intelligent enough for conversation?' 

As I was having these thoughts, I was sitting frozen inside the doorway leading into the small cave they were in. The newly intruding light made them turn towards me, seeing me must have been a shock because they sat there frozen for a few seconds, probably still registering if I really found them out or not. 

'Never mind the thinking, I've never been known for being smart, I just need to get out of here before they kill me!'

As I thought that the Culet in the white robe, who I presumed to be the Culet's leader, finally recovered from his stupor.

"Get That Human!"

His shout triggered everyone to run towards me, including the zombies of which one was holding a large umbrella which was probably to prevent the sun from hitting them. 

I might be dumb but I'm smart enough to know when to run, and this was one of those situations when high tailing it out of there was the correct option. 

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled as I sprinted out from the doorway as fast as possible with the Culets right behind me and the zombies not far behind them. I didn't look back at all and just ran for my life through the woods, yet I could still hear the shouting of the white robed Culet telling me to stop where I was. 

"I won't tell anyone about this you know. I only have a sack of wild potatoes, what can that get me? I've heard Culet's love to do trades!" I shouted out of desperation because I know that there is no hope of beating them in a fight, I am outnumbered and I never have had any fighting ability to begin with. Sadly though, I did not obtain the answer I wanted to hear. 

"You can get your head on a platter!" I heard another Culet shout, probably the one with the green robe. I looked back briefly and saw all of them chasing me intent on killing me. I took a deep breath and made a sharp right and was about to sprint full force out of there but then I fell in a hole. 

'Gosh your so stupid! how could you fall into a hole at such a critical moment?! What should I do? What should I do?! Wait I can hide in here!'

I crouched down into the hole squeezing myself into the hole as tightly as possible hoping they couldn't see me. 

I heard footsteps incoming, then they stopped. 

*Sniff* *Sniff* 

"I smell potatoes." The Culet in the white robe said. My heart nearly stopped beating after hearing that and I was sure I was toast. Then I heard more footsteps incoming, much more ragged and unnatural then the Culets.


'The zombies finally made it here' I thought. Zombies and other undead are weak to sunlight and will burn if under direct exposure. The only ways they can be outside during the day is if they are in shade or wearing armor. 'Explains why the zombies had an umbrella, the size of that umbrella is probably why they were slower than the Culets.' 

"Ugh- stupid zombies, I lost the scent now all I smell is rotten flesh!" the Culet in the white robe stated angrily. "Lets keep looking, He couldn't have gotten far." 

As soon as he said that I heard footsteps running towards the direction I was planning on going. 

'I think their gone. Lets hurry up and get out of here!'

I quickly climbed out the hole and was about to mad dash the other direction before I got punched in the head by the green robed Culet. The punch had enough force to knock me on the ground from which the Culets where in the front, left, and right of me while the zombies where huddled up behind me under the umbrella growling to themselves.

"Looks like your surrounded, KILL HIM!" The white robed Culet shouted. 

The Culet in the purple robe grabbed my shoulder and was about to punch me when I made a bold move. 

"Hey look, A Diamond!"

"Where?!" The Culet shouted looking the other way. 

I quickly dashed out of their while his comrades just looked at him in shock. 

"I can't believe you just fell for that." 

*Growl* *Growl*


In a faraway location a witch was sitting in front of a cauldron watching the situation that was occurring.

"Oh master, looks like those zombies aspire against you, They are working with those dumb Culets. Shall I send the troops after them?" The witch said while looking at the back of a chair in reverence.

"No" the master in question spoke, in a deep groveling tone that demanded fear and respect. "But send them a message, that will set them straight." 

"Yes, Master!" The witch said before being teleported by a reaper out of the room. 


While the Culets continued the chase, the zombies discontinued the chase to sit under a tree to retain stamina until nightfall. 

It was currently evening, and the zombies had pulled out some cards and were playing Go Curse! That was until the reaper and the witch appeared behind them, the witch said nothing and just threw a letter towards the closest zombie. 

"Hey stupid zombie, read that!" Then disappeared with the reaper. 

The zombie picked the letter up and opened it, the letter read:



*Growl* (Do you think he will really eat us?)

*Growl* (Who knows, He's super scary though.)


"Oh No! A dead end!" I cried as I hit a huge cave wall surrounding me on 3 sides with the Culets right on my tail.

"Gotcha!" The white robe said as he and the purple robe pounced on me knocking me down. Once they got a good hold of me they picked me back up onto my feet. Right after, the zombies showed up but now equipped with swords, the sun is gone so they didn't need the umbrella anymore. 

"Right on time, we got him" the white robe said but then the purple robe turned around confused. "Hey, where'd you get those swords?" 

The white robe looked back shocked. 

*Growl* (Sorry, our truce has ended, time to die!)

Then the three zombies started charging at us with the full intent to kill me and the Culets holding me pinned. When we all lost hope, a voice came from the darkness.

"Do not fear, I will protect you."