
Chapter 9

Emma nodded. "I'll let you know if I need anything." She said before she looked down at her phone, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. "Good morning. Just wanted to make sure you were up, I was going to see about stopping by." She hit send before she looked at David and Henry but saw how happy her son looked at being able to go to the station. "Great!" Henry said with a grin before heading to the door. Emma gave a chuckle and looked at David, "I'll stop by the station later. But you'll make sure he doesn't get his hands on a gun, right?" She asked her dad but saw how he was looking around the kitchen. "Would you like me to bring something back from Granny's?" She asked.

Snow had woken up but laid there a few minutes longer since the bed was comfortable but she eventually pushed off the blankets and got up, leaving the bedroom to hear Emma and David in the kitchen. David smiled at Emma as she replied, working a little around the kitchen before she had to go.

David chuckled a little and nodded. "Yes...I'll make sure he doesn't get his hands on a gun." he smiled and looked over at Snow. "Go enjoy your day Emma, and I'll see you at the station?" Dave asked ruffling Henry's hair slightly. David nodded with a smile. "Yes please, something for a little both of us would be great," he said, he was about to make his way over to the bedroom when he looked over and saw Snow standing there. Emma nodded. "I'll be back shortly with food." She said and smiled at her mother before she followed Henry outside.

He smiled and made his way over to her immediately. "How are you feeling?" He asked, holding both of her hands in his and pressing kisses to them, eyes fixed carefully on Snow's beauty, he could fall in love with her over and over again.

Snow smiled at David. "Good morning." She said. "I am feeling much more rested. How are you?" She asked curiously, wondering how he was after last night and with him tossing and turning like he had been. David sighed happily and walked over to her, he sat on the edge beside her and took her cheek in his hand. "I am alright. How did you sleep?" David asked curiously.

Snow smiled at him and leaned into his touch. "I slept just fine." She assured and kissed the palm of his hand but knowing about last night she spoke. "Do you want to talk about last night? About that nightmare or flashbacks you had?" She asked. David's mouth fell open a little in response to her question, she just hadn't expected her to remember. "we can..." He shrugged. "It wasn't much... just... going through the first time, we were all together, this cloud had come over us, and all I could hear were these monstrous screams, like something from the underworld was chasing us itself," he said standing behind Snow and wrapping his arms around her waist.

When Snow saw his mouth fall open, she couldn't help but laugh a bit knowing he hadn't expected her to remember but she smiled some as she stood up, nodding some. "Where do you think we could have gone?" She asked. "I mean.. all the others have mentioned lots of trees." She said but feeling his arms around her, she let herself lean back into him. David gave her a little squeeze and rested his head on her shoulder. "for all I know we could have gone to unicorn land...or the enchanted forest?" He chuckled knowing one was completely made up. "But I suspect we won't know for a while unless Rumple has something in his shop that could help us remember?" He said pressing a kiss to Snow's cheek. "Emma has gone to get us some breakfast anyway. I think everything we had is out of date" he told her with a small sigh, he wasn't going to let this bring him down, there wasn't any point, they just had to keep going one day at a time.

Killian grinned, he was meeting the savior, he pulled on another leather jacket and texted back after a few moments, not wanting to seem too desperate. "Where to, Swan?" He sent her a message gently biting his lip in anticipation of meeting her away from the watchful eye of her parents.

Once Emma was outside, she sent a quick text to the Pirate. "How about Granny's?" She texted. Killian smiled and looked at his phone, he smiled and replied quickly. "I'll be there," he said with a soft smile, he was getting excited, perhaps Emma and Hook would have more time to be alone. Shortly after he made his way to Granny's, wearing but a white pirate shirt and black trousers. He stepped inside, eyes scanning the crowd to see if his savior was there yet.

Emma smiled seeing the message and walked to the diner. Once there she had walked in and found a booth in the corner, she knew she'd have to take her parents some breakfast soon but she would be able to spend a bit with Hook and maybe she could see about them meeting up again after she had dropped the food off. When she heard the bell on the door, she looked up but smiled some when she saw the pirate. Hook entered the diner, he was glad he had slept, it felt like the longest sleep he'd ever had, but was now thankfully well-rested. He spotted the blonde and smiled, walking over to her, he so desperately wanted to kiss her on the cheek at least, but there were a few people in the diner, not to mention Ruby was a terrible gossip. "Hello Love" he smiled and sat down opposite her, eyes gazing into hers. "Did you sleep well?" He asked. She certainly seemed much better.

When Emma saw the pirate coming over, she smiled and wished she could at least hug him or something but she knew if Ruby saw word would get around town if they tried anything like that. But she was just happy to have a little bit of time with him. "I slept very well. As soon as I got home, I talked with David a few minutes before I went upstairs and passed out for the whole night." She admitted but did feel a lot more rested after that sleep. "How did you sleep?" She asked. Killian smiled, he was glad to hear that she had slept, she needed it, especially being the savior, he suspected it wouldn't be easy to make Emma rest or take a break now that she was up and running again. "I slept well thank you" he nodded and pulled his flask out of his trouser pocket, tipping it into a glass Ruby had just given him. "Well...another day...you got any plans?" He asked with a smirk.

As soon as Henry got to Regina's, he pushed open the door and said goodbye to Emma before he went inside.  "Mom?" Henry called, going in search of Regina. Once Emma got Henry dropped off, she started to head over to Granny's diner, though she knew she probably should have driven but at least she wore her red leather jacket this time. She held the leather jacket he had given her the previous night so she could return it to him.

Regina hadn't heard Henry, she really couldn't do much at the minute, her side was still throbbing and she was freezing, her eyes were still closed, fast asleep from being so exhausted the past few days. Henry walked in when there was no response but when he saw her on the couch, he didn't want to wake her he instead, grabbed another blanket and draped it over her before he started to make a fire to warm the place up, but was being quiet to not wake her up knowing she was probably just exhausted. After a few minutes and the room beginning to warm up, Regina stirred slightly, she woke up and looked around, slightly confused. She slowly and carefully rolled onto her back and then saw Henry. "hey..." She whispered, using one hand to push herself up she sat up on the couch. "How are you?" She asked hoping he'd slept well after everything last night.

Henry stood and turned when he saw his mother and smiled some as he walked over to her. "I slept alright. I do feel better after sleeping." He said as he sat down in the armchair. "How are you?" He asked. "I wanted to come see how you were this morning. I'm sorry if I woke you but I didn't want you to freeze or anything so I gave you another blanket and started the fireplace." He explained. Regina shook her head and held up her hand. "Don't apologize.... appreciate it" She smiled and pulled the blankets closer to herself. "I feel as though I've been sleeping in a warm room all night, so thank you, and I slept okay" she agreed, surprised, she could still feel the bruise on her side but the painful throbbing had completely faded away.