
Chapter 21

Regina let out a few shaky breaths, about half an hour had passed since she had left the ship, and she remembered Snow's words saying she could ring her if she ever needed to. She pulled her phone out, seeing herself in the reflection of her phone screen, she looked a mess, she'd been crying nonstop, her eyes red and her mascara smudged across her face, and most of all she was tired. She began to text Snow but then paused halfway through typing out a message, she didn't need this, she had David to deal with. She turned off her phone screen and put her phone on the floor, returning her head to rest on her knees, her hand slightly beginning to tremble. She cursed loudly and grabbed her wrist with her other hand. "stop it!" She argued with herself before slumping back against the door unable to stop the thoughts roaming around her head.

Snow sat there for not sure how long until she stood up and walked to the bedroom but saw David asleep. She left the room, letting him be, and instead went and cleaned up the broken cups that were on the floor before she grabbed her phone. She knew how Regina had been when they parted ways and it made her want to just check in. And David was asleep right now. Snow leaned against the counter as she turned her phone on before she started typing out a message to Regina. "Just want to check in and see how you are?" She read over the message for a moment before she hit send with a small sigh before she sat down on a stool at the counter, hoping that everything would turn out better than it was today.

Regina felt her phone buzz next to her, she lifted her head and ran her hands over her face getting rid of the tear marks on her cheeks. She picked up the phone and read Snow's text. She closed her eyes and fought the urge to cry more. Her hand was still shaking slightly. "fine. How are you?" She texts back after a minute of debating what to put to her. She stood up and stretched up a little bit, she locked her bedroom door and climbed onto her bed on the covers, laying on her side, back to the door, she stared at the wall opposite her.

Snow looked down at her phone seeing Regina reply but she still wasn't fully sure if the mayor was alright since she knew she was struggling but she wouldn't force Regina to talk. She gave a small sigh before she replied. "It was a little rocky when I got home but David fell asleep. I'm alright." She hit send before she looked around the kitchen but to try and keep herself a little busy, she moved around, beginning to clean the kitchen but she was staying quiet to make sure she didn't wake up David in the bedroom knowing it would be best to let him sleep.

Regina read Snow's message and hesitated to reply. "good" she sent and then thought she couldn't see Henry like this, not until her hand stopped shaking and she stopped crying, she felt so depressed and that she'd only hurt the people she cared about. She sent Snow another message. "actually. Could you tell Henry we'll have to reschedule? I'm not feeling too well" she said and let out a small sigh of relief, she was just glad that Snow was alright and David hadn't managed to hurt anyone else today.

Snow looked at the message and smiled a bit before she soon saw the message about rescheduling and gave a small frown but she replied. "Of course, I'll let him know." She replied but she wasn't sure if she wanted to message him or show up in person knowing he was still at the ship. But making up her mind, she left and went onto the sidewalk, heading to the docs. Deciding to tell him in person figuring that this could give her a chance to talk to Hook and Emma.

Regina opened the message on her phone and read it, she then turned the screen off and threw her phone to the bottom end of her bed, she didn't want to feel this pain anymore. She closed her eyes and grabbed a pillow, hugging it to her chest and resting her chin on it.

Killian had come back from his walk around the town, he had only heard little bits and pieces but it was better than nothing. He smiled seeing the rum. "how are my two favorite people?" He asked going up to Emma and giving her a soft kiss on the head and rubbing her back. Emma smiled a little when she saw the pirate come back in. "We're alright." She told him, smiling some when she felt his kiss. The idea of him thinking of Henry as one of his favorite people made her smile. She was glad that her son liked the pirate and wasn't angry with him. She was hoping that everything would calm down enough and her dad wouldn't want to hurt Hook anymore than just a punch to the jaw. Emma knew she probably shouldn't be drinking in case something came out of what they had done earlier but it had felt nice and it helped to relax her just a little.

Killian smiled and sat on the bed on the other side of Emma and held her other hand. "good" he smiled and kissed Emma's cheek softly. For a moment he didn't say anything, he knew that Emma was upset, he could see it, and honestly, he just wanted to cuddle her and let her cry or fight or do whatever she needed to do to start feeling better.

Henry smiled and finished off his conversation quickly with Emma. "I've written all my notes down," he said. He stood up and gave Emma a tight hug. "I should probably go soon...I'm having tea with Regina...she's seemed a little off recently" he frowned before looking back up at his mom. "Will you two be okay?" He asked with a small smile knowing that eventually, they would, and he made up his mind he definitely did ship the two of them together.

Emma looked at Killian and squeezed his hand before her eyes went to Henry. Nodding hearing that he had written all of his notes down. "I can't wait to be able to read your notes." She said before she hugged him back, pressing a kiss to his head, and nodded since she had known something seemed off with Regina. "We'll be alright," Emma promised. "You just go spend some time with her." She told him, she didn't want him to worry any and wanted him to go spend time with his adoptive mother. Emma watched as her son left before she laid her head against the pirate's shoulder.

Snow had just reached the docs when she saw Henry coming down and gave a smile. "Hey, Henry." She said as she walked over to him. "Are Emma and Hook on the ship still?" She asked but then she continued. "Regina also wanted me to let you know she needs to reschedule.. she isn't feeling too well." She said but she knew Regina wouldn't want the boy to see her like she was.

Henry nodded and let out a smile at the affection shown by Emma. "Okay, Mom I will" he promised and said a quick goodbye to Killian before leaving the ship. He wrapped his arms around his coat tugging it closer to him as it was beginning to get a little colder during the day, a few hours or so and it would definitely be dark. "Yeah they're in the cabin," he said, he then frowned hearing about Regina having to cancel their plans. "Oh...okay...maybe another day then," he said softly with a sad sigh. "Can I go back to yours?" He asked giving her a quick hug, he'd text Regina when he got home.

Snow gave Henry a small smile. "She just needs more sleep I think." She said but knew he was probably sad about it needing to be rescheduled. "Of course you can." She said but to try and cheer him up she said, "Why don't you head back to the loft? I'll be there shortly and maybe you can show me how to play one of your games?" She suggested with a soft smile. She didn't want her grandson feeling upset about anything and was hoping that would cheer him up some.

Henry nodded and let out a sigh but nodded.."alright see you soon!" He smiled a little bit and began walking back to Snow's place. He pulled out his phone and texted Regina letting her know he'd got her message, a few moments later he asked her if she was okay. He frowned a little and checked his phone, she still hadn't read the messages, he rang her as he walked but to no avail. He sighed and sat down on the couch keeping his phone close in hand in case his mom texted him back. He left the message screen open and placed it next to his head, perhaps she was just sleeping and she actually didn't feel well, but he couldn't help but be worried. He decided to leave it a while and text her back a bit later, but if he hadn't heard anything by the time he was going to go to sleep he would be getting worried and probably visiting her first thing in the morning.

Killian smiled at Henry and said goodbye to him, the moment he left he grabbed the alcohol from Emma's hand and placed it back on the dresser, he knelt in front of her and leaned into her, wrapping his arms tightly around her in a hug, his fingers running through her hair. "I'm here for anything you need Emma....it's okay, I'm here" he whispered softly into her ear.

Emma smiled at her son and nodded as she watched him before she looked at Killian feeling him grab the bottle from her and watched him before she smiled some as he wrapped his arms around her, letting herself lean into his arm and put her chin on his shoulder, a small smile at his words. "I know. Thank you." She whispered and burrowed her face against his shoulder, closing her eyes tightly. She felt like wanting to cry but she didn't want to at the same time, she slid her arms around him, giving him a small squeeze.

Killian held onto her for a few moments and pulled back, brushing his knuckles softly across her jaw. "Hey...what do you need? What can I do?" He asked her, his eyes searching hers for an answer, he just wanted to be able to help, he hated seeing Emma like this, and he could understand why she was so upset. He placed his hand on her knee and rubbed it gently.

Emma pulled back some to look at him, her eyes closed a little bit at the touch of his knuckles on her jaw. "Just you being here is enough," Emma whispered and put a hand on his cheek. She didn't know how long it would take till she did fully feel back to herself and not feeling as upset as she did now but she was glad she had the pirate here and that he wanted to help her. She leaned forward slightly and let her forehead rest against his forehead for a few minutes before she pressed her lips to his in a slow kiss before Emma leaned back.

Snow smiled at Henry and nodded as she watched him leave and chewed her bottom lip before she walked closer to the ship and hesitantly climbed on deck but she didn't want to go any further without letting them know. "Emma? Hook?" Snow called down to the cabin.

Emma looked at the pirate but she didn't get a chance to say anything since at that moment she heard her mother's voice. She looked at the steps but she didn't know if David was with her or if she was alone. Emma hesitated a second before she slowly walked up the steps but relaxed just a little seeing it was just Snow. Snow gave a smile before she spoke. "I won't be long but I wanted to talk with both Hook and you." She said

Killian hummed softly and held her close in his arms. "Then I'll just be here" he whispered and pressed a few kisses all over her cheeks. He sighed having no idea what Emma was even possibly thinking. He looked up hearing somebody on his ship and watched Emma as she walked towards the door of the cabin. He frowned but let out a relieved sigh when Emma told him it was just snow. He instantly relaxed upon hearing that and after hearing Snow's request walked to stand behind Emma to look at the princess. He gently grabbed Emma's hand and squeezed it softly wanting to make sure that she was okay with this. He smiled a little bit at Snow and nodded. "Come on in then," he said as kindly as he could, he was more observant of Emma's needs right now, if Emma was willing to listen to snow then for her sake he would too.

Emma looked at Killian and smiled a bit as she returned the squeeze but since it was just her mother she was willing to hear what she had to say. Snow gave a smile before she moved to come into the cabin but leaned back against the stairs.

Snow looked at the pirate before saying. "I am sorry David had punched you. He shouldn't have done that and was out of line with that." Snow told him. "And I am also sorry for all he said." She said, this directed towards Emma. "David.. is scared," Snow said after a moment.

Killian listened with Emma to Snow speak, he waved off the bruise on his jaw like it was nothing. "don't worry about it love" he said trying to make her feel a little better as well. Kilian kept glancing at Emma to see if she was okay and held onto Emma's hand throughout the whole conversation. "Scared of what?" He asked but then he shook his head slightly. "Snow... do you agree with what he said?" Killian asked, he had a slight feeling that Emma wanted to ask that, after all, it was what had probably upset her the most, and it was good to ensure that she didn't feel the same way.

Snow gave a nod hearing what he said about the bruise and offered a tiny smile and paused a second before she spoke. "He's scared of losing Emma. Losing more time than we already lost." Snow said, her voice a little softer before shaking her head. "I do not agree with David. I was surprised and a little upset I wasn't told about this. But I can understand why you both kept this a secret." Snow said before continuing. "He shouldn't have said what he did and maybe once he.. cools off enough we can all sit down and talk." Snow suggested.

Emma had been quiet most of the conversation, her hand in his and just listening to them talking. She looked down for a few before she spoke, "If he was so worried about losing time with me. Then he shouldn't have said what he did." She said. She was hurt by the way her father had reacted and by his words. But she did feel a little better knowing her mother didn't agree with what David had said.

Snow nodded in understanding but then she was a little worried and asked. "Where will you be staying tonight?" She asked wanting to make sure her daughter would be alright.

Killian held onto Emma's hand throughout the conversation, he had noticed how quiet she was. He leaned over and gave her a small kiss on her temple wanting her to know that he was there for her. He frowned a little at Emma's response but he also agreed, he didn't have to come in with fists raised for something that could have simply been a conversation. He gently squeezed Emma's hand, he knew she was upset by this. "She's staying at mine," Killian told Snow softly. "And she will be looked after no matter what he thinks" he growled a little still extremely pissed off at Charming. He pressed another kiss to Emma's temple hoping she was okay. "Perhaps we should talk another day Snow...it's been a tiring day" he smiled gently not trying to be rude but he was sure Emma needed something else right now.

Emma glanced over at Killian, giving a small smile when she felt the kiss, giving his hand a small squeeze in return before she looked at Snow. Though her mom didn't seem upset or anything by it, nodding although there was a little relief that she would have someplace to stay and she could tell how much the pirate cared for her and would watch out for her. "Of course, we can talk more later." Snow agreed knowing it had been a long day. "I should get home, I promised Henry he could show me how to play one of his games," Snow said

Emma gave a small smile and nodded. "I'll see you later." She told her, watching as her mother walked back up the steps out of the cabin and could hear her walking off the ship. Emma gave a small sigh before she looked up at the pirate next to her but she didn't say anything and just moved closer to him before she pressed her lips against his.

Killian smiled softly at Snow and thanked her for stopping by. "Bye," he said, he linked his arm over Emma's shoulders and leaned into the kiss. He smiled slightly and brushed his nose against her cheek before pulling back and stroking her hair. "do you want to try to get some sleep?" He asked her, it had been a long day for anyone and perhaps a bit of sleep would help to keep Emma's mind off certain things that had happened during the day. "I'll be right here with you I promise," he said briefly kissing her lips again.