
Trouble knows my name

The rain continued to pour heavily as I speedily tried to make it home soon, a storm was coming. Bang! Bang! Bang! On instinct my eyes snapped to the direction. I knew that familiar sound all too well, it was a gunshot no doubt. The rain was all but forgotten as I made my way to the sound of repeated shooting. I stopped right before a massive gate leading to luxurious cars and a pool. The security was not in sight and climbing the gate was no big deal. Once I made it to the entrance of the mansion’s front door I opened it and walked right in. It was a massacre, the men lying on the ground covered in blood didn’t stand a chance. The shooting eventually died down and I was already making my way through the chaos and up to the staircase. That’s when I saw him… … Feya is a young girl that recently moves to the city of New York. She soon after is enrolled in a prestigious academy that is far from what people would call a normal school. Then as it just so happens she has a propensity to get lost and ends up right at troubles door. Of course, being the person she is, she walks right in. Thomas is the type of person you take caution around. What’s even more is that he barely ever talks. Reading him would be nothing in comparison to reading a blank paper, because he would put even it to shame. So what happens when a small girl seemingly happens to find herself in the arms of Thomas.

Lena_1903Sal · Teen
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3 Chs

New arrival

Gently breeze stroked my cheeks as my waist length black hair surrounded me like a shield. I kept my hands in my jacket pocket as I quietly followed behind the woman with the bright red lipstick that stood out a little too much.

She was a child care agent given the specific task of escorting me to my supposedly new family.

I'm very capable of going on the stupid plane myself, but apparently my foster parents thought otherwise.

We finally boarded the plane and I took the seat next to the small window. I was about to just go to sleep but the agent had other plans.

"New York is a few hours away from here so I suggest you read up on the information about the family that decided to take you in. Know their names, likes, dislikes and habits. They are a very well off family so you better be on your best behavior. In fact the Brown's family is considered one of the richest families in the community that you will have the pleasure to live in."

She rambled nonstop about the Brown family's wealth, while I on the other hand couldn't care less.

The plane ride took forever to reach its destination and when it finally did I was just about jumping with joy.

I collected my suitcase and followed behind the agent. A black BMW was parked nicely as what seemed to be a butler in his early thirties opened the door and stepped aside.

"Madam" he said lowering his head respectfully.

The agent wore a smug smile as she looked at the well polished car. Without even acknowledging the butler she got in.

"Young miss" the butler then turned to great me.

"Hello sir," I greeted back with a warm smile. He seemed pleased as his eyes lit with a smile of their own.

Once I was in the car he closed the door and started the engine.

It only took us about an hour to reach the house. The butler was quick to open the door for us and collect my suitcase from the back.

This place really was like a community of wealth. As we made our way into the spotless white and sparkling house I felt suffocated with each step.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate nice things but this was over the top for me. We soon after entered the lounge.

Sitting on a comfortable white couch was a lady dressed in white. Her makeup was perfectly done. Next to her was a man about the same age. He had a more relaxed presence about him. His clothes also seemed pretty simple.

"Mister Arron, Miss Elizabeth" the agent greeted, "it's a pleasure to meet you. I am so happy to be lucky enough to enter your mansion."

"You must be Miss Anna correct?" The lady in white inquired.

"Yes" Anna replied.

"It's rude not to introduce yourself" the lady in white directed her words to me.

I refrained from lifting an eyebrow at her comment.

"My name is Feya"

"Feya, that's quite the beautiful name" Arron said with a warm smile.

"Thank you" I said with a smile of my own.

"Alex come say hello to Feya" Elizabeth called out.

"Alex is our son he is about the same age as you" Arron said.

"Mother I have no intention of getting anywhere near that orphaned girl" a voice descending the staircase said bitterly.

"Alex behave yourself" Arron warned.

"Why should I ? If anything she should be more grateful" Alex responded.

Alex made his way towards me but stopped in his tracks when he actually saw my face.

As soon as he saw me his whole demeanor changed. This boy was looking at me with a smirk slowly forming on his face.

I'm not naive neither am I oblivious to the fact that his eyes went places they shouldn't have. He just changed from being a mean jerk to a perverted boy.

I'll rip his head off before I let such disgusting hands touch me. For his sake I hope he read my profile because I have anger issues.

"Anna, Feya would you girls like something to drink?" Arron asked.

"That is so kind of you-"

"I believe Miss Anna should be leaving now" Elizabeth said with finality in her tone.

"Mother you can leave Feya to me I'll make sure to show her to her room" Alex said.

"That won't be necessary" Arron said with narrowed eyes to his son.

"Why not let Alex go, our son was nice enough to offer" Elizabeth said.

"Our son was rude and now he suddenly has a change of heart?"

"Arron don't say such things if Feya is to live here then the children should try to get along" Elizabeth said completely oblivious to the not so friendly way her son is looking at me.

"Feya would you like me to escort you to your room ?" Arron asked.

"Yes please"

And with that said the both of us took off to go upstairs.

"Mister Arron why did you choose to adopt me as your daughter?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Well to be honest it was my wife's idea and I was only informed when all the paperwork was done." He said sadly.

"Okay" I nodded.

Elizabeth doesn't seem like the type who would take me in because of good will, so why did she?

Does she have a motive? Well I'll figure it out later but for now I'll try to be a good girl.

Well regardless of the reason the fact is I'm now their adopted daughter.

"Arron someone is on the phone" Elizabeth said coming up from behind us.

"Is it work?" Arron asked reaching for the phone.

"Yes" he gave me a sad smile then vanished around a corner.

"Come on, your room is just around the corner" Elizabeth said.

"Miss Elizabeth…thank you for taking me in" I said sincerely. She froze in her tracks at a loss for words.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to comment.

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