
Trivil high

Do not read this book unless your okay with like random updates, oh and i tried my best and i cant promise you'll find this book interesting or somethin. Im not that good with English. Anyway hope u enjoy! Angela and Angelo, ironic names for twin angels. As being the leader and co-leader of the student council, (along side their reputation of always getting something done.) they are tasked with the job of convincing two demons from the underworld. Quite impossible when the two you want to recruit already has everything anyone can possibly dream of! In a world were everyone tries to be above one another, and Trivil high is the best place to avoid it all! 'We'll rise through it together!' is what they say at the school. If only life were that easy, its quite hard when two kinds want to end each other in cold blood. Oh well, that's a story for another day. Hope you enjoy Trivil High!

Benji_XD · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1




That was the only sound that could be heard within the principals office, as the president of the student council waited patiently for the co-president to arrive.

But dear god, that lady is always late!

As the clock continues to tick with a fed up principle and a bored student. Ichika Chou The Third, currently the principal and owner of Trivil High. Her great grandmother was the founder, and the ownership of the school has been passed down through generation ever since. Trivil high is a school for the supernatural; angels, demons, werewolfs, ghosts, vampires and etc.

Angelo Anluan, is the first in line to the throne of 'heaven'. President of the student council and attends Trivill high with his twin sister, Angela.

Angela Anluan, is the-


and there goes the silence! Angela slammed the door open, both heads within the room turned to look at her.

"So sorry," Angela said, blushing.

"take a seat Angela," Principal Chou said, gesturing to the available chair.

"If you don't mind me asking.." Angela started as she took a seat, "Why did you ask for us to come here?"



"WAIT WHAT!?" Angela and Angelo said in sync, both expressing the same amount of shock. Though Angelo seemed to recover faster than his twin did.

"But that's the one area where most demigods are scared to go,"

"that's because the creatures in the underworld are like no other and it is now your job to get them to join our school!"

"but, whyyyyy????"

"because this school is made for every kind of supernatural, and we almost have every nation to join us. And getting at least 2 people from there to attend this school will encourage the rest."


"no more questions! You two can do it. now off you go!"