

In the realm where shadows entwine with fate, a cursed man carries the weight of an ancient curse. A demonic entity and a primal werewolf locked in a sinister dance within his soul. As the blood moon rises, he faces a relentless cycle of resurrection, destined to break the unholy union or succumb to the machinations of a malevolent force vying for a throne. But he is not alone in his struggle. The demon prince, and the alpha of the Ebony Pack, hunt him relentlessly, seeking to exploit the curse for their own sinister purposes. The demon prince, with his legion of dark minions, and the Alpha, with her pack of ruthless werewolves, will stop at nothing to claim the throne of the supernatural realm. "Moonlit Convergence" invites you into a world where time is a merciless adversary and the line between savior and usurper blurs under the haunting glow of the blood moon. Join our protagonist on an odyssey through lifetimes, as hope flickers amid the darkness, and the struggle for redemption unfolds in the celestial dance of destiny and despair. Can he outrun his pursuers and break the curse, or will he succumb to the forces of darkness and perpetuate the cycle of evil?

Rock_Olanrewaju · Urban
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26 Chs


"Is this guy even sane? Why is he repeating the same word he said yesterday?" she thought

He steped closer to her and her brain began to scream 'DANGER ALERT' she immediately began to crawl backwards till she got to the dead end, one more move, she'll fall. The man noticed this and smiled making him look more handsome and tempting.

He was now few inches away from her that she could feel his hot breath on her skin. "is he a vampire? or why is he so closeto me?.

he laughed hysterically at that. "Vampire of all creatures?"

"so the devil also laughs?" she thought again.

"What do you need me for? for breakfast?" she asked him getting sick of the improper closeness

"like i said earlier, i'm not a vampire and i'm not here to suck your blood nor have you as a breakfast

"Then why are you here and how did you even get to my house?" she questioned again

He stepped back immediately and cleared his throat. "I'm Lysander" he said and sent a YOUR-TURN look to her.

"No, Thanks. I'm leaving." she said and left the bed immediately.

"Do you think i'll be after a lady i don't know?" he asked stoping her on her track

"you know me?"

With a mysterious glint in his eyes, Lysander leaned in, whispering, "Tracy, the daughter of Evelyn, a formidable witch whose artistic spells dance between worlds, and James, a mechanic with the power to mend not just machines, but the very fabric of reality. your family history is woven with threads of the supernatural, and you, my dear, are the next chapter in a tale that straddles the line between the ordinary and the mystical."

She was shocked as the man knew her so well to even know the greatest secret of her family. People saw her mother as a nurse and not some sort of witch. She knew her mother was far beyond human but she kept it secret. "who are you?" She asked but he was gone. She was so frustrated by his appearance and disappearance that she cursed alound only for her to turn and meet a shocked Janet.

"what was that for?" she asked.

"I left my window opened and a bird flew in" she lied

"Are you sure you are okay?" Janet asked

"Of course i am" came her reply "If you don't mind, i'm starving" she said and worked pass a confused Janet. She had other things bothering her than some 'are you okay' questions.

Over a quaint breakfast spread, Tracy nervously toyed with her fork, her thoughts a turbulent sea of worry. Across from her, Janet enjoyed her meal with a carefree demeanor, blissfully unaware of Tracy's internal turmoil. The sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over their table, yet Tracy's furrowed brow hinted at the storm brewing within.

As Tracy delicately sipped her coffee, she couldn't shake the weight of the guy who seemed to possess the key to her family's deepest secrets. Her eyes darted around the cozy café, as if the very walls might eavesdrop on her concerns. Meanwhile, Janet relished her pancakes, happily sharing anecdotes of her latest adventures, oblivious to Tracy's growing unease.

The clinking of cutlery against plates created a rhythm that mirrored the contrasting tones of their morning. Tracy, preoccupied with the looming mystery, struggled to find her appetite, while Janet reveled in the simple joy of a delightful breakfast. Little did Janet know that the unspoken worries lingering in Tracy's gaze cast a shadow over the otherwise serene morning, creating a subtle tension that underscored their shared meal.

"Tracy, you won't believe the surprise of the night! At Club Azure, I met this incredible guy, Jake. We started chatting, and he's genuinely the sweetest. He's got this warm smile, and we just clicked instantly. We danced, talked, and it felt like we'd known each other forever."

Tracy, though preoccupied with her own concerns, managed a supportive smile for her friend. Janet continued, "I even got his number! Can you imagine? I know we just met, but there's something special about him. It's crazy how life throws unexpected gems at you."

Tracy didn't know the right word to say so she just forced a smile on her face and Janet couldn't help but notice her friend was was worried.

pushing her food aside, she asked "what's wrong with you"

"That guy from yesterday. He knows my family's secret" she couldn't lie

Hearing this, she spat out the water in her mouth due to shock. "How?"

Tracy felt irritated as the water touched her skin but was in no mood for that, she just ignored it and carried on with her words "I don't know. He also said he needs me"

Feeling the sudden change in atmosphere, Janet knew she had to do something to ease her friends worry. "Well he might be someone close to your family that you didn't kknow.

tracy raised her head to look at Janet. she can't understand because she(Janet) only knew little of her family's story. "it's okay to beleive that"