
Chapter 2 Chapter 35

As he was really trying to control the rate at which he was actually trying to talk to him.

Mr Carter listening to all what his guard had said to him at that particular point in time, he now decided to talk back at him at that particular point .

If the guard was not controlling the rate at which he was actually talking to Mr Carter at that particular point in time, they could have all loosed their jobs instantly because of him.

" None of you should come back to my house if my daughter is not yet found. "

Mr Carter said with a very loud voice as he was actually shouting from the top of his voice trying to express the anger that was found in his heart as he could no longer even control the lot of anger that was found in his heart.

He was just trying to make sure that all what he had just said to the guards were clearly understood by them. As he decided to ask them once more again to finally listen to what he was actually saying.

" Have you all really listened to what I have just said ? "

Mr Carter says with a very tender voice as he was trying to be very happy with all what was happening at that particular point in time. Since it was a master and servant discussion , it was not supposed to be so long as Mr Carter wanted to just listen to all what he had to say at that particular point in time and he wanted to know the exact reasons why he had called him at that moment.

Mr Carter was waiting and expecting just a good news from they all but instead, that was not actually the case because, there was actually nothing good in what the body guard wanted to tell him at that particular point in time. The guard listening to what his boss Mr Carter had just said with a very loud voice felt so much pity for him as he could completely understand how Mr Carter was feeling at that particular point in time.

As from Mr Carter's voice, the young man could clearly say that Mr Carter was not just happy with all what he was listening to at that particular point in time .

Mr Carter was being just so annoyed with all what was happening at that particular point in time. Mr Carter has become so angry and rude as he did not care about how his body guards were going to do in order to find his daughter, nor how long they were to take to find his daughter.

All Mr Carter wanted at that was that, his child should come back home safely. From the sound of Mr Carter's voice, all the guards could Instantly feel the anger that was being bestowed in him due to the sad news that he had just received at that particular point in time.

Mr Carter was feeling so bad that, a tear ran down from his eyes just got the thought that, his daughter was not found by his guards. Mr Carter at once was being so angry at every thing that could be said to him at that particular point in time. Once they both were inside the house, Rissa had made Melanie to sit down on the couch that was found on the left had side of the living room. How ever, it was a very good one as the couch was very comfortable .

But it could never be as comfortable as that which was found in her own house. Considering again the fact that Melanie is from a very wealthy home and every single thing that is found in their house was of the highest quality. That was actually the truth and the truth to stand.

As Rissa had gone to the kitchen to make some thing so that Melanie could eat a little bit. There was literally no one in the house apart from Rissa whom she had just met on the way before she could bring her home. The rest were not home at all .

Melanie's body guards were out in the street looking for her at every single corner that was found in that city. They could not still get to see her as they were visiting every single street as well as they all went to the point of showing Melanie's picture to every one that was found there so that they could all see who they were all actually looking as well as so that they could at least tell them whether they had seen Melanie or even some one who looks just like her any where.

After they had looked for Melanie for over a very long period of time, they were being just so annoyed with every thing that was happening at that particular point in time. There was totally the need for them to find Melanie. There was totally the need for her to be very vigilant with all what she was doing to her at that that time because, Rissa could never believe that melanie was actually in her right senses at that particular point in time.

Melanie and Rissa while being the only people that were found in the house were being so bored as Rissa had already left the living room as she went to the kitchen so that she could even cook some thing so that they both could eat.

How ever , Rissa while in the kitchen, Rissa had made some ground meat sauce accompaHow evernied with some boiled rice and fried chicken. In the process of cooking the food, the smell that was coming out from the food was just so amazing as the smell was reaching out side the house.

Melanie while sitting in the living room was being just so elevated by all what had was happening at that particular point in time. The smell from the food really revived her spirit as she started calling for Rissa to know all what she was cooking at that particular point in time .

" Rissa, Rissa...... "

Melanie called for Rissa the first time but Rissa could really listen to what Melanie was saying at that particular point in time as she did not hear any thing. Melanie while calling the first time did not get any response from Rissa as she felt like the noise from the kitchen was actually making her not to listen her when she was actually calling for her.

And Melanie's speculations were completely true as she could understand perfectly that Rissa did not listen to the call that she had given to her while shouting while she was still in the kitchen cooking. As Melanie now decided to call on her again for the second time.

" Rissa, Rissa......... ".

Melanie said again with while calling for Rissa from the top of her voice as she was shouting stretching her voice with out stopping. The aim why Melanie was shouting so hard this time around was to make sure that Rissa gets to hear her calling her name from with in the kitchen.

How ever, it seems like the call was not still heard as she was not being so loud as she thought. Through Melanie's voice was loud, it was not still that loud to a fault because, it was not really enough for Rissa to listen to it from with in the kitchen.

Melanie has always been the type who always makes sure that she talks gently since she is a very well mannered and we'll behaved young lady and does not really like to do things harshly or in a harsh way. But she rather prefers to take her time and do things in a very soft way so that it all comes out very well in a way that she can really enjoy what she had done at that particular point in time.

Actually, after having shouted from the top of her voice for over two solid rounds, Melanie's voice cracked off as it was due to the second time that she shouted that it resulted to that. There was the need for her to make sure that she calms down and do some thing that is just so lighter than before.

How ever, there was the truth of the matter was that, before that day could go to an end, her voice must have come back to her and that was actually the truth. Every thing was being just so annoying to her at that particular point in time .

That was because, Melanie's voice had become so faint that she could barely even listen to her self while talking. The fact that Melanie had Shouted from the top of her voice for a about two solid times and her voice actually ended up leaving her a little bit, that actually explains that the extent to which her voice was actually being so sharp that she could no longer even control it .

That clearly reveals that the level at which her voice was actually Loud and sharp could not be explained at all. That was actually the main problem that was at hand.

But honestly, on the other hand, Rissa did not listen to a single word of all what Melanie had been saying before. She could not hear any thing and that was actually the truth.