

That evening, Mr Johnson's last daughter carried every thing that she brought back home with her from her friend's house to her room. How ever, Mr Johnson's last daughter is called Clarissa but she is been called Rissa for short.

Rissa being disappointed and unhappy that her father and brother do not even want to see the good things that she had brought back from her friend's house hurriedly carried every thing She had brought back home that evening to her room leaving them in the living room to both discuss.

" So son, tell me what's bothering you. I am your father, so tell me every thing. " Said Mr Johnson to his son Tristan with a more serious countenance as there was not any trace of laughter on his face. Mr Johnson's voice was as soft as that of an early bird.

Mr Johnson was speaking in that Kind of a tone because he wanted to convince Tristan to tell him about what was really disturbing him that much that he could no longer pay attention to people that were around him. Tristan at the begining was trying to cover up his feelings for Melanie as well as he tried not to tell his father what was going on with him.

But Mr Johnson continued insisting, trying to convince him to tell him the problem with out stoping. How ever, Tristan finally accepted to tell his father every thing that was happening to him at that time.

" Ok father, I will tell you every thing. Just don't use it against me. Ok? " Tristan said to his father putting on a sad countenance.

" Alright son, I am listening. Go ahead. " Mr Johnson said putting on a sweet smile on his face. He was now happy that his son was going to finally tell him what he had in mind ever since. At least, he was going to hear every thing from the horse's mouth and not other wise.

" Father, it is Melanie. " Tristan said with a cold and calm tone to his father. He was thinking at that moment that his father will just start mocking at him cause he treated her badly and now he wants her. But Tristan did not know that his father did not yet understand what he meant by " It is Melanie. "

" Melanie? What did she do to you? Do you happen to know her from some where or what? " Asked Mr Johnson with so much surprise and shock as he was so worried about the whole issue especially what Tristan had just said putting him in suspense as Tristan's statement was giving him the anxiety to want to know more about every thing.

" Father, I think I love her. " said Tristan to his father with a tense and serious look. Tristan while he was saying that actually meant every single word of what he was saying as he turned and looked at his father with a slight look not wanting know his reaction cause he knew already what he will do after he had told him that.

" What? Are you being serious right now? How can you love some one you do not even know? " Mr Johnson said with a very huge and pronounced tone as he was as shocked as never before. He could not believe his ears. He was just so embarrassed at his son as he could no longer believe what he was hearing from him.

" Father, it's not my fault. I just couldn't resist the charming look she just gave to me before leaving the house. " Tristan said with a more soft tone and from his voice and his facial expression, one could tell exactly that he actually really meant what he was saying at that moment.

" Her eyes which were of the coffee brown color looking directly in to mine made me go so crazy. It was like Melanie had some strange powers in her eyes that immediately as she looked at me right into the eyes for a space at most five seconds, she had already taken hold of me...... " Tristan continued explaining how he was feeling at that moment to his father.

" I have never ever in all my life felt like this before. I really think I have some feelings for her father. " Tristan said to his father while putting on a serious look and nodding his head up and down at the end of his explanation.

His father looking at him with his mouth wide open, trying to know and understand if that was really his son talking to him or some one else. Mr Johnson has always known Tristan to be the unromantic guy and more to that, Tristan does not have feelings for girls but on the contrary, girls always have feelings for him. But what kills him now is his attitude. He has never been so polite with any girl.

All what Mr Johnson was seeing and hearing his son talk at that momentwas just like a dream to him but all what he was hearing were actually the reality, It was all real. How ever, he was not against the fact that Tristan was in love with Melanie nor was he for he for the fact that Tristan was in love with Melanie.

All Mr Johnson wanted was that, Tristan should at least change some of his bad manners. To Mr Johnson and and every one, Tristan was already over reacting with his bad manners. Tristan was already too disrespectful for a young boy of his age. Tristan as we all know is the first son of Mr Johnson as well as the only son of Mr Johnson.

Tristan is known by every one to have a very bad attitude since from the age of 15 when his mother died. Before, Tristan use to be a very good, nice and humble young man when his mother was still alive. She was called Helen. Helen had always trained up her children that is Tristan and Rissa to be very good and humble people.

Helene herself had so many virtues that when she died, she left with them as well as she was buried along side with all the good virtues that she had before dying. Any way, the manner at which Helen was a good woman and wife, no woman in this world could be compared to her.

With her manner of behaving, her manner if talking and every other thing that was so unique in her kind.

Mr Johnson and Helene had always formed a perfect match not until Helen died in a car accident, living Johnson behind. It was not an easy task as well as it was not a good news to hear by every one that was found close to her especially her husband, child and love ones.

Every thing was just so bad as the Johnson family became so dark.

Their family became so dark because one of the pillers of the house had gone down. At that moment, it was like every thing that the Johnson family had struggled to build had just died down in the space of one second. It was unbelievable.

They all could not believe that, Helen could just die like that with out even saying a good bye to any one even just for the last time. It was a very painful thing as she died a very painful and heartless death. She was to good to die in that manner. Her character was too pleasant for to just die in such a harsh and cruel manner.

Every one was like " Why will God allow such good people to die just like that for no reason? Where as the evil people who are so many do not even die. May her soul rest in peace where ever she is right now. " said the people who came to give them their own condolence visits in their house.

It was not an easy thing to believe that Helen was gone but there was the need for them to believe that Helen was already gone for good never to return again until the meet again. At that time, Rissa was still just ten years old. Mr Johnson and Tristan tried hiding the truth about her mother's death to her for some time because she was writing her last exams for the academic school year.

But at last, she finally discovered the whole truth about her mother's death and it was not as planned because, she discovered it in the course of writing her exams. One of Rissa's friends approached her and gave her her own condolenceds for her mother's death. after the exams.

" Hi Rissa " her friend Jenifer said putting on a broad smile on her face extending from mollars to mollars with a genuine mind and heart.

" Hi Jennifer " said Rissa with a very huge smile on her face as she was very happy and excited seeing her friend. She was putting on a very broad smile which was very portraying and visible on her countenance. Every one could see what was on her face as she was smiling too back at her friend from mollars to mollars.

" How are you doing today? " Jennifer asked Rissa widening the smile that she was already putting on, on her countenance as her facial expressions could reveal every thing that was in her heart.

" I am ok as usual and you? " answered Rissa with a very empty and genuine heart as she was very happy and excited to see her friend for over a very long time but it was a very good thing because she has always been a very good friend too her since from the unset. And more still both her parents and Rissa's parents were very close friends too. That made things way more very easier and smooth as it made their relationship to become more stronger and stronger every day.

They both have always been sharing what they had till now everything was just going so fine. Not until Jennifer spoiled the conversation with what she said.

" Hey Rissa, You did not want to tell me that you lost your mother right? Any way, there is no problem. I am really sorry for your loss ok? My condolences to you and your family. " Jennifer

said putting on a very sorrowful countenance this time. You could see a lot of sympathy from her facial expressions as she was very sad following the fact that she could not be able to have told her friend Rissa's her condolences since from the beginning following the fact that they have been writing exams.

While Jennifer was giving her condolences to Rissa, she meant no harm as she was giving Rissa her condolences with all her heart. She was very genuine from the heart as the condolences cane directly from inside her heart.

And also, more to that she did not know that Rissa was not aware about the fact that her mother was dead. Jennifer had no idea that her friend Rissa was very void of the fact that her mother had just passed away. So she was taking it like a normal discussion.

" Wait, Jennifer.... What did you just say? " Rissa asked Jennifer with a very angry look. Rissa was already literally very angry at that point in time. She did not even want to think about it. She was already angry with what she had said as her facial expressions could tell how she felt more Better. From her countenance, one could read how angry she was at that moment where both her and Jennifer were standing very close to each other.

" Rissa, I said I am sorry for your loss. " Jennifer said again answering her with a very genuine heart again. She did not yet understand what was going on at that moment. At that moment when Rissa started acting angry and asked the question, she felt like there was thing that she was said in the course of the conversation that was not good.

As she started apologising to Rissa with out even knowing what she did that was Makin Rissa so unhappy with her. She did not know whether it was her fault that Rissa changed her attitude towards her or she she was angry because of any of the things that she had just mentioned in the conversations or if Rissa had just remembered some thing that had once got her very angry before and is now extremely angry back as before.

Since Jennifer was confused with the whole situation as she did not know what had gotten her angry at that moment, she decided to just apologise to Rissa because Rissa is her friend and she has always been her friend.

Jennifer does not like to see Rissa getting mad at her as well as Rissa has never loved to see Jennifer being mad at her. Seeing each other get angry because of each other makes them go mad as they can not bare seeing each other being hurt.

" Rissa, I am really sorry if I said some thing that was bad to you in the course of our conversation. I am really sorry for every thing I said that hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you with my words. " Jennifer now said to Rissa with a very soft and subdued voice.

Jennifer was being very honest to a fault. She had never wanted that Rissa should be hurt by any way. Most especially if Rissa was been hurt by her. At least she was not mocking her for her mother's death but she was rather trying to console her for her lose. It was a very Good thing that she was doing as such friends like her were so rare to find.

" Do you realize it is my mother you are talking about here? My mother had travelled to see my grand mother who was not doing well. And she will be back soon that is what my father and Tristan had told. So please, if it is a joke let it just end. We don't joke with issues like that. I love my mother so much and I am not ready to lose her for any thing in this world. "

" Wait.. Rissa, What's wrong with you? you did not know? " Jennifer asked with shock as she now noticed that Rissa was actually acting in that manner because she did not know that her mother was dead. She became so disappointed in her self as she was the one who told Rissa that her mother was dead. It was not supposed to be that way. Rissa had discovered her mother's death in a very bad way. That was no good thing for any one to hear about.

Jennifer was so disappointed with her self as she kept on apologising with out stoping because she could not believe that she announced the death of Rissa's mother in such a very harsh way to her. To Jennifer, she felt that the way she used to announce the death of a Rissa's mother was just so aching and annoying as no one will ever be happy if such an announcement was given to him or her.

It was so alarming to the soul and the mind as no one will want to hear that just like that. Any way, they could all understand that they are all Kids and Jennifer was just trying to give her own condolences to her friend Rissa.

How ever, the did has been done. There was no way they could remove back every thing that Rissa had just heard from her friend Jennifer's mouth. It was now high time for her to know the whole truth and only the truth.

Rissa standing there being so confused was already so tired and annoyed with hearing all what Jennifer was telling her about her mom's death. She was already very angry as she was supper annoyed with Jennifer for telling her that her mom was dead.

She was ready to beat up the hell out of Jennifer for ever saying such a cruel thing concerning her mother. As Rissa finally ran from where she was standing with Jennifer with so much anger as all the tears that had already gathered on her eyes. As she was running, the tears fell off one by one from her eyes. The drop of her tears were so loud that every one could hear at the moment that it fell on the ground.

Her heart was bitting as fast as the spot of light. This was so evident as her heart was beating three times respectively following the kind of shocking news that she had just received from Jennifer. The news was to harsh, hard and heavy for her to carry. Her heart became so heavy as she ran passing each street.

Rissa was breathing as fast as possible as she was running so fast heading to the house where she believed that she could get genuine knowledge about where her mother was. At that moment, she cared less about who or what was standing on her way. The obstacles in her way did not matter to her at that point in time.

Rissa has always loved her mother. Loosing her mother at that kind of age was a very bad thing to her as she could not just think about it. Her mother was just like an elder sister to her as she could not just die so young like that. Rissa had refused to believe that and was ready to fight back any one who will try to tell her that again she was not even ready to lose her mother just for a second.