

Melanie after hearing all these things was so so upset with her mother even more as she could not still get to believe that her father has been supporting her mother's bad manners for such a long period of time with out complaining due to the love that he has always had for her that kept on growing day by day. There was not the need for him to wake up and speak to my mother even if it meant that he should talk to him even once. And not to allow her to continue doing the same things all the time. That was the worse thing that had ever happened to him.

Because the more he gave my mother the chance to be doing all what she was doing to him at that particular moment, the more she was over exploiting Mr Carter's patience as she was over using the kind of opportunities that her husband Mr Carter has ever given her before.

The liberty that was being given to her by Mr Carter was been over exploited by her as she was not being happy at all about what was happening at that particular point in time.

There was the need for her to know every single thing that was very necessary at that particular moment. How ever, it was a very good thing to think that, she was the only child that he had because, at least, Melanie could make him smile once in a while when he was so depressed.

They were all being so frustrated as well as they were both being stuck with each other since they could not be together and worse still they could neither be separated from each other.

There was the need for they both to know what know what was good as well as what was bad at that particular time in order not to end up taking the wrong decision which might end up leading to some thing else.

The kind of decision that they both could have taken could have fallen heavily on their only daughter because the kind if decision they both were about to take was to their only daughter's own detriment and not to their detriment.

How ever, it was good thing for they to do what she had to do because if they do not make sure that they both take the right decision, they might end up loosing every thing they want. It was a very good thing they had done to stay with each other and not leaving their daughter behind because it could have been a very bad thing to do as well as it could have had several side effects that could not be good to be seen by any one.

They both were thinking if divorce on so many occasions but have never ever come to a conclusion to divorce because of the fact that they both had a very little and beautiful daughter who needed a lot of care and attention.

Just for them to think about divorcing when their daughter was still very little and needed some one as well to take care of her was some thing that they could never find them selves doin it. They were all being so frustrated as well as they were both being stuck with each other since they could not be together and worse still they could neither be separated from each other.

There was the need for they both to know what know what was good as well as what was bad at that particular time in order not to end up taking the wrong decision which might end up leading to some thing else.

Melanie since from the time when she was still very little has always been his point of comfort. There was the need for her to be happy at all times as he had already made up his mind to change for good and be a very good father to his daughter.

He was even ready to do that alone if his wife was not ready to assist him in doing the job. How ever, that was a very good thing to do as he was already bent on doing what was right as well as making his daughter to be happy back as well. Mr Carter was ready to do that even if it was supposed to be by crook or by force.

All Mr Carter wanted at that particular moment was to make sure that his daughter Melanie should be able to know the truth as well as to be able to know that there was some one that at least got her back at all corners and wanted her to be always happy.

That was what he wanted and that was exactly what he was trying to do by all course. He did not care what it takes him to do it or how long it will take him to finally get what he wanted. All he wanted at that particular time was to get to his goals and attain all his objectives.

" Not until I allowed her to join politics with me after a long period of deliberation between your mother and I . "

Mr Carter said with a very cold voice as he has always been a man of little words. He does not talk too much. He talks Only when it was needed. One could hardly hear his voice if it did not mean that there was some thing very important to be done.

How ever, it was some thing that was very important to be done. Men who do not really talk and always talk less are very difficult to be predicted because at any time, they can just change and take any decision that they all want to take.

Such decisions that could be taken are very drastic because, they may lead to their own detriments as well as the person to whom the took the decision against as well as those who happen to be around them all the time.

That is the main reason why Mr Carter has been keeping calm all these while and he could no longer continue to keep calm. There was the need for him to talk too as we and make every one to know each of their positions in that house .

He has never wanted to ask his wife for a divorce because, he knew so well that it will not only make his wife to be hurt, it will also make he him self to be hurt as well. As well as the kind of drastic decision that he could have taken at that particular moment could have hurt Melanie the most considering the fact that she was still very little and did not know shy thing at that time.

" Once she I finally decided that your mother should join politics, she was so happy as she thanked me endlessly. I simply did that because I wanted to make her happy as well as I accepted most of the decisions that she was taking as well as the kind of suggestions that she was bringing up to me most often . "

Mr Carter said with a very low voice as he was hurt so much by his wife's actions since that time till now. He did not even want to know again any thing that had happened at that particular time.

Even though his wife has been behaving and actually strangely as well to him and considering as well the fact that Mr Carter was not being so happy with every thing that had happened between him and his wife for a couple of years now, the love that he had always had for his wife as well as that which he has always been nursing for his wife has never ever changed .

It has never ever happen before and it will never ever happen again. How ever, his love for his wife has never changed not now, not ever.

" And these her bad manners became worse when she was being given a very big position in politics which was almost up to my own post. That particular thing made her political status to increase to the peak . "

Mr Carter said with the same tone as he continued taking to his daughter in the same light. Not increasing the sound of his voice to be so high, as well as not reducing the sound of his voice to be so low. Every thing was just so moderate.

Every thing started to go from worst to worse as things were not doing just fine again even a little bit. Every thing was just so annoying to each other as every thing for they both was problem .

Both Mr Carter and his wife were no longer having peace of mind when ever they were close to each other. The joy and the peace of mind as well that they both had always had before was taken away from them in a speed of light. As one day, things were no longer going on well between the both of them.

They both were thinking if divorce on so many occasions but have never ever come to a conclusion to divorce because of the fact that they both had a very little and beautiful daughter who needed a lot of care and attention.

Just for them to think about divorcing when their daughter was still very little and needed some one as well to take care of her was some thing that they could never find them selves doin it. They were all being so frustrated as well as they were both being stuck with each other since they could not be together and worse still they could neither be separated from each other.

There was the need for they both to know what know what was good as well as what was bad at that particular time in order not to end up taking the wrong decision which might end up leading to some thing else.

The kind of decision that they both could have taken could have fallen heavily on their only daughter because the kind if decision they both were about to take was to their only daughter's own detriment and not to their detriment.

How ever, it was good thing for they to do what she had to do because if they do not make sure that they both take the right decision, they might end up loosing every thing they want. It was a very good thing they had done to stay with each other and not leaving their daughter behind because it could have been a very bad thing to do as well as it could have had several side effects that could not be good to be seen by any one.

But worse still, the worse thing that they both had ever done was to stick to each other because the fact that they decided not to divorce with each other and to stay with each other till the end simply because they wanted to make sure that their daughter was doing just fine.

That was the ever worse decision they have ever taken because, the fact that they were both staying instead made her to be very mad at her parents all the time as instead of Melanie to learn how to love her parents, she instead learned how to hate her parents ever single second that had passed by.

The hatred that she had for her parents already could not be explained because it had already been nursed for so long. Melanie had been living with her parents for quite a Very time now and all she could get from them was only the bundle of hatred that she had already nursed for them for quite a very long time now.

She was being so disappointed with her parents all the time that she always prefered staying out side and not coming home for them because she will still get to meet the sane people that always look for ways to get her angry with every little that they do.

They were never there for her when she needed them the most. Ok all the most important days in her life they had never ever been there to show up at least to make sure that they both marked present that day.

Both in school and at home when they were both needed, they were never there. That was so bad as they were being very absent in every aspect of her life.

They both had always made Melanie to feel their absence at every second of their lives. They were being so mean to her to a fault. The rate at which her parents were being so heartless to her could not be explained as they had always found reasons to make her feel bad at all times.

Melanie was being literally so frustrated almost all the time as she is always alone. Being bored having no one to talk to , just there in her own . If she is not in school, then she is at home being locked up in her bed room. Either watching TV, sleeping, studying , reading books, or even Just sitting like that for nothing In her bed room. She had learned how to be alone for a very long time that she was already very use to it.

It has been part of her as she was already very use to and fine with the kind of situation that she was facing at that particular moment.

Nothing was moving her again. Apart from what she wanted to do and she could do it.

It was a very nice thing to do as we as it could be seen every where.

Every thing started to go from worst to worse as things were not doing just fine again even a little bit. Every thing was just so annoying to each other as every thing for they both was problem .

Both Mr Carter and his wife were no longer having peace of mind when ever they were close to each other. The joy and the peace of mind as well that they both had always had before was taken away from them in a speed of light. As one day, things were no longer going on well between the both of them.

They both were thinking if divorce on so many occasions but have never ever come to a conclusion to divorce because of the fact that they both had a very little and beautiful daughter who needed a lot of care and attention.

Ok all the most important days in her life they had never ever been there to show up at least to make sure that they both marked present that day.

Both in school and at home when they were both needed, they were never there. That was so bad as they were being very absent in every aspect of her life.

They both had always made Melanie to feel their absence at every second of their lives. They were being so mean to her to a fault. The rate at which her parents were being so heartless to her could not be explained as they had always found reasons to make her feel bad at all times.

Melanie was being literally so frustrated almost all the time as she is always alone. Being bored having no one to talk to , just there in her own . If she is not in school, then she is at home being locked up in her bed room. Either watching TV, sleeping, studying , reading books, or even Just sitting like that for nothing In her bed room. She had learned how to be alone for a very long time that she was already very use to it.

It has been part of her as she was already very use to and fine with the kind of situation that she was facing at that particular moment.

Nothing was moving her again. Apart from what she wanted to do and she could do it.

It was a very nice thing to do as we as it could be seen every where.

Every thing started to go from worst to worse as things were not doing just fine again even a little bit. Every thing was just so annoying to each other as every thing for they both was problem .

Both Mr Carter and his wife were no longer having peace of mind when ever they were close to each other. The joy and the peace of mind as well that they both had always had before was taken away from them in a speed of light. As one day, things were no longer going on well between the both of them.

They both were thinking if divorce on so many occasions but have never ever come to a conclusion to divorce because of the fact that they both had a very little and beautiful daughter who needed a lot of care and attention.

Just for them to think about divorcing when their daughter was still very little and needed some one as well to take care of her was some thing that they could never find them selves doin it. They were all being so frustrated as well as they were both being stuck with each other since they could not be together and worse still they could neither be separated from each other.

There was the need for they both to know what know what was good as well as what was bad at that particular time in order not to end up taking the wrong decision which might end up leading to some thing else.

The joy and the peace of mind as well that they both had always had before was taken away from them in a speed of light. As one day, things were no longer going on well between the both of them.