

Mr Johnson after sitting on the dining table for about five minutes already decided to call on his children to hurry up up and come down stairs for dinner.

" Tristan, Rissa, you guys should hurry up. Dinner is getting cold already. And you guys are taking a lot of time being up stairs. " Tristan's father said with a very loud voice as he was shouting from the top of his voice so that his children could hear him out and come back down stairs on the dining table to him. So that they all could have dinner together as one family.

The deepness of the sound of his voice was so deep that it could barely be heard some times by his children also by other people that were related to him in all departments of life. Mr Johnson having a really deep voice it is not his fault but just nature. As it is a normal thing for all men though some men end up not getting a deep voice in all their lives.

Immediately as Mr Johnson was shouting from the top of his voice, telling his children to come down stairs for dinner real quick so that they can all eat and also because breakfast was already getting cold very fast, that was the exactly the same time that Tristan was coming down stairs to meet him on the dining table.

On his way down, his father saw him and being very excited, he started laughing as he was happy to finally see them as well as to finally know that they both were coming down stairs finally.

Little did he know that only Tristan alone was the one coming down stairs. He did not know that Rissa was not with Tristan.

" Hey Tristan, why did you guys take so long like that ? You have been gone for about five minutes now. Why did you stay that much like that ? " Mr Johnson asked with a little bit of anxiousness and worry for the fact that

Tristan being so hungry and did not want to miss any thing that was happening at dinner that day, he decided to run up stairs In a hurry so that he could call for Rissa so that she could come down stairs real quick.

Tristan on arriving at the in front of Rissa's bed room, he decided to knock first of all as a sign of respect for his sister. It was also as a good example to his sister so that she should know too that at any time that she was supposed to enter her brother's bed room, she was supposed to knock first of all.

After knocking about three times, Tristan was already loosing out patience. He was very very hungry as to all what he had gone through that day. He needed a lot of food in his system because he had not really eaten that much since he was so busy with every thing that had happen earlier that day.

He was so tired already. All he wanted was to eat. He wanted just his own share of the food that Mr Johnson had cooked and only his own food. Nothing more nothing less.

Tristan from the unset, has always been the hungry type. He eats like he was in a race competing with some one. He eats alone but acts like he was sharing the same plate of food with an invisible person.

The manner at which he hurries while eating all the time, one could think that either he was in a hurry to go some where very important and he wanted to catch up with time, or either there was an invisible man sitting close to him that is trying so hard to eat his food. Or he was in some sort of competition with some one.

It had already become his habit to be so hungry and eating all the time. Not until his mother died. Due to the death of Helene, so many things changed in the house. Not only at the level of food, but also at the level of Every one's behavior in the house.

Tristan became a very bad mannered young boy till presently, Rissa became so upset and lonely till that time, as well as Mr Johnson became a very depressed and frustrated widower and he could not sustain the injury and pain that his wife Helene had left out behind before dying.

The sudden and untimely death of Helene had made both Rissa and Tristan to become young orphan's. As well as her early death made Mr Johnson to become a very depressed and frustrated single father. It was not very easy on his part to take care of his two children Rissa and Tristan every blessed day that passed by.

This was because, each and every day came with it's own challenges. Some times, the problems that come to him each day are more than him to carry.

How ever, it is always said that no problem can ever surpass any one. No matter how though the problems he was facing were, he always succeeded to over come them one after the other.

That was a very good characteristic of a strong man as well as a single father as he tried his best to make things right and take care of his two children like never before. He was ready to undergo any kind of problem just to make sure that his children were both fine and had nothing to worry about.

Tristan after standing in front of the door leading to Rissa's bed room for over some time now knocking and trying to tell her to come down stairs for dinner, he decided to open the door. On pushing the door to open it so that he could enter and wake her up faster, because he was already losing so much patience due to every thing that was happening.

" Rissa, Dinner is ready and it is already served on the dining table. Father said I should tell you to come down for dinner. Father is already on the dining table you are the only one who is lacking. So you should do fast so that you can come down stairs and join us for dinner. " said Tristan with shouting at the top of his voice in order to make sure that, Rissa really hears every thing that he was saying at that moment. He was already so tired and so hungry.

As he said with a very genuine heart really wanting that his sister Rissa should come down stairs with him for dinner.

" No. Go away Tristan. Am not hungry. " said Rissa who was already up for some time before Tristan could come up stairs to ask her to come down stairs for dinner.

As she started shouting from the top of her voice asking Tristan to leave her alone as she did not want to see any one of them.

She was so heavy hearted at that moment that she did not know how to express her anger and the rage she was carrying in her heart that moment. She did not want to see any one beside her at that moment. She wanted a little time to be alone with no one disturbing het.

She did not want any thing to do with any one. She was bleeding right deep inside her heart. No words were enough to explain how hurt she was at that time. Only her alone could tell what was going on with her.

It was at that moment that Tristan had noticed that, there was some thing wrong with his sister Rissa. He was so terrified that he started shouting asking her what the problem was.

He was so shocked and surprised that he started thinking about the possible reasons why sister Rissa could ever be acting so hard like this.

Rissa was crying so firmly and strongly as well. As she continued persisting and insisting that her brother should leave her alone as well as she was telling him that she did not want to see any one beside her at that moment.

" Rissa, open the door. What is wrong with you? " asked Tristan with so much fear in his heart. Tristan has never been so scared in that way in all his life. He was so terrified that he did not know what to do again.

The only solution at that point in time was to call for his father Mr Johnson to come up stairs for him to see for him self what was going on with Rissa. There was the need for him to at least to look for a solution for his sister's problem.

At that particular moment standing in front of the door of his sister's bed room, he started thinking and having ideas of the different things that could make his sister start behaving as such. He had so many alternatives in mind but still yet, he could not still get to figure out any thing that was going on with his sister at that moment.

As at that moment, he started thinking that, maybe his sister Rissa could be so angry because she had a very bad day at school that day, or maybe she might be angry because she had a fight with one of her friends at school today. But in the course of having all those different alternatives and thoughts, he finally discovered that all those alternative could not be so tangable to justify the reason why Rissa was behaving like that.

He was not still understanding why she was behaving like that because all the list of ideas that Tristan had put in place in order to make him know the real reason why his sister was in such a rage which could not be explained.

" Rissa, Please open the door. What is going on with you? What is wrong with you Rissa? You are getting me very worried and scared. " Said Tristan with so much fear in him. It was a normal thing for a boy of his age as it could not be predicted. It was a normal thing for him to be scared some times most especially when it concerned his family issues.

Tristan standing was so confused as Rissa had vehemently and strongly refused to open the door for him nor even answer him.

" Go away Tristan. Go away, I don't want to see you. Just Go away. Stay away from me..... " Rissa said with a very loud voice as she started crying back. She cried until her eyes were all swollen. Her eyes became so swollen that she could barely see any thing again.

Tristan being so confused Needed to call some one to come up stairs and see what what was happening at that moment. There was indeed the need for that as he rushed down stairs straight to the Kitchen to call for his dad.

" Tristan, Rissa, what are you people still doing up stairs? Are you both not supposed to be down stairs by now on the dining table for dinner in family? " asked Mr Johnson with a very tensed look on his face. He was putting on a very care free look on his face as he was continuing with every thing that he was doing at that moment as he was shouting at the top of his voice for his children to hear every thing that he was saying from up stairs and come down for dinner immediately.

Actually, when he was saying that, he was still alone in the kitchen trying to transfer the last thing he had in hand to the dining table. Which was the ground meat source. The ground meat source was indeed what spicing all the other things that were found present on the dining table at that moment.

Being down stairs for over some time now with the cool music selected from the ' Westlife ' music collection that he had put on so that he could at least relationship him self due to the death of his wife for some time now, he could not hear any single word from every thing that both Tristan and Rissa had been going through and with all the noice they have been Makin during the process of Tristan trying to know what was actually wrong with Rissa.

As well as both Tristan and Rissa could not hear any single word of what their father Mr Johnson had said earlier to them while shouting due to the noice from the ' Westlife ' music that was playing in the Living room.

Mr Johnson was now ready for dinner as he was already done with every thing and had already set up every thing that was supposed to be eaten that evening by both him and his children on the dining table as well as he had placed every single thing on their respective positions as every thing was kept exactly were they all belonged with out the possible time to disturb one another from doing any thing.

Mr Johnson was now sitting on one of the chairs of the dining table as he was so satisfied with the good job he had done.

While sitting, he could not start eating with out his children no matter how hungry he was at that moment. Even though the food was smelling so good and attractive and he had the full anxiety to just jump at him and start eating with out wasting any time.

" O my God! I am so hungry. But I can not start eating with out Tristan and Rissa. If I do, they will be very angry at me. It will not be good if I started eating with out them because it will be so unfair to me. " said Mr Johnson with a lot of remorse in his mind as he felt sorry for him self that he could not be able to start eating simple because he had to wait for his two adorable children who mean a lot to him now that ever.

That was also because they are already use to spending time in family as well as having be it break fast or dinner together as one family. And some times they all had Launch together though not often because during the day, each and every one of them use to be in their respective places.

And Mr Johnson at that moment felt like he was going to be a disappointment to his two children if he was going to start eating with out them so he had to wait a little bit for them.

" It has been about five minutes now since Tristan had gone to call for his sister. What could they both be doing up stairs right now? It is unlike them to hear that food was ready and they both take a lot of time to come down stairs and eat all the good.

As he now decided to climb up stairs to check if any one was there. Mr Johnson first of all started by looking at Tristan's bed room to find out if he was there. But u fortunately, to his greatest shock, he did not find any one there.

This incident just made him to be so disappointed and discouraged to check out Rissa in her to check if she was there or not. But how ever, he has to check on her.

As Mr Johnson now just left going towards the next room which was supposed to be Rissa's bed room and where she was supposed to be found. Immediately as he arrived at the door of Rissa's bed room, he immediately opened it and entered.

Rissa did not hear any thing when her father had entered the room. She was so lost in her sleep that she could not hear any thing that was going on around her for even a second. How ever, she was already very tired due to the fact that she had cried for so long. Her father could see tiredness in her due to the position that she was sleeping.

So Mr Johnson simply went back out side and closed the door behind him. Even after doing this, Rissa was still very lost in sleep that she did not hear any thing.

Going down stairs that same even evening, that was when Tristan had just come back to the house. Tristan was so exhausted from the tough day that he had just had that day. From his countenance, one could see that he was actually really tired.

" Good evening father. " said Tristan with a low tune trying to figure out his way to his bed room with out waisting any time. Tristan was really do tired that he needed a lot of rest.

" Hey son, why are you coming back home this late? What happened? " asked Mr Johnson with a very normal tone trying to discover just like every father will do the reason why Tristan had returned back home very late unlike before. This was unlike the usual time that he was supposed to close back from school. So there was the need for him to know what was wrong that made him to come back home very late.

" Father, I was at my friend's house trying to do some left over home work. Those ones were too difficult for me to do all by my self because I did not understand the topic. So I needed some help from one of my friends. " Said Tristan with a normal tone as his voice was supposed to be. Tristan was being so honest as he was trying his best to say just the truth to his father.

" Alright son, go upstairs, have a shower and come down stairs for dinner. Ok? " Said Mr Johnson with a very calm and subdued voice as he tried to console his son Tristan and as he tries to be a more good father so that he can make his children not to miss their mother's presence in their lives that much.