
TriPlex: Hello World!

"In a world hurtling towards the future, humanity grapples with its own nature amid rapid technological progress. Over the past two centuries, advancements have soared, but so too have the darker inclinations of mankind. From cheating with eyewear to manipulating chemicals for profit, the line between progress and peril blurs. Amidst this turmoil, Jakob Alderman, a former freelance bodyguard turned data analyst, finds himself recruited by the mysterious Yashindo Hamatagi. With resources dwindling and danger looming, Jakob faces a choice: embrace the uncertainty of a new path or cling to the safety of the past."

Jacksie · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 0: Captain

"In position yet, sir?"

"Yes, about two hostiles inside, nothing special. They all seem to be badly armed with only pistols and electric batons, not exactly as tight as the security outside. Neutralizing both in a firefight won't be a hard task, but causing too much noise won't exactly do us any good.

How's the situation outside? Confirm any changes in patrol patterns."

It's been almost half an hour since I've had them in my sights. No changes in patrol patterns whatsoever- I will notify you right away if anything comes up."

"Alright, I too will call you back; I'll have to get a move on."


In a dimly lit storage space filled with old crates, two guards in light armor held electric batons and pistols. They chatted casually, trying to pass the time until their shifts ended. The air smelled of metal, and shadows concealed someone watching them from afar. Unaware of the danger lurking nearby, the guards continued their mundane conversation, oblivious to the impending threat.

"Man, I got this vintage grill from F-bay yesterday, and boy, did it really cost me a buck...

But hey, sometimes you just want to make tomahawks sizzle old school."

The first guard shared, seemingly trying to grab the attention of the other.

The other guard, hearing him, redirects his face towards his colleague.

"You know, a good modern industrial grill cooks that stuff five times faster, right? Honestly, I don't get the point of all this collection shit. Vintage or not, they're there to do the same thing; hell, that vintage crap of yours probably grills slower than a toaster."

He replies, looking to spark a debate.

"Listen man! It's not always about what it does; it's about what it 'was' back then. Sometimes it really just feels good thinking that people used to do those things outdoors, y'know? Barbeque parties and stuff. Plus, this one's named after a famous fighter from way back then. I don't hear much about the sport nowadays, but the seller told me that this, Big George Foreman dude was a heck-of-a name back then."

He explains, hoping that the other person gets his side of things.

Pff, you probably got scammed with that famous fighter bogus by the vendo-."


A small metal object bounced on the floor as he spoke, abruptly causing him to cut his response short. It bounced two times, the second one causing it to land on a spot near the two.

"Hey, what's that?"

The other guard curiously asked

Meanwhile, the other, having sharper reflexes, quickly pulls his comrade away from the object, causing them both to fall on their backs in a quick effort to create distance between them and the unknown object.


as both of them lay on the ground.

The guard reacted quickly, speedily moving his forearm towards the visor of his colleague while using the palm of his other hand to cover his own.


The guard yelled.











Nothing happened.

"W-what the hell, this grenade's takin' it's time"

One of the guards, commented.

The expected explosion never came. A decoy? Well, it doesn't matter now, because before an ounce of realization could even come to any of them, a figure suddenly emerged from behind one of the metal crates. It was a strange man wearing an old brown trench coat. His right hand was holding a pistol with a suppressor.

The weapon was already aimed at one of the guards.

In an attempt to save themselves, both guards try to pull out a weapon of their own but fail miserably, as before they could even reach their gun holsters, a pair of bullets would have already flown towards one of them, landing two fatal shots on an unarmored part of the target's neck. Blood gushed from his wounds, painting the wall with a crimson streak.

The wounded guard thrashes around in response, rolling like a rabid animal before eventually taking his last breath a few seconds later. The other guard beside him could only watch in horror as his comrade suffered. Such an event was too sudden, even for a trained guard like him. His body couldn't move a muscle; he could only witness the gruesome sight before him.

He braced himself for the inevitable, watching as the man took aim. Memories of his life flickered before his eyes, each moment stretching into an eternity as he awaited his fate.

But then, an unexpectef thing happened. The man with the pistol hesitated, his resolve faltering. For a short moment, their eyes met with a silent exchange

With a subtle movement, the man lowered his weapon, his gesture signaling him to stay down.

"You know what I am capable of, so let's cut to the chase. I'll give you a chance if you tell me where they took all of those crates."

He offered, standing near the still-warm corpse just lying down beside the guard.

The guard, still feeling anxious about what happened earlier, attempts to quickly pull out his pistol from its holster. Unaware that his body hasn't recovered yet from shock, he loses the ability to grip it properly. He claws at a part of the grip, causing it to slide down and fall on the floor. The man, seeing his attempt to retaliate, quickly responds by kicking the pistol away, which causes it to slide further away from the guard's reach.

"Now, now, I'm trying to work with you here. Just tell me where they're hiding the materials they've shipped here, and I'll guarantee that you will walk away safely, and to add some to top that off, you won't be given a sentence."

The man replies once again, now aiming the gun between his eyes, implying that he is more serious this time around.

The man could only stare at him in terror, his throat dry as he swallowed hard, his fists clenched tightly as he watched the gun's barrel inch closer and closer to his face.

Okay! Just get that thing away from me! I'll tell you everything! "

He replies, his voice shaking in fear.

"Now, isn't that a little bit better?

Alright then, I'm listening; give mell everything you have.

I'll have my little friend here confirm if you're lying or not. If you are, then i will carry out necessary procedures to ensure your silence"

The man responded.

He then releases a small, disk-shaped piece of metal onto the floor, not much larger than a coin. Upon impact, it springs to life, unfurling tiny spider-like appendages from its base. Crafted for stealth, it could effortlessly glides under doors or slips into wall crevices. Topped with a microcamera, its minuscule size rendered it nearly invisible to the naked eye unless observed closely.

The guard watched in horror as the drone activated. The man's menacing threats prompted him to lean back slightly in terror, his lips trembling behind his helmet as he cautiously formulated his next response.

"It's on the underground floor! The only way to access the entrance is through the stairwell located near the secondary gateway. That's the only place I saw them carry the containers, I promise! "

He explains.

Fear had already conquered the guard's emotions, voice, and actions. It was evident; once more, fear had expelled the truth from his heart. Yet, despite this, the man remained skeptical of his claims, understanding that assumptions wouldn't suffice as reliable information, at least not for him. A faint click emanated from his headpiece, echoed by an even fainter one from the ant drone he had deployed earlier.

Green text abruptly illuminates his screen, accompanied by the dulcet tones of his virtual assistant's feminine voice.

"Device Synchronized"

The device notified

After loading for a bit, the headpiece's point of view would switch to that of the tiny ant drone's. The ant drone, which had very limited parts due to its size, had a fairly weak camera, so instead of displaying high-definition footage, it had a low-quality black-and-white video display. Nothing fancy, but sufficient enough to show the man what was going on within a certain proximity. The ant drone then started to move, having eight limbs attributed largely to its movement speed, casually cruising through small gaps and holes throughout the facility, exploring the halls like a bug in the wall. Meanwhile, the guard, who was once at the mercy of the stranger's firearm, was now given a chance to either flee or attack the preoccupied stranger. His arms slowly extended towards the ground, crawling away from the man one palm at a time, hoping to avoid the man's attention. Eventually, he was able to reach one of the crates, using it as a support to assist him in standing up due to his legs still dysfunctioning from the events that had occurred earlier. Afterwards, he slowly limped away, creating more distance between him and the man, going farther and farther, nearing the emergency exit in the room, but for a brief moment, a sudden thought struck him. The guard's head slowly turns around, seeing both his friend's bloody corpse, the man busy as he was operating the ant drone, and his loaded pistol not far from where he currently stood.

"He's right there, waiting for me to blast his head out."

He thinks to himself.

The glint of the gun just lying down on the floor caught his attention. It was just sitting there, waiting for him to pick it up. Slowly and silently, his feet glide across the floor, approaching the firearm one small step at a time.


The man yelled.

The guard, startled by the sudden noise from the man, drops to the floor as he curls up like a ball.

"Damn it! Cobwebs are all over the place. You know, for some underground organization that somehow managed to smuggle expensive genetic material, you really need to give your cleaners a raise. Jeez."

He monologues.

Luckily for the guard, however, the noise was nothing but a false alarm. Not wanting to waste any more time, the guard quickly went back up, scurrying back towards the weapon. It wouldn't take long before he had finally managed to make his way towards his weapon.

"This is it..."

He thought to himself, using both hands to get a hold of the pistol.

Just as he held both his hands upwards, he swiftly turned his body towards the direction where the man was last seen operating the drone, pulling the trigger repeatedly before his mind could even process the scene. The sound of one, two, no, eight shots reverberated throughout the room, covering what was in front of him with the smoke coming from the gun's muzzle.

"How'd you like that?"

He taunted.

No response ever came; silence filled the room as the guard sat back, letting out a sigh after sorting out the situation. Everything was covered by a veil of gray smoke; eventually it would also reach the small light hanging down from the ceiling, causing the room's atmosphere to slightly darken to a point where he could barely see anything beyond two feet of his own position.

Wanting to inform the higher-ups of the scene, the guard quickly holds his shoulder radio, which gives out a click sound followed by some slight static as the radio signal connects to the intercom located within the facility's security room.

"Admin, this is Fred from unit three. Some bogey broke in the storage room just now. I took care of it, but bogey took out Coralles before I could respond. He's dead; nothing we can do about it now. He was alone, but he may have some buddies with him. Make sure to alert the rest of us."

He explains.

He stood there and waited for the administrator's response, but nothing came, and the only thing that greeted him was the radio's incomprehensible static.

"Admin! For Pete's sake, I am not screwing around here! Someone... I do not know who the hell-...somehow got in the storage room and was tryna find the lab. If you think I'm playin' around, then i have Coralles' Corpse just lyin' over here!."

He yelled furiously, incredibly frustrated by the administrator's silence despite the situation.

Just a few moments later, a voice from the other end of the intercom would respond to Fred's prompts.

"Fred, please confirm your statement. Are you implying that someone went through our security undetected? Furthermore, have you confirmed the neutrilization of the infiltrator? If so, please do try to search the body for any sort of additional information. Also, one last thing, please hold your position. I will notify the rest of the personnel and send reinforcements towards your location. In the meantime, you can do the first task I've assigned to you."

The voice answers, instantly severing the radio connection between the two, right after his last statement.

"Admin wait!...Admin!-Bastard hung up on me. Damn it."

The guard muttered, seemingly agitated.

Now having no other choice but to complete the recent orders given to him. He tries to clear the smoke by wildly waving both arms in the air. The smoke disperses, giving him a clearer look at the area where he fired shots at the stranger.


Little drops of sweat began to roll down his face; his body anxiously shakes; the beating of his heart thumps faster as the clock ticks; and his eyes could do nothing but widen at the scene that stood before him.

There was nothing.

Not a body in sight, nothing. only eight bullet holes on one of the crates, exactly the amount of which he fired.

It wouldn't take long for him to realize that he was on the shorter end of the stick. He was completely baffled by the situation. Out of fear, he would swiftly raise his firearm. Unsure of the stranger's whereabouts, he would quickly turn in different directions as he aimed, hoping in his mind that he would be able to somehow catch the stranger in his sights just before he got caught in his.

"H-how the fu-"

"I gave you a chance, didn't I?"

Said a voice from the distance.

Fred, not even a second after hearing it, would swiftly redirect his aim in the voice's direction.

"You bastard-!"

He yelled as he closed his eyes while pulling the trigger.





"What the hell?"








The gun was already out of ammo, and before Fred could even realize this, a speeding projectile came from the direction in which he tried to shoot. It pierced through both his hands, causing him to instantly drop the gun on the floor.


He shouts.

He falls down on his back, rolling his body back and forth as the pain from his hands surges throughout his entire body.

"I deeply apologize for all the inconvenience caused. Let me assist you one last time."

The man responds in a strangely calm manner.

Once again, he aims his pistol towards Fred's head, giving him one last serious look in the eye before he finishes the job.

"Arrghhhh-! Wait N-n-o! W-wait-! I can still-"


It was already too late. The bullet easily pierced through Fred's visor, and soon his agonizing cries were no more.

Having no more time to waste. The man swiftly holstered his pistol back, slowly walking away from the picture where two bodies lie.

Shortly after the earlier incident, the same man emerged in the hallway outside the storage room. Facility alarms blared, sending employees scrambling for safety. Reinforcements rushed to the storage room, but they arrived too late. All they found were the lifeless bodies of Fred and Coralles, the guards assigned to protect the crates.

"Admin, this is the squad leader from Unit 2, and the Unit 3 personnel assigned to secure the area have been compromised."

The guard reported

Tsk, Captain, please do ask your unit to thoroughly search the hallways and the rooms now! "

The administrator replied, slightly losing his composure.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the halls was the same man who had infiltrated the storage room. Now knowing that troops are tailing his position, he quickly makes his way towards the stairs, acting with maximum efficiency, knowing one wrong move could cost him the entire mission.

On his way to the stairwell, he'd encounter a swarm of running employees, ranging from utility staff to scientists, all rushing in the opposite direction of which he was headed. Seemingly a response to the evacuation order given out earlier. They didn't pay him any mind, and so he didn't bother with them either.

Navigating through the panicked crowd, the man crossed paths with guards ensuring the employees' safety. However, amidst the chaos, the guards paid no attention to the peculiar figure walking in the opposite direction. Their focus remained on swiftly evacuating the employees, considering it a higher priority than questioning the stranger amidst the alarms and sirens blaring around them.

With no more obstacles standing in his way, he proceeds with the task at hand, going down the staircase to continue his search. He places one of his hands on his headpiece, tapping a certain part of it multiple times before it flashes repeatedly, indicating that it has been turned on.

"How may I assist you, Sir Yashindo Hamatagi?"

The virtual assistant asks

"Please contact Zherik."

The man replies.

The virtual assistant acted accordingly, popping Zherik's contact on his screen.

Attempting to connect




Connection Established!

Yash, there you are! Have you found where they stored the goods yet? "

I already found it earlier using the drone, and I'm on my way there right now.

How about you? How's everything up there going? "

"Yeah, about that, everything's going haywire; the sirens are going off, people are running outside, and the heavily armed infantry are now going in. You better move quick and confirm the location of the stash, Yash; I don't think you have much time on you."

"Alright, alright, get the AMVs ready to move in; the night's about to start."

"Roger sir"

Connection Terminated

The call couldn't have ended more conviniently, as he stumbles upon the lab just as his headpiece goes off.

Everything was silent, implying that everyone inside had already fled the scene. The lights were still on, the area's air conditioning system was left open, some machines were still actively operating.

Not far from where he stood was a metallic door, a bit rusty, but it still appeared clean overall. Some blueish light reflected off it's surface. It immediately caught his attention, prompting him to walk towards the newly found object of interest. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the door was already slightly opened. Yashindo gave the door a small push, causing it to creak a little as it motioned backwards. Blue light was the very first thing to meet his face, it illuminated so bright that it caused him to cover up his eyes for a few seconds.


He muttered, frustrated by the blinding lights.

He slightly rubs both his eyes before opening it, squinting a bit before getting used to it eventually. After overcoming his first obstacle, he now proceeds to continue his investigation by searching the room.

It was strange, the room's layout was more similar to that of a hospital's than that of a lab. Posters on the wall with surgical procedures were also prominent, along with some tables filled with all sorts of surgical tools and bins filled with single-use hospital equipment.

"This isn't a drug lab... this is-"

Yash monologued, but before he could even finish,

Something caught the edge of his eye, causing him to turn his head to the left. What he saw next caused him to twitch out of shock. It was a bloody hospital bed with some fleshy matter scattered around the surface. The flesh was so disfigured that he was unsure whether or not it belonged to a person or an animal.

"Guess i'll have these in my mind for a while... Oh well, work's work"

He thought to himself,

Yash walks closer to the bed, observing the pasty mesh from different angles.

Clicking sounds similar to that of a camera's could be heard from his headpiece as he takes photos of the bloody sight in front of him.

"Photos successfully sent to cloud drive"

The virtual assistant notified.

Having nothing more to do, Yash continues with his investigation. Similar beds with the same fleshy material was seen throughout, though Yash paid these no mind, having already sufficient evidence for that matter. He comes across some electric freezers. Just like most of the equipment inside the underground lab, it was still running. Inside it was nothing more than preserved chemicals and substances.

"I guess this is where they took the crates..."

He thought to himself, taking a few photos of the scene before going on with his search.

At the very edge of the room was a specialized hospital bed. It looked more equipped in comparison to the others. Unlike the ones Yash encountered earlier, this particular bed had some wiring and machinery surrounding it, additionally some boxes filled with bloody surgical equipment and empty substance containers were also found on the scene.

All those things, even when combined, wasn't really what stood out the most. What baffled Yashindo was the fact that unlike the others, this bed wasn't stained at all. It was clean, not a single particle of the fleshy material could be found.


Yash thought.

He moved his area of vision towards a table just standing a few meters away from him. On top of the table were scattered papers, some tucked within folders while others were stapled unto one another.

"Nothing useful huh...It's all just lists and older studies used for reference, guess they took all the important papers and left the area"

Yash monologued, rummaging through the unkempt pile of paper.

He kept on digging with his fingers, eventually coming accross a red folder which stood out among the others.

"Hello World...?"

Yash read out loud, reading the text on it's cover.

This immediately caught his interest. Amidst all the documents and papers scattered across the table, this red folder, in particular, was the only one that wasn't labeled with a specific code.

Curious of what could be found within, Yashindo attempts to open the folder hoping to scan useful informstion, but before he could even do so, a strong WIZZZZZZ sound flew by, just an inch away from his face.

The projectile ricocheted on the wall behind Yash, bouncing repeatedly from surface to surface before eventually stopping near the area where he stood

"So it was you, the rat who dared to infiltrate the storage room"

Said a voice from the distance.

Draped in a pristine white coat, matching gloves, and black leather boots, a mysterious woman stood adorned with high-tech glasses similar to that of Yash's headpiece. Half of her face concealed by a metallic mask. By her side, a squadron of five guards, armed with submachine guns capable of unleashing eight hundred rounds per minute, showcased superior armor that - not a single vulnerability in sight, It was a different level in contrast to the encounters Yashindo had faced earlier.

"So you're the one in charge of this whole operation.

I don't know your motvies nor what you're planning to achieve with all this but you've already gave us enough headaches locating this place

Our dance ends here madame."

Yash replies, aiming his pistol towards the woman in white

The woman chuckles at his statement, slightly laughing as a response to his threat.

"Well, well, how naive of you. Do you genuinely believe you hold any authority in this situation? I had high hopes for your intellect, managing to stumble this far.

Nevertheless, recognizing your futile endeavor, I'll be generous. You have the opportunity to depart unscathed. In return, I merely request your precious PMC to abandon this fruitless mission. A rather kind proposition, wouldn't you agree?"

She asks, awaiting Yash's response to her offer.

The atmosphere's tension grew even stronger as they stared prolong their gazes towards one another, both parties unwilling to break first from what might be considered a standoff

"Consider it done"

Yash replies, as he lowers his weapon.

The woman smiles behind her metal mask in response. Her arms slightly extending sidewards as a pose of triumph.

"Now that wasn't so har-"


The very next thing the woman and her guards would see was the sight of Yash's gun barrel smoking. A portion of her face, along with her left eye just above the metal mask has been scraped off entirely by a bullet.

"Open FIRE!"

One of the guards shouted, before all of them simultaneously pull the trigger of their firearms.

Yash however, reacted swiftly, leaping behind one of the metal freezers immediately after firing at the woman's face.

The room soon echoed with the sounds of gunfire and ricochets.

"You four, eliminate the intruder, I'll take the administrator to the evacuees, the paramedics might be able to help."

One of the guards ordered.

"Leave it to us"

A guard replied, as he continues to open fire towards Yash's location.

"Y-you will suffer for this....S-suffer!"

The woman shouted,

"That's enough ma'am, let's get to the paramedics so we can patch you up"

The guard advised, as he carries her away from the laboratory.

Yashindo on the other hand knew that his cover wont hold up much longer, being unable to peek for new cover due to the swarm of bullets flying his way, he waits for the guards to reload their weapons, and when they did, he quickly slid out from behind the freezer, shooting them in the head as he motioned out. His efforts however, were to no avail, as the guard's armor was so thick that pistol rounds weren't able to pentrate them at all. Realizing that shooting them was futile, he quickly jumps behind a metal crate a few meters away from where he was shooting, narrowly escaping another batch of bullets from the guards as they were just done reloading.

Yash, knowing that he would be unable to catch the administrator quickly activated his headpiece, contacting Zherik to tell him about the situation.

"Z, I've found the ones behind this operation, they're trying to escape with the evacuees outside. Start the assault now, don't let them escape"

Yash quickly ordered, his voice a bit shaky and out of breath due to current circumstances.

"Roger Sir"

Zherik replied, after brief moment of Silence. The communication cut off right after his response.

Now with that out of the way, the only thing left for Yash was to deal with the problem at hand, the rain of bullets that were trying to find a way to his face. Time was ticking, he had to think of something fast. While thinking of an escape, Yash heard the sounds of magazines dropping to the floor, indicating that the guards were reloading. Something clicked in his mind. Not wanting to waste a second more, he jumps out of his hiding spot, rushing towards what looks like an oxygen tank located at the opposite side of the room.

"There he is boys! Light Im' Up!"

A guard shouted, as he finishes reloading his firearm.

Yash acted swiftly and efficiently, grabbing one of the tanks just right before the guards fired another burst of bullets. He already remembered the lab layout the moment he entered the room, as he had already scanned most of it. Due to this, he was well aware of the surroundings, saving him the time of looking for one to hide in. The tank flew right in front of the guards, catching the bullets as holes started to form on its surface. Yashindo, knowing the outcome of his actions, quickly jumped inside one of the freezers, closing the lid right away.

"Ah shi-"

A guard ranted, just a moment before the room turned into a fiery blaze.

The explosion was so strong that a slight vibrations could be felt from above. Nothing was left, the guards which stood near the lab's exit were scorched to oblivion, leaving a pile of combat armor with burnt corpses inside of them.

The freezer's lid slowly opened, revealing a perfectly fine Yashindo a few seconds after the explosion.

"Ah crap-"

He muttered, realizing that the physical evidence about the lab's existence turned into nothing but ashes.

Remembering that the administrator was trying to escape. Yashindo immediately rushed outside the lab, passing by the burnt ruins of what was left of it.

The administrator and her bodyguard on the other hand who were still at the stairwell heard the explosion from the lab, causing them to hasten their actions.


"Target combatants only! Use non-lethal force when subduing civilians!"

Zherik commanded.

Outside the facility, a large scale firefight broke out between the two parties, with the PMC having a significant edge due to the fact that most of their men were armed with better equipment. The fight went on for a few more minutes, neither side willing to surrender.

"Sir the evacuees are trying to escape!"

One of the corps members alerted, pointing towards the general direction of where the employees could be sighted boarding an armored truck in order to flee.

"Tsk- can't believe they're actually tryna hotfoot outta here. Rock, you're up"

Zherik said.

"Heh, kept me waiting"

A voice from behind replied.

Suddenly, a container truck from the vicinity which was concealed before the operation burst open, revealing what looked like a large man.

Rock stepped forward, unveiling a towering figure standing at about twelve feet in height. It was man piloting a mini-mech, resembling that of a humanoid. The mech's exterior boasted thick plating reminiscent of a medieval knight's armor. Its arms wielded a large hammer-like weapon, well known for it's small thruster at the opposite end, enhancing the impact speed in order to conmpensate for it's lack of armor penetration due to it's blunt edge.

The mechanical behemoth wasted no time; the moment Zherik gave the order, it lunged forward. The ground shook beneath the thunderous charge, resembling a raging bull storming towards the armored vehicle. The opposing forces, desperate to protect their caravan, unleashed a barrage of gunfire upon the charging mech, hoping to create a buy time for their evacuees. Yet, their efforts proved futile as the machine simply brushed off their onslaught.

"Darn It-! Take out the RPGs boys! Bullets dont do squat to this thing!"

The enemy captain ordered.

The enemy combatants swiftly responded to the order, brandishing military-grade weapons capable of vehicle destruction.

"Aim... Fire!"

The captain commanded.

In unison, the men opened fire, launching a barrage of explosives toward the mech. Upon impact, a massive explosion erupted, shrouding the area in thick smoke. The intensity of the blast momentarily halted both sides.

"That must've done it. Well done, boys!"

The captain remarked.

The men celebrated with high fives, believing they had delivered a significant blow to their enemy. However, their joy was short-lived. Emerging from the dissipating smoke, the mech remained unfazed by the assault, closing in on the armored truck.

The soldiers, gripped by horror, witnessed the mech's hammer sweeping them away. Relentless, it plowed through the enemy ranks until it reached the armored truck. With a mighty swing, the mech shattered its engine, causing the truck to swerve and crash against the wall. Though shaken, the passengers inside escaped harm.

"Objective captured! Advance, men!" Zherik commanded, signaling with determination.

His forces moved forward, gunfire echoing as they capitalized on the chaos caused by Rock's charge. Zherik's unit overwhelmed the facility's security, almost entirely eliminating the opposing forces.

"Piece of cake,"

Rock commented, smashing the truck's doors open to reveal its occupants. They were scientists and utility staff-non-combatants seeking refuge within the truck.

The mech pilot, uninterested in interrogating them, waved his hands in the air, signaling to Zherik that he had potential witnesses who could pinpoint their leader's location.

Zherik seeing that side of the battlefield, already sorted out decided to check out the witnesses himself. He hastily ran towards the location but was greeted by a singular entity who happened to stood right in front Zherik as he walked.

It was a woman, unarmed but wearing a tattered uniform from the facility. Zherik, recognizing that she must've been one of the fleeing workers, cautiously extended his hand, attempting to grab her as a potential witness.

"You're coming with me, Ma'am,"

Zherik ordered. Just as he was about to make contact, the woman skillfully sidestepped, evading his grasp and delivering a swift, devastating punch to his sternum. Zherik was sent flying back about ten meters, crashing into a stack of crates.

Zherik's men, witnessing the unexpected attack on their leader, reacted out of their emotions. They opened fire, a hail of bullets filling the air, each shot aimed at avenging their fallen commander.

"That Bitch! Get her!"

one of the men shouted, squeezing the trigger as he aimed at the woman.

Undeterred, the woman agilely maneuvered through the gunfire, displaying remarkable speed and grace. She sought refuge behind an armored car, using it as a shield against the relentless barrage of bullets. The metallic clangs echoed in the chaos as the rounds hit the car's surface, leaving the mysterious woman unscathed for now.

"You can run, sweetheart, but you can't hide! Get those mags reloaded, and we'll turn her into Swiss cheese the moment she peeks out again!"

The boisterous soldier proclaimed, a grin on his face as he rallied the others with an air of rowdy determination.

The woman however, didn't wait for them to finish. As they were reloading, they were bewildered by what they saw next. It was the same woman earlier, lifting the car off the ground with her bare hands.

"Holy mary mother of Joseph"

The same corpsman said, frozen in place as he watched the extraordinary unravel before him.

She wasn't finished yet. Immediately after lifting the car, she tore it apart, splitting it into two pieces with a loud crunch of metal. The corps members attempted to shoot, but it was too late. She had already hurled the pieces of the armored car towards them, resulting in explosions that echoed through the compound, injuring and even killing some of the pursuing corps members.

Rock, who had been observing the chaos from a distance, couldn't just stand and watch any longer. Despite his shock at the sudden turn of events, his innate bravery propelled him forward, his mind tensed with rageq as he charged toward the newfound threat.

"Why, you little..." The mech pilot's voice trailed off as he aggressively surged towards the woman, mirroring his earlier assault on the armored truck.

Witnessing the woman's incredible strength, he abandoned restraint and unleashed his rocket-propelled hammer with full force, aiming to obliterate her like a mere insect.

"Eat this, you filthy ani--"


In a split second, the hammer shattered into a thousand pieces against her formidable fists. Rock recoiled in astonishment at the unexpected turn of events, but his instincts kicked in, compelling him to discard the shattered hammer's handle and utilize the mech's fists in direct combat. He unleashed a barrage of combinations, each punch fueled by the mech's immense power, yet the mysterious woman effortlessly dodged and weaved through his onslaught.

The relentless exchange continued for several tense seconds, frustrating the mech pilot as his attacks failed to connect.

"Z! Don't just sit on your ass, help me out!" he bellowed, still attempting to land a blow amidst the flurry of punches. "Scan her equipment. Find any weaknesses we can exploit!"

Zherik, having just recovered from the earlier assault, retrieves a device resembling a gun with a screen attached. He takes aim at the woman, a faint click echoing as he activates the device.

"Scanning subject..." the interface announces.

"What the hell... There's... There's nothing," Zherik mutters in horror.

"Unable to identify equipment. Try again later," the interface displays.

"What do you mean nothin'?" Rock's voice booms with fury, his relentless assault on the woman still raging on.

"It's blank, Rock. She's... she's doing it all by herself," Zherik's tone is grim, his words heavy with realization.

Ignoring Zherik's assessment, Rock presses on with his attack,

"I don't know who the hell you are, but I'll make sure every bone in your body aches," Rock taunts, his anger fueling his determination.

Infuriated, the mech pilot pushes his bot into overdrive, amplifying both its power and speed at the cost of increased energy consumption. His relentless barrage of attacks accelerates, each strike drawing closer to the elusive woman.

Then, the perfect opportunity presents itself. Rock sees his chance to land a decisive blow.

"Gotcha! All I need is one good hit, and you'll be finished!" Rock roars, his mech's fists charged as he winds up for a singular, devastating attack.

He releases his fists, sending them hurtling towards the woman mid-air as she dodges with uncanny agility.

"This is it, see you in the depths of hell," Rock thinks, confident his attack will land.

Closer and closer they draw, until-


In an instant, the same arm Rock used to attack is severed from the mech's body. Shocked by the turn of events, Rock feels a surge of determination. Refusing to let the fight end on the woman's terms, he forcibly uses the mech's left arm to launch another assault.

"WHY YOU-" Rock shouts, his voice echoing with defiance as he throws the mech's weight behind his final leap of faith.

But his efforts prove futile. Before he can even extend his arm, the woman wields the severed mech limb as a weapon against the mech itself. Slamming it with tremendous force, she sends Rock staggering backward, crashing into the facility walls. The impact is so intense that the high-grade walls shatter upon Rock's collision.

"Rock! WHAT IS YOUR STATUS?" Zherik's voice crackles through the built-in comms system.

Rock, voice weary but resolute, manages to somehow give a reply.

"S-She got me-"

"Hold on, Rock, I'm coming-"

"D-don't, she ain't done yet," Rock insists.

As Zherik looks toward the crash site, he spots the woman approaching what remains of the mech. With swift movements, she leaps onto the mech's dysfunctional body, staring at its head with an eerie intensity before digging into its metal plating with her bare hands.

Zherik, attempting to assist, fires pistol rounds towards the crash site. His arms were still shaking from the earlier attack, causing his shots to go wide. Helpless, he watches from a distance as his comrade is slowly cornered by the strange woman.

It wouldn't take long for her to finally break the mech's helm, revealing the bare face of the mech pilot right in front of her. It was a Samoan man, his face bloodied from the impact earlier. The woman, with an air of vengeance, raised one of her hands, sharp, claw-like appendages gleaming menacingly.

"H-heh, do it," Rock taunted, a grim smile playing on his lips as he braced himself for the inevitable.

Without a single word, the woman prepared to slash the man's throat wide open. But just before she could deliver the fatal blow, a sniper bullet pierced the air, striking her in the head with deadly precision. She staggered backward, momentarily disoriented, and then tumbled off the mech's body, her form disappearing into the smoke and chaos below.

A stunned silence fell over the scene as everyone processed what had just happened. Zherik's eyes widened in disbelief, his gaze darting to the source of the shot.

"What was that-?" Zherik muttered, his voice barely a whisper amidst the chaos.

"Good job, Z. You're definitely a valued member of this team," a familiar voice from behind greeted, dripping with reassurance and pride.

"Y-you're here!" Zherik exclaimed, a mix of relief and disbelief coloring his tone.

"Indeed I am. Now, please hold onto this while I attend to some unfinished business," Yash replied, tossing the rifle towards Zherik with a determined glint in his eye.

Yashindo wasted no time and dashed towards his target, his eyes glinting with the same yet slightly different determination Rock had earlier. As he sprinted, he withdrew a small bladed weapon from his coat, its sleek design resembling a one-edged sword. Its sheath, equally sharp, hinted at the lethal nature of the blade. With a click of his headpiece, he summoned his virtual assistant to aid him in the upcoming encounter.

"Check energy stability levels," Yash requested.

"On it sir... Energy levels are stable, sir," the assistant replied promptly.

Upon hearing this confirmation, Yash tightened his grip on the weapon's handle and drew it from its sheath. Sparks flew as the blade emerged, its sharp edges imbued with energy. This energy allowed the blade to increase it's heat levels, rendering it capable of slicing through metal with ease.

The woman's eyes narrowed as she observed Yashindo's approach, calculating his movements as he closed the distance between them. With a feral determination, she leaped from the mech, her claws glinting in the night. As she charged towards Yashindo, her footfalls echoed against the floor, adding a tense rhythm to the impending clash.

Yashindo's focus sharpened as he braced himself for the confrontation, his senses heightened as adrenaline surged through his veins. He anticipated her attack, his muscles coiled like springs ready to react to her movements. With a swift sidestep, he narrowly evaded her initial lunge, the air crackling with the force of her strike.

Seizing the opening, Yashindo swiftly countered, his blade flashing in the dim light as he struck with precision. The pommel of his weapon met the woman's face with a resounding thud, momentarily staggering her and creating an opportunity for Yashindo to follow up with a calculated slash across her chest.

Despite the wound, the woman's resolve remained unbroken, her movements fluid and relentless as she retaliated with a flurry of strikes. Yashindo danced gracefully around her onslaught, his movements a testament to his training and agility. Each dodge and parry was executed with precision, the rhythm of the battle unfolding like a carefully choreographed dance.

The battlefield fell into an eerie silence, the chaotic symphony of gunfire and explosions replaced by the tense anticipation of the unfolding duel. Zherik and his men stood guard by the armored truck, their eyes fixed on the spectacle before them.

As Yashindo and the mysterious woman engaged in their fierce combat, whispers of awe and disbelief rippled through the ranks of Zherik's men. They watched in awe as their captain, a figure of unwavering resolve and skill, faced off against a seemingly unstoppable adversary.

"How... how is he doing that?" a hushed voice murmured from behind Zherik, the question echoing the thoughts of many.

Zherik turned to face the wide-eyed corps member, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "He's our captain," he replied with quiet pride, his voice carrying a mixture of admiration and reverence. "And where he leads, we follow."

The words hung in the air like a rallying cry, infusing the soldiers with a renewed sense of determination. In that moment, they were not just bystanders; they were witnesses to a decisive battle, and they stood ready to stand by their captain's side, no matter the cost."

The battle reached its climax as Yashindo, with a calculated precision, countered the woman's relentless assault with a decisive kick to the face, disrupting her momentum. Seizing the opportunity, he launched a barrage of lightning-fast strikes, each blow finding its mark with deadly accuracy. Despite her best efforts to evade, the woman found herself unable to escape Yash's relentless onslaught.

With a final, decisive slash, Yashindo struck true, causing the woman to lose her balance and fall to the ground. Sensing victory within his grasp, Yash moved swiftly, pressing his blade against her neck.

"Don't move," his voice commanded, firm and absolute.

As Yash initiated contact with Zherik, a sense of urgency hung in the air. The virtual assistant's response was swift, connecting them with their comrades on the battlefield.

"Z, I've got her," Yash declared, his tone resolute. "We can't afford to let her slip away. What's the situation on your end?"

Zherik's response was tinged with disappointment, yet determination. "No luck identifying the leader, but one of my men spotted someone escaping by helicopter. Must've been them."

Yash's mind raced with possibilities, but his focus remained unwavering. "Secure the target," he instructed, his voice echoing with resolve. "And get Rock out of that mech. It's time to bring this operation to an end."

Just as victory seemed within reach, the woman, consumed by rage, struck out with a sudden ferocity, catching Yash off guard and sending him crashing to the ground. The impact left him momentarily stunned, but Yash refused to yield.

"You've left me no choice," he muttered. With a swift movement, he activated a hidden function on his headpiece, plunging the world around him into a surreal blue hue.

In this altered perception of time, Yash moved with a fluid grace, dodging the woman's frenzied attacks with ease. With a quick maneuver, he planted a device on her back.

"Let this be a lesson," Yash taunted, his voice carrying a note of defiance as he restored the flow of time with a simple press of his headpiece.

As reality resumed its normal pace, Yash walked away from the confrontation, his expression showing confidence.

The woman, now bewildered and disoriented, attempted to locate her target but found herself unable to comprehend the situation. Observing Yash's nonchalant walk triggered her frustration, compelling her to lunge at him once more. However, before she could go any further, the concealed device activated, delivering a powerful shock that surged through her body, rendering her unconscious.

Yash turned back, his demeanor calm, as he ordered the virtual assistant to scan her vitals. The confirmation of her stable condition surprised him.

"Her vitals are stable, sir," the assistant informed.

Yash, displaying a mix of surprise and contemplation, remarked, "That was quite a gamble. Didn't expect her to survive a device meant to shut down mechs."

Zherik, witnessing the events unfold, rushed towards Yash, expressing his admiration. "Well done, sir!"

Yash, though appreciative of the victory, couldn't shake off his disappointment about the leader's escape. Zherik, attempting to uplift the mood, remarked, "A victory's a victory. We're lucky you came in time; otherwise, this would end up being a one-man operation."

"Maybe you're right," Yash conceded. He instructed Zherik to secure the evacuees and evidence, signaling the end of the mission.

As both men walked toward their comrades, the aftermath of the battle lay evident - fires, smoke, and fallen soldiers. Despite the chaos, the night marked a crucial triumph for Yash's PMC. Thoughts about the orchestrator and the administrator's motives lingered in Yash's mind. There was much to uncover, and Yash felt a renewed determination.

Little did he know that this night would alter the course of his PMC and his life in the near future.