
A Fundamental Solution 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Everyone else was also eager to try gambling with Qi Qingyao.

"Zhang Tieyuan, your luck is soaring sky high today." Voices of envy, jealousy, and hate sounded.

"Qi Qingyao, do you still want to gamble more after this? Once you're done with Zhang Tieyuan, why don't you bet one round with me, what do you say?" someone asked excitedly. 

Qi Qingyao threw a glance at the excited and lively villagers and said with a smile, "Sure, but you'll have to bet with the deed to your farms and lands."

Everyone had blood rushing to their heads at the moment and agreed without even thinking about it further, "Fine by me! You can just bet with one hundred taels then and I'll bet with the deed to my farm and land." 

"Then, we've come to an agreement."

Qi Qingyao also replied easily. 

Realizing that his golden pig was about to be snatched away by the others, Zhang Tieyuan snapped his fingers compulsively to regain Qi Qingyao's attention.