
Going to see the guild master (JK not yet)

Amell POV (It should be assumed that if i dont announce a new POV it'll be mc's POV)

I wake up on the dungeons 23rd floor wondering if there is a end like a hundred floors or if it is infinite. I felt a tapping in my ribs. I open my eyes to see a pale woman standing over me.

???-"Hey are you dead and can i take your shit?"

Amell-"No you may not" *Closes eyes once again* "Please leave im trying to take a nap."

"Nope because your gonna die you idiot."

"Why is that now?"

"Because the boss is headed this way!"

"Hmm? oh that weak baby dragon." *Shoots a fiery warhead and one shots.*

"How did you do that!?" Genuine shock is the only thing I felt when she spoke those words. I open my eyes to look at her more carefully because she reminded me of someone but I wasn't able to figure it out with her wearing a rode with the collar up to her cheekbones.

"I've been dead for 2 years working for the lord reaper. There you have your answer now please leave me alone." *closes eyes once again.*

"Well my name is Sarah thanks for asking! Whats yours?"

"Well Sarah my name is Amell Slaktare The Phantom now please leave."

"Hey Sarah are you done looting that body!? I could use a healing." A man wearing tank armor lumbers over.

"But Brian he isn't dead. I feel like i knew his face at some point. Hmm... I give up." *casts heal on Brian*

"Hey I think I know him." Bends down and looks closely at Amell's face.

"I'm not gay so could you please back off, I'm trying to sleep."

"I seen you before but I just can't place where i've seen you before i was years ago. What's your nickname I can add you then."

"I am already in your list my status might have said dead but now it should be changed."

*Brian checks phone* "This is bullshit! How are you alive!?"

*Sarah clueless* "Can I get clued in on who he is please?"

*Amell shows picture he took with Brian and her.* "Amell? Isn't he dead though"

"I see that you have not raised your most important stat sarah."

"Excuse me my intelligence stat is very high its at 153."

"No. I meant your wisdom dummy. Itelligence stat dictates how much you know and your mana pool while your wisdom dictates thinking speed and mana recovery. You could have a infinite intelligence stat but if you only have 10 wisdom it will take way to long to think of a answer. But to answer your original question yes I was dead but I came back through a resurrection that should have been impossible if lord death did not allow it."

"Amell!" Sarah yelled in delight.

*Sigh* "Hello sarah for the 2nd or 3rd time now."

Brian sits down and begins to speak "Where do you go when you die? Who is lord death? and Why do you look so weird?"

"Depends on if lord death likes you or not. He is the leader of the dead and the force of death itself. Finally because I am not you anymore. Now that you ruined my nap I will continue with my day. You to get in a hole or a ditch so you don't die."

"Weird request but ok."

Brian dug a quick 1 foot deep hole for both him and sarah to fit into.

"Levitate" Amell lifts into the air at a slow rate. Once he is amount 15 feet in the air sarah could only see his lips move when he said a single word. She and Brian watched as a black smog gathered around him then a the smog grew and grew sweeping past everything in the dungeon floor in a instant.

*Level up!*

*Level up!*

*Level up!*


*Gold ranked achieved!*

*Platinum rank achieved!*

"All right let's check my stats now, Levitate cancel."

Once Amell hit the ground he checked his stats and called out to the other 2 "You can come out now." *Amell thinks to himself now* "Alright time to spend my new points."

Name: Amell slaktare

Titles: Soul reaper/ World master/ Multitude magician

LVL: 73

EXP: 21%

Race: 60% soul hunter 30% demon 10% dragon

Gender: Male

Job: Soul Warden

Guild: None

Class: Platinum


Health: 210,300/210,300

Mana: 61,000/61,000

Strength: 1103

Intelligence: 3067

Agility: 789

Dexterity: 577

Wisdom: 1078

Luck: 783 ----> 2083

Charm: 208

Total stats: 8905

Spendable points: 1300 -----> 0


Common: Fiery warhead lvl 3, Fiery warhead barrage lvl 1, Mana dash lvl (MAX), Levitate lvl (MAX)

Uncommon: Muscle fiber therapy lvl 3, Energy storing lvl (MAX), Lightning rod lvl (MAX)

Rare: Discharge wave lvl 5 (EA)

Epic: Midnight trapper lvl 27, Flying lvl (MAX)


Mythical: Wordly mixing pot lvl 2

Innate skills: Soul tutor lvl 4, Agni's palm lvl 16, Avatar of self lvl 3, Repear's system lvl (MAX), 3 news slots open

"Oh let me evolve discharge."

Mana: 61,000 ----> 0

[Due to extensive training with Discharge you have evolved your skill please pick one option from below.

Nuclear discharge, Nuclear discharge will cause complete devastation. You lose all control for a surplus of devastation. Uses random amount mana each use between 15% to 75% mana. Damage is Level(Total stats + Mana used) (Authors note: so basically for non math people. Mana points used times level PLUS total stats times level. This is a simple distribution equation) (Ascendance)

Radiation discharge, Radiation discharge sacrifices pure damage for poison damage that can cause temporary or permanent damage like Illnesses like cancer or loss of a sense.

Level(Total stats + Mana used) divided by 10 for impact damage. 50[Level(Total stats + Mana used)] for poison damage per day. (SSS+)

Fist of discord, Fist of discord imbues your fist with energy that only the highest of mages would like to learn. Mana used times Strength. (S)

Breath of discharge, Breath the force of destruction itself. This skill costs no mana but has a max of 2 uses a day. Deal 500,000 damage for each second of being within the radius. Each breath has as much time as much health you have divided by 10,000 (Ascendance)

Or random Discharge

You have ten seconds to pick.]

[Race interaction detected! You being part dragon will advance Breath of discharge!]

[You being part demon will advance Breath of discharge!]

[You aligned with lord death will advance Breath of discharge!]

[You being a soul hunter will advance Breath of discharge!]


[New Breath of discharge ----> Dragon's breath of #@b$^#=: You are not ready to know what this skill can do and you will have this skill restricted till you reach a certain height of strength.]

[Timer reset.]

[You have ten seconds to pick]

"I guess I will choose Dragon's breath."

Once the option was confirmed Amell felt his human form change to his true form. His dragon snout was peeled back the scales and flesh shredding away showing his bare teeth. His entire head was lacking flesh. He looked over to Brian and Sarah. Sarah screamed while Brian drew his sword ready get in a fencing pose.

They watched as the fleshless being before them grew and grew but went from a mishappend human into the shape large serpent with four limbs and wings that looked small on the 7 foot lizard. The strange thing about the odd reptile was the flames leaks from the sides of its skeletal jaws

[New form unlocked. Your new form is called Baby shadow dragon. You can now use whenever you feel. This has added new skills to your skill list.]

[2 New skills learned:

Dragon's claw: At will summon the might of dragons and channel it through your claws. Send out a slash our aura that deals damage equal to mana used times your dragon stage. (Innate)

Dragon's lungs: Use your lungs to breath the essence of your might to cause pure destruction. Damage equal to Level times your dragon stage per second. Seconds skill can be in use is equal to your level. (Innate)]

Amell melted back into his human form. He looked straight into the eyes of Sarah. "Yeah well now you know im a fucking dragon."

Brian put away his sword but kept his hand on the hilt feeling a aura of terror and death leaking from amell. Sarah couldn't even fathom what amell went through over the 2 years that he was gone.

"Hey Brian, Sarah I have got to go to my personal dungeon. If you want to come you can I'm just checking how my family is doing right now."

Sarah nodded and walked to Amell while Brian hung back and shook his head. "Nah man ima go continue to train." He began to walk off.

"Ight be safe" As the portal became the size of a head a ball of grass flew threw with a note attached and hit Brian in the back of the head. Brian picked it up and read 'So did you continue training your primary skill?' Brian only could laugh as he looked at the name of his primary skill. "That dickhead never forgets anything does he."