
Family reunion

God like view so no first person from anybody until about a third way through

*Blarg* was the only noise that could be heard during a funeral proceeding of a teenage boy who was never found. "We will now rest the soul of Amell Slaktare may god rest his soul."

Amell sets down sora and andrew and changes his form to his older form of his normal body but with white hair and very crimson red eyes using his mana to speed himself up faster than a normal eye can see sitting down in a chair in the back.

*Tch* Amell-"Dammit these people giving thanks to the wrong gods. He never dealt with the dead my master and his servants did. The sad truth is is that people never now the truth until after death even after all the hints gods drop everywhere in history and even now. You never give the true forms any recognition only their shards. The true four gods are Life, Death, Creation and Destruction."

Priest-"Well excuse you young man we are having a ceremony for" He was cut off by the young man in a suit with spirling shadows flicking off and sunglasses sporting a aura of death.

Amell stood up and walked around the seats. He glances out of the corner of his eye to see his cousins and uncles ready to try and fight him. His cousin Jason throws a very emotional punch and strikes amell square in the jaw.

Amell-"I recommend that you sit before you injure yourself." He turned at his family setting out a presence of death that he has always emit once he became one of death's best servants. Everybody sat down and could only glare at him.

Amell walked up and sat on the casket.

Amell-"Thank you for this ceremony but it was a temporary situation of death for since now i'm back."

He grinned and lifts his sunglasses pushing back his hair in a perfect way. His deep crimson eyes being so red they couldn't help but be stared at. He crossed his legs. and waited till somebody spoke or did something.

Amell's point of view now.

I watched as my 2 sisters eyes started to well up as they ran to me. "Amell where did you go and why were you gone so long." My eyes welled up as well Seeing that is missed 2 years if their life. The oldest of the 2 was now 13 while the other was now 9.

"I was dead. Trust me I will try to not leave like that again."

Inside amell's head "Fuck I can't keep this up. My emotions aren't locked like they were."

A voice rang out in amell's head "Hey kiddo"

Amell in head-"Lord?"

Lord reaper-"You are released from being dead and as a reaper under my rule so i released your emotions back to you congratulations on becoming a free reaper. You now are basically a mercenary that can take contracts from any four of the god's. Good luck my 2nd favorite."

Amell in head-"That's only because your first is your son."

Lord reaper-"Yep."

Amell focused back on the world outside of his head.

Amell-"Well that is that guys im back. Sooooo" *Awkward head scratch* "Is there any food?"

Few hours later...

Amell's father-"Hold on so your telling me that you've been walking around the universe as a grim reaper adventuring through heaven and hell to kill demons for a lord of yours. Was brought back and ran from asia on water all the way to wisconsin within 2 hours?"


"What have you been smoking for two years?"

Amell-"cigarettes that's all they cant affect my lungs anymore since i've become technically a higher being once i became a soul hunter. Well I mean i'm not human anymore either. I'm 60% Soul hunter 30% Demon and 10% Dragon. I also found out that i'm a fairly rare being since i'm above 0.01% dragon since there are only 3 full dragons to exist anymore."

After hours of discussing with my family I got them to all download TS and sent everybody 10,000 gold and 15 souls to start with so they didn't have to put themselves in danger like I had to during the beginning.

I got only 396,000 gold left and 1,567 left. I can't even buy any any decent items anymore unless i gamble away some souls. Well now that i have so many people who are new maybe i should try to help more than money.

I throw down my dungeon portal "Hey everybody get in the portal. This will be a tour not a training session today."

"Amell we know your much more experienced but most of us are still older."

"Just get on in so i can show you around. I wonder how Tundra and Clera are? I summon them later i guess same with Fog."

Once everybody was in I step through. "Ok everybody please stay here single file line middle age adults and teens then children and elderly after them." I activate mana dash and grab two people at a time and zoom them of to the other side and tell them to wait there until i got everybody.

15 minutes later everybody was there waiting for me to arrive after checking that i left nobody behind. "Ok everybody please do take these 3 pills. Each pill contains a basic ability that in necessary for a dungeon like mine." Once everybody walked through they couldn't believe what they saw on the other side of the light.

"To our left we have my great serpent pet. He can kill anything iron and under without thinking silver is his rank. He is the guardian for my dungeon. He will attack anybody that enters without me or this tattoo of a soul with a arrow in it. Next up is my little helpful healer and assassin Clera and Tundra." I summon my 3 favorites.

"The emerald colored one is Clera the emerald healer. The blue snake who is hiding in my sleeve is Tundra the Tundra reaper and the other one is Fog my computing unit who can also be called my personal advisor. Where were you Fog?"

"You left me asia!"

"Well did you have any fun?"

"No I waited for you to summon me so i sorted your inventory in the shape of me so you would remember me!"

*Opens inventory* "I guess so then. Nice job on that by the way. Well everybody please do note that if needs healing you can just call over Clera and she will heal you for 50 gold for light injury 100 medium injury and 200 for heavy injuries. Tundra will go around killing the enemies that he deems to hard for who its fighting."

I walk for a little longer till I spot the boss. "If you are not with Tundra or are not will at minimum 3 levels 5s don't go near this little guy."

I bring everybody close to the boss so they can see that he is a level 10 boss then once everybody sees how strong it is after all the middle age people challenge it i just slap it and it obliterates from the slap.

"Please now everybody come forth so i can ask every person what type of route they would like to follow then I will proceed to test them."

At the end of the day the numbers were 21 fighter/ tank types, 9 rouges, and 17 mages with the children left to go kill the level 0 mobs with Clera super charging the kids with buffs and heals.