

Act One, Scene 2

[At Nikko hotel in San- Fransisco at United States of America. At exactly 7:00am,Ford woke up and engaged in his morning duties••••

[At 7:20am,he called Mr Edison and have some discussion with him...]

[ Gran-gran the phone rings,Mr Edison picked his call and a discussion emerged]

Ford hello Mr Edison

Mr Edison:. hello Ford how are you doing. Hope you have a great night?(he asked anxiously)

Ford. (replied instantly) I'm fine Mr Edison and you

Mr Edison. I'm fine as well

Ford (hit the stone on the head) I just wanna tell you that I'm gonna go for the business trip I told you about

Mr Edison. (amazed) oh... you told me,safe journey to and fro

Ford amen(replied)

Ford. my regards to your family

Mr Edison. I will,bye

Ford bye sir

(he hanged up the call and prepared for the business trip so as not to miss his flight by 9:00am to Texas)

light fade away from the stage••••