
Chapter 5

My eyes fluttered open only to meet with the three most handsome men I have ever seen.

"I must be in heaven", I'm sure I have died and came to heaven...there is no way there are gods like them on earth.

My eyes snapped open when I heard them chuckle and that's when it all came rushing to me. I jolted awake and eye widened when I remembered the gods in front of me are my mates...mates?

Wait...mates? How is this possible? I can't have three mates...can I? I looked at them with a lost expression and I heard the one with the spicy smell chuckle again and the other two looking extremely amused.

"This is impossible", I muttered and looked at them with a wary expression.

"What is impossible little one?", the one with the smell of pines asked me.

"You three can't be my mate", I said as I pointed to each one of them. Their eyes darkened when I said that and a growled rumbled from their chest. Even their growl is so masculine...so raw and animalistic and wolf panted like a horny dog inside my head...wiggling her tail. I internally rolled my eyes at her behaviour.

"Tell me how is it impossible baby girl?", the one with the smell of earth asked me.

"Um...", I struggle to answer. I don't know how to put my words so I stopped racking my brain and blurred out, "because I've never seen or heard anyone with more than one mate".

"Just because you haven't heard or seen it before you think that it is impossible?", the one with a spicy smell asked me. I have to admit that he got me there. Just because I haven't heard or seen it before doesn't mean it is impossible.

"What's your name?", I know I'm not going to win this so I asked their name instead. I'm getting a little irritated by calling them by their smell.

"Callum", the one with the earthly smell said. He has icy blue eyes, he is about 6'4" tall and he is a little more bluff than the other two.

"Declan", the one with pines smell said. He has an Amber colour eye, he is about the same height as Callum.

"Flynn", the one with the spicy smell said. He has grey eyes, he is about an inch smaller than the other two.

They have a perfect sculptural face... strong jaw, straight nose, thin lips, and their body...don't let me start on it. Their forearms are bulging from the shirt they're wearing, their shoulders are broad, their neck thick, their shirt is clinging to their chest, narrow waist, and strong thighs... I can see myself curled up on their strong thighs for hours.

I blinked and nodded...still confused that all three of them are my mates.

"What's your name little one?", Declan asked and the other two nodded.

"Viola", I said a little shyly.

"Viola", they tried how my name rolls from their mouth and I shivered a little.

The more my brain started to wake up, the more I started to think about this and when I thought about that I'll have to mate with three of them...three men.

I got out of the bed at a lightning speed when the situation fully registered inside my brain.

"You three", I said pointing at them before continuing, " must be fucking crazy if you think I'll mate with all three of you. I will mate with only one". I looked at them in disgust. Do I look like a whore to them that will spread her legs for three men? How dare they think so low of me? Anger started to bubble inside of me.

I watched as their eyes darkened and they growled in warning. Callum stalked towards me with calculated steps and now I know how all the poor animals must have felt whenever I hunt them.

I gulped as his power hit me like a slap. He is a fucking Alpha and the Lycan one at that. If he wants he can kill me with just flick of his wrist.

He must have to control his power to not overwhelm me but now he wants to show me what he is capable of. He doesn't have to say anything, the aura coming from him is speaking volume.

"Tsk tsk bad words shouldn't be coming out from such a pretty mouth", he takes as he circled around me. I stood silent...I don't want to take a chance to piss off their Lycan form too.

He stopped circling around me and stood behind my back. I felt him breathing down on my neck and I tried to stop the shudder that went through me...keyword - tried.

"You don't have any choice mate. You'll mate with three of us...even if I have to fuck you into submission for you to mate us", he is right... I don't have any choice here. It's not like I'm going to reject them. They are my mate...the one moon goddess has made just for me so no way in hell I am going to reject them.

They are mine and I know I'm going to mate them but right now my brain is too overwhelmed to think anything straight. I'm still trying to grasp the fact that I have three mates. It's a new concept for me so my brain is not sure what to think exactly. The fact that I'm still in shock isn't helping my situation at all.

Callum picked me up and made me lay down on the bed and tucked me in like a child. I pouted a little...they're treating me like a child. They looked amused when I pouted like a child.

"Seems like our little mate is still a child", Flynn said and I glared at him.

"So you want to fuck a child?", I snapped at him. How dare he called me a child? I'm 18 years old for fuck sake.

His eyes darkened and in a husky voice he asked, " you want me to fuck you, baby?". I snapped my mouth shut and clenched my thighs shut as I feel the wetness started to pool between them.

I prayed to gods that they won't be able to smell my arousal...but of course, God is against me as the smell of my arousal mixed in the air. I heard them took a whiff and growl in approval. Their growl did nothing to make me less aroused...in fact, it added fuel to the fire as my pussy gushed more of her juices. The fresh smell of arousal hit their nose and I watched as they fought to control their beast.

They forced themselves out of the room in a hurry. I know if they would have stayed any longer their Lycan would have taken control and would have marked and mated with me.

I closed my eyes as I started to get sleepy. I'll deal with everything after I wake up but for now, I'll complete my sleep.