
trip in a dream

trip in the dream and others come with the combination of all the tag starting from adventure I will be writting on all the tag ,

Love_Dreamer · Fantasy
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15 Chs

chapter three

The car stopped , in front of a very big and beautiful building ,the structure of the building is very exquisite ,we will really enjoy staying here for the holiday .

"this is the hotel" dad said taking his legs out of the car ,but he is still sitting.

"dad it is very beautiful , I will enjoy staying here" emerald is jumping for joy in her seat .

I am still seating inside of the car looking at the hotel ,mom opened the door on her side ,she came out of the car and helped emerald to get down from the car.

"honey ,this hotel is very lovely,you are the best husband in the world," mom said to dad still admiring the building.

"and also the best dad in the world, remember that mom, emerald said looking at mom .

" ok angel ,your dad is the best husband to me ,and the best dad to you guys, are you alright with that " mom said to emerald caressing her cheek.

" you guys are also the best to me ,let go inside,you guys must be tired and hungry" dad said standing up from the front seat of the car.

I came down from the car, to assist mom to take down the luggage from the boot of the car , while dad is paying for our Transport fare ,dad finish paying and joined us to take down the luggage from the boot.

"have a nice stay in Tokyo ,you are enjoy visiting Tokyo" the driver said to us ,as he bade us farewell .

he drove off , and took our luggage to the door of the big hotel.

"welcome to our hotel , I hope you enjoy your stay here in this luxurious hotel and suite" the man standing at the door of the luxurious hotel welcomed us .

"thank you" my dad replied the man standing at the door .the man gestured to help us take our luggage,but my dad refuse appreciating the man gesture.

we walked into the hotel ,inside of the hotel, they are also many people gathered in the hotel, they lined up booking for a room, dad has already booked the room we will be Staying, dad booked for a family presidential suite,so we wouldn't be going through the stress of staying in the queue,we walked to the other side to collect the room card .

"thank you sir ,your room is number 004 on the fifteenth floor, enjoy your stay with your family, thanks for patronizing us,I hope we Meet your expectations" the female worker who is on the other side said as she handover the card of the room to dad .

"we will be taking the elevator" dad said that because the escalator is full of person's who also want to go up ,to their booked room ,we entered the elevator,and dad pressed the 15 button and the elevator respond to the call and zoomed up ,it a little bit too fast but ,it is refreshing inside .

we searched for our room 008 we found it ,dad brought out the card he was giving back in the first floor,dad placed it on the spot he is supposed to place it, and it showed a green light, that is to signify that it is the right card for the right room .


"this is amazing"

"dad this room is super cool"

everyone exclaim as the door of the room, behold the beauty of the room ,it is like the bedroom of a president or a monarch.

"I knew you guys will certainly like the room,that is why I booked for a family presidential suite for all of us ,I want to enjoy my holiday with you guys,I hope it is what you expect from a loving husband and a caring father"dad said entering into the room and facing us smiling at us.

"awww you are such a darling " mom commented,and walk down to dad and gave him a kiss on his check, dad return the kiss on her forehead .

"dad this is partial mom is not the only one in this room" emerald said folding her hands, she is frowning, she turned her face from dad.

"no , dad is not partial sweet heart , dad is just a loving husband as you can see " mom said with her hands on dad's hands .

" hmm "emerald did not say anything she gets angrier and frowned the more , she is frowning because of what mom said, mom has get on her nerves again, it was the same thing that brought an argument between mom and daughter, when we were driving here. when Mom saw this, she quickly apologized .

"am sorry sweetheart, he is the best father and husband to all of us mom" mom corrected her statement she is waiting for emerald answer .

emerald didn't answered instead she , faced the other place , not looking at anyone, she is still angry.

"ok angel don't be annoyed," dad move closer to emerald and gave her a peck on her forehead , a smile crept on her face, she stopped frowning .she smiled at dad who squatting.

"let go and take our bath, Jared take your little sister to your room your bathroom is there , if you guys are through bathing, come and meet us in the living room"dad instructed.

" ok dad"I answered taking emerald hand , i led her to our room , I help her with her luggage.

"emerald go and have your bath while I put things in place"

" ok big brother "she left to the bathroom with her towel .

the room is very beautiful, the bed is very soft and comfortable, it has a bed cover with a bright yellow and black color, the duvet is of the same color as the bed cover, I Know emerald is very obedient, but sometimes she may be very naughty, but all the same I still love her company.

After emerald finish having her bath, I entered the bathroom to have my bath , the bathroom is somehow wide , it has a bathtub and also the shower which ever one you prefer, the bathtub is made of pure gold, and the shower is also made of pure gold, the room is painted with white, and fitted with many other things like the washing hand basin,and the shaving mirror also having a golden frame,they are all present in the bath room of rich people, some are not even present in the bathroom of other rich men, for example the golden shower and the golden bathtub.

dad really spend a lot on this festive holiday, he want to make out for lost times , dad is a very busy man , that is why he uses every free day he gets to make out for loss.

I finished having my bath I dressed up, emerald is also dressed up , we went to Meet dad and mom in the living room, the hotel room is just like the Normal house , the only thing missing is the kitchen.

dad has ordered the messenger walking through the hotel hallway, to order the cook to bring in the food .dad is sitting down,mom is resting her head on dad's lap ,dad is caressing her cheek.

"how is your room, I hope that you guys like the room" dad asked

" yes dad, the room is very nice, the bed is very comfortable, and the bed cover has my favorite color I love the room dad" emerald is the one that answered .

" I am glad you love your room,the cook will be be bringing dinner now"

dad finished talking, we can hear the knocking from outside.

"the food is here ,can I come in " the cooks are at the door.

dad ask them to come in they brought in the food , with different tray and different delicacy, that I haven't seen before, but one seems familiar

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