
Trip Down Memory Lane

In a realm of bright green flatlands, a girl on her 20s sits on her knees to look at the flowers. In that moment, she suddenly lost her memories but ignores it anyway. But then, she remembered the important words that her loved one once said. Determined to retrieve her lost memories, she travels from dimensions to dimensions to recover her memories and find the person she loves the most.

PhantomKnight64 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Hey! I've made an improved version!

Thank you for reading my first original novel, "Trip Down Memory Lane."

I've last uploaded my final chapter on the 31st of march and its been a few months since I've stopped writting.

In those months, I tried to improve my writing little by little, making notes on what to do and not to do (and also learning a few tips) to make my story a bit better than the last few months.

So I made an improvised version of this story to see if I have improved.

It's still the same title name and I've made some drastic changes on the few scenes, so be sure to check it out.

Don't forget to leave a review after the story ends or during the writing progress!

Hope you guys are doing fine!