
Chapter 4: Fluffy Tiny Cats!


"Hey, Trint it's rude to stare like that at a lady." Slapping Trint on his head Rodrick scolded his brother for being rude.

Blushing Trint turned his head away from the pretty girl and drew in the sights of the gigantic Colosseum, it was twice as large as the Colosseum in Rome back on Earth.

The Colosseum was constructed out of a type of obsidian colored stone that Trint could not identify yet engraved all over the stone where thousands of glyphs that glowed a multitude of colors. This caused the Colosseum to look as if it was crafted from a rainbow, it was truly stunning yet the most important aspect of the glyphs was the purpose they played.

Unlike on Earth where there was no magic a normal stone colosseum would have been adequate but in Gallia, if there were no glyph runes then it was likely the place could be destroyed. Many attacks that would happen within could easily demolish stone constructions. On top of preventing the collapse of the Colosseum the runes also had the purpose of protecting the audience as they enjoyed the show.

Trint was told this by his mother while they were on their way to the fight. However, seeing the extent of the glyphs used blew his mind.

As Trint observed the Colosseum and watched the different people herd into the arena, the young girl watched him with playful eyes. She had obviously seen him staring at her before blushing and turning away.

Though he was not the most handsome boy she had ever seen but he was cute, on top of that her father had praised Trint's father as one of the most formidable battle mages in Woruc. This, of course, would mean that his sons would be strong fighters if not now but one day.

She was like many other young girls who dreamt of having a heroic husband that made others shake in fear at his name.

This was not to say she had no ambition for her own life, but if she was to choose someone one day then that was, of course, her dream guy.

These thoughts flashed through her mind as she watched the boy who lost himself in amazement at the Colosseum.


Giggling at his childish look she confronted Trint while her father was busy getting reacquainted with Brom.

"Did you know that this was built by a Sage class earth mage over three hundred years ago?"

While Trint was lost in the sights a small cute voice sounded out beside him. Unaware of when she approached him Trint panicked for a moment as he stuttered his answer.

"Um N...N. No, I ah did not know that."


Giggling at Trint stuttering she carried on taking the lead of the conversation.

"Yep apparently not only was he a Sage class earth mage but was also a master at rune magic, this is why the Duke of Cravas, had requested him to build the colosseum. Not only was the Duke willing to pay him gold, he had even offered an earth dragon egg that the mage had wanted."

As the girl spoke of the history of the Colosseum Trint pulled himself together, he felt like a fool for how he had acted since coming in contact with the girl. Though she was pretty and even though he had little experience with girls in his past life. He was an adult even though now he was in the form of a child his mind was still that of an adult so even if she was pretty to him she was still only a child.

Because of this, he felt foolish for his actions, "Geez here I am acting like a child and getting nervous around a little girl." Thinking up to here Trint was able to regain control of his childish behavior and reverted back to a calmer demeanor.

With his emotions under control, Trint focused on the girl's story and was surprised by the actual history behind the Colosseum. 'Jeez I can't wait to be that powerful and one day I am definitely going to own a dragon!' Thought Trint as he lost himself in the story.

While learning more about the Colosseum Trint also learned some new facts about where he lived. Though he already knew that the city he lived in was the city capital of Cravas he was unaware that this world held a monarchy similar to his previous world. This was something he seemed to have missed in his learning of his new life.

'It is quite odd how to worlds could have the same system in place.' thought Trint as he brushed it off as coincidence.

Returning from his sidetrack thoughts he focused his attention on the cute girl in front of him who seemed to be a wellspring of knowledge at least on this subject. She was shorter than Trint by a whole head but she held herself with an attitude of noble that made her seem older than she was. Her hair was brown yet it was braided in a cute way with a bow made by the hair before flowing down her head with a normal braid design. Though Trint could not tell what the style was it did not stop him from being able to appreciate the added beauty it gave. Her eyes were brown too but this was a normal occurrence for children at Trint's age up until their awakening if they were so blessed to be awakened. Though her cheeks were dotted with freckles that added more beauty to the already adorable young girl before him.

Trint had to admit that she was cute for her age and most likely would grow up to be a real beauty though for now, she was just an adorable young girl who was the daughter of Uncle Zorin.

Brom and Zorin smiled to each other as they watched their young son and daughter getting along.

Zorin approached Trint while they were talking he stopped and listened to his daughter's story for a moment and smiled before he interrupted the little tale, "so Trint are you becoming good friends with my daughter Melody."

Looking up from Melody Trint smiled at Zorin and replied, "Of course Uncle Zorin Melody was telling me about the Colosseum."

"Is that so, well that is definitely a great story. But it seems she has missed an important fact that is in this tale."

Fascinated Trint questioned, "Is that so Uncle Zorin?"

Zorin simply nodded at Trint's question as a grin grew on his face, he could tell he had the boys attention.

Seeing as Zorin only nodded yet did not seem to care to elaborate further Trint started to grow restless with curiosity.

"So what is the important fact about this story?" Asked Trint with a yearning look drawn upon his face.

"Well let's see what was it again," mumbled Zorin as he tried to grow the anticipation in the young lad.

Upset that her father stole her spotlight Melody crossed her arms and pouted though she too grew interested in what her father was going to add.

"Ah right that's it the important fact was…" he stalled his sentence for a moment to drag the curiosity out more.

" That the Sage was in fact an avid collector of…" he paused for dramatic effect as he stared into Trint's and his daughter's eyes while he also noticed that even his wife and son along with Trint's family had looked over with interest. "Cats! Fluffy tiny cats, he simply loved them so much that he was also nicknamed the Sage of the felines." With the last sentence left to processes through his avid audience's mind Zorin stove to hold back the mighty laugh that was building up inside of him.

"Ha...Haa...Haa!" Trint began to laugh as well as the rest of the group that seemed to feel funny that they were so easily fooled by Zorin.

"Hmph." snorted Melody in annoyance that though the joke was funny he stole her limelight from her new found friend for a joke.

"Ahem." Zorin cleared his throat before he quickly changed the subject since he noticed his daughter's annoyance at his intrusion. "Anyway Trint other than my daughter Melody who you have met let me introduce you to my son."

With the attention drawn away from the joke, Zorin waved his hand towards a young boy who though similar in stature to Trint obviously was a bit older.

"Hi my name is Vincent it is pleasure to make your acquaintance!" Chirped Vincent as he greeted Trint with a slight bow before standing up and presenting a warm smile that was slightly goofy. This slightly mimicked his father's trademark grin.

Vincent was a handsome boy for his age though he stood only about as high as Trint who was a turn younger than him.

After introducing himself in a noble but charming way Trint bowed in return as a smile too grew on his face.

"It too is a pleasure to meet you."

Seeing Trint return his greeting with equal joy Vincent felt more excited to make a new friend and with that his smile only grew even goofier.

After Trint greeted the two siblings Rodric followed suit and soon the two families were properly introduced.

With the meet and greet out of the way it was now time to head into the Colosseum, passing through the vip entrance the roars of the crowd could be heard as the opening entertainment was underway.

The hall leading to the viewing area was dim even though the walls depicted scenes of heroic battles between warriors, mages and beast. While more colorful glyphs danced around the scenes and added an effect that felt as if one was walking through a kaleidoscope. While in the distance the slightly muffled sound of the roaring crowd added an odd mystical feeling to the path.

Soon the two families's reached the private viewing area which was reserved for the Grey family. The light from the arena blinded Trint while the roars of the crowd grew louder. As his eyes adjusted to the light he was now able to see what the crowd was going crazy for, within the ring, there was a bunch of men and women fighting against a gigantic beast.

Around the beast and all over the stage where torn bodies of fallen contestants. At the moment that Trint saw the beast another unfortunate human was swept away into huge jaws of the beast before being crushed to death and thrown aside.