
Chapter 85

Josh silently passed the gun to Cam, kissed the top of Sara’s head, and turned back to JD. Nolan was still staring at Marco’s prone form, but JD looked mostly bored. Josh bent and picked up the tie, then pulled his lighter out of his pocket and dropped to his haunches beside her.

“This place is still going to burn. I’m assuming you’d rather not be here when it happens.”

Her eyes narrowed in shrewd calculation. “What are you suggesting?”

“Let it go, JD. Find something else to do with your time. Because if anythingever happens to Sara again, I’m coming after you. I will hold you personally responsible. I know it sounds like I’m asking you to destroy your career, but I’m not. You keep your mouth shut and redirect your efforts, and I won’t leave you down here.”

Her gaze flickered to Nolan. “And what about him?”

“Leave him to me,” Cam said from the doorway.