
Chapter 71

“Do you have any food?” Josh called out, determined to seem as normal as possible. She couldn’t think he viewed her as the enemy. They were friends again, united against the common enemy and true bad guy—David Nolan.

JD came strolling back in, buttoning up her jeans. “We’ll grab something along the way.” She tossed him a heavy key ring. “Let’s go.”

Josh opened the door and gestured for her to lead. She walked like a woman who didn’t have a care in the world, like they really were just going on a bit of a road trip. “Just like old times, huh?”

She responded by flashing a smile over her shoulder, and Josh felt sick again. When the dust settled on this, he was going to lose everybody, and everything, he had ever really cared about. Given what Sara had been forced to endure, that seemed fair.

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