
Chapter 5

“I brought some clothes and a first-aid kit,” Josh said, brushing her dirty hair away from her brow.

“Maybe we should put her in the bath,” Cameron suggested. He sat on the opposite side of the bed, picking up Sara’s hand to hold it in his palm. The contrast between hers and Cam’s skin was almost gone; her caramel-colored skin was now sallow from lack of sunlight. “I think she’d like that.”

“Yeah.” If Sara were awake, she’d probably want nothing more than a bath. When would she wake up? Would she ever wake up? What if she didn’t? The stray thought made Josh ill, but he couldn’t abandon the question. It needed to be considered. Needed to be answered. “I’ll fill the tub.”

Cam’s hand caught his arm before he could move to the bathroom. “You’re dead on your feet. Get undressed and get in first, and I’ll bring Sara in. You can hold her while I clean her up.”